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My Altay, this romance is guarded

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With the popularity of the short play My Altay

Altay, Xinjiang has become the focus of the audience

Poetry and Distance

Altay governs six counties and one city

From Haba River, the "Birch Green City", to

"Border Town of Fairy Tales" Burqin

From the "Millennium Pasture Road" leading to summer pastures to

The beautiful hometown of "Koktohai Shepherd"

Many netizens exclaimed

"The mood of wanting to go to Altay has reached the peak!"

The more beautiful the scenery is, the more it needs to be protected by law

As stated in My Altay

In Kazakh

"I like you"


"I see you clearly"

I hope Altay's beauty can be seen by more people

In this romance

It should include rule of law and procuratorial protection

The scenic spot is in the Haba River, "Birch Green City"

"In the distance is a snow mountain, near is a dense forest, and at the foot is a meadow. The clouds in the sky are very low, showing a thick white. Altai's deep mountains and pastures are beautiful, and Kazakh herdsmen live by water and grass."

My Altay is mainly set in Habahe County, where Batai's horse riding ranch, "Zhang Fengxia's canteen" and "Batai Tree" are located. The Haba River is located at the northernmost edge of Xinjiang. Because there is the largest natural birch forest in China, it is also known as "China's first birch forest", "Ehe Yaogu · Birch Green City".

The public interest litigation procurator of the People's Procuratorate of Habahe County told the reporter that, for this reason, they went deep into the birch forest for field investigation. When the means of transportation were not available, they walked there. It was normal to walk more than 10 kilometers every day.

After completing the investigation, the procuratorate shall timely prepare and issue procuratorial suggestions to relevant departments, and urge functional departments to implement their responsibilities and rectify in a timely manner.

At the same time, the Institute will combine the fight against criminal crimes against grassland and woodland with the promotion of grassland and woodland and resource protection, take the "professional supervision+restorative justice+socialized governance" ecological procuratorial case handling mode as the practical path to promote high-quality green development, promote the restoration of damaged grassland and woodland, and build an important ecological security barrier in Habahe County.

The procurators of Habahe County went to Baihaba Village to carry out legal publicity. (Picture source: pictures provided by respondents)

Now, more and more tourists come to Haba River to "punch in". The procurators of the People's Procuratorate of Habahe County use weekends and holidays to set up publicity boards and banners in various scenic spots, distribute brochures, receive public consultation and other forms to carry out public interest litigation publicity activities.

There's a prosecutor's office on the glacier

The glacier at the highest peak of Sawur Mountain in Jimunai County has a romantic name - Muse Island. The glacial meltwater here is the lifeblood of more than 40000 people, 200000 livestock, 120000 mu of arable land, and hundreds of thousands of mu of valley forests in the county.

In view of the problem of destroying the ecological environment of glacial waters and polluting rural drinking water sources, Jimunai County Procuratorate took the initiative to win strong support from the local party committee and government, and took a series of measures to prevent the destruction of the ecological environment of glacial waters and pollution of water sources.

In 2023, Jimunai County Procuratorate set up a prosecutor's office in Sawur Glacier, where two prosecutors and two clerks carried out daily procuratorial services. The procuratorate has also established a public interest litigation cooperation mechanism with the county water conservancy bureau to carry out the environmental protection of glacier waters regularly, which not only protects the surrounding environment of glaciers, but also ensures the safety of people's drinking water.

Only by guarding the "water of life" can Kazak herdsmen continue their nomadic life for thousands of years. Teng Congcong, the director and writer of My Altay, once said that my Altay did not describe nomadic life as a simple pastoral song. Hard and heavy work is daily, and it is also the pleasure and dignity of a large and lonely life, and it is the admiration and awe of life.

"In Li Juan's Altay world, everything has a spirit, which is a happy unity with nature. Only the strictest rule of law can provide a reliable guarantee for the construction of ecological civilization." said Talifen Jiefang, a public interest litigation inspector of Burqin County Procuratorate.

In the primitive Gobi Desert in the north of Kalamagai Town, Fuhai County, there is a thousand mile grazing road from the spring and autumn pasture to the summer pasture of the Kazakh nationality.

"With the development of agricultural farmland in recent years, the vast primitive Gobi desert and the national wetland park have been continuously eroded by agricultural farmland and damaged to varying degrees." The procurator of the Fuhai County Procuratorate told reporters that after receiving the clues, the court invited the assistant procurator of the Fuhai County Natural Resources Bureau to participate in the procuratorate's case handling team, To ensure that the advantages of administrative organs in professional fields are effectively brought into play, the scope and location of ecological environment damage are verified and confirmed on the spot, the intelligence and "external brain" are used to promote the quality and efficiency of case handling, and professional forces are used to promote the high-quality development of procuratorial work.

Guarding the "Fairy Tale Border Town"

We don't know the beauty of Xinjiang until we reach Kanas. Kanas Lake is located in Burqin County, Altay region. It is a charming small county located between the vast grassland and the magnificent Tianshan Mountains. It has fascinating natural scenery and unique cultural customs, and is known as the "fairy tale border city".

In 2019, during the performance of their duties, members of the "Fairy Tale Border Town Protector" team of Burqin County Procuratorate found that in order to meet the needs of production, operation and domestic water consumption, individual projects under construction used wells and pumps to take water, and did not handle any water licensing procedures or pay the corresponding water resources fees. Accordingly, the court issued procuratorial suggestions to the county water conservancy bureau in accordance with the law to promote the comprehensive rectification of similar problems in the county.

The procurators of Burqin County Procuratorate went to Hemu Scenic Spot to carry out legal publicity for tourists. (Picture source: pictures provided by respondents)

In addition, team members often go deep into the pastoral area, use UAVs to take aerial photos of the damaged grassland, collect relevant materials, serve the ecological governance in Altay by holding public service litigation and public hearing, and carry out various legal services in the pastoral area, such as ecological environment public service litigation, judicial assistance, etc, Let farmers and herdsmen feel the judicial temperature in remote pastoral areas.

The Koktokay, which was known to the outside world because of the song "Shepherd of Koktokay", is actually in Fuyun County. There is no "sea" here, but there is a "natural geological museum" recognized by the global geological community - the No.3 ore vein of Kokto Sea.

In the 1960s, the rare mineral products of Koktohai No.3 ore vein were used to repay the country's huge foreign debt; The rare metals used in the atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and other nuclear tests made in China mainly come from this mine, which has made an important contribution to the successful launch of China's "two bombs and one satellite" and national defense construction. It is known as the "hero mine" and "meritorious mine". Now the mine vein (site) has been transformed into the Koktokay World Geopark.

The procurators of Fuyun County Procuratorate found that most of the green plants planted around the No. 3 mine vein withered due to lack of water, and irrigation droppers and other supporting facilities were damaged, which not only affected the town's tourism and ecological environment, but also caused losses of state-owned property and damaged the national interests and social and public interests.

The procurators of Fuyun County Procuratorate used drones to collect evidence on the bank of Ertix River. (Picture source: pictures provided by respondents)

In August 2023, the court held a public announcement service meeting on the procuratorial proposal for the administrative public interest litigation case of ecological protection around the No. 3 mine vein in the county. The proposed unit said that it would conscientiously implement and quickly rectify, earnestly perform its regulatory responsibilities, support the legal supervision work of the procuratorial organ in future work, and timely feed back the implementation of rectification to the procuratorial organ.

Let the "beaver family" rejuvenate

In addition to snow mountains, glaciers, rivers, deserts and oases, Altay has many special "elves". Mengxin beaver is a national first-class protected animal. It is a species that survived in the early Pleistocene of the Quaternary period 2 million years ago, and is called "living fossil".

Burgen Beaver Reserve is also the only national nature reserve for beavers in China. There are 162 Mongolian and New Beavers in the reserve.

Since 2022, the procurators of Qinghe County Procuratorate, together with the relevant principals of Bulgen Beaver National Nature Reserve, have gone deep into the Bulgen River basin for many times to investigate the living environment of beavers and sign the Cooperation Agreement. Over the past two years, with the continuous efforts of both sides, the ecological environment of the Burgen River has been significantly improved, and the "beaver family" has been revitalized.

On July 29, 2022, the chief procurator of Qinghe County Procuratorate, Muheyati, led the police of the First Procuratorate, together with the relevant leaders of Xinjiang Bulgen Beaver National Nature Reserve, went deep into the Bulgen River basin to conduct field research on the living environment of beavers. (Picture source: pictures provided by respondents)

In recent years, the procuratorial organs at two levels in Altay have actively served the overall situation, explored the rule of law code for the development of culture and tourism, sung the beautiful melody of ecological civilization, and spared no effort to protect snow mountains, glaciers, rivers, deserts, oases Animal and plant biodiversity and other natural resources.

"As a cultural relics protection worker, the procuratorial organ handles public interest litigation cases in the field of ecological environment with high quality and efficiency, which are highly concerned by the party committee and the government and strongly reflected by the people, making me place higher expectations and more attention on the public interest litigation procuratorial work in the new era." Zhuoya Bahati, a representative of the National People's Congress and a member of the Altay Cultural Museum, told reporters, "Through contact and understanding, I deeply felt the efforts and achievements made by the procuratorial organs at two levels in Altay in adhering to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, and focusing on the protection of ecological environment and resources. It is hoped that the procuratorial organ can further expand and deepen the field of handling cases of ecological environmental public interest litigation, extend the tentacles of public interest litigation, improve the methods of investigation and verification by the procuratorial organ, improve the quality and efficiency of public interest litigation cases, and fully protect the green waters and green mountains in Xinjiang. "

(Source: WeChat official account of the magazine Fangyuan Author: Liu Ya He Haiyan Dina Yelkenbuick)

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