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Reduce salary by 8.5 million yuan and re sign Clippers! The distance from greatness is getting farther and farther, and you have no power to change the outcome

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When seeing the performance of the Lone Ranger and Thunder in the semi-finals of the western region, especially after winning the Tianwang Mountain, this series is currently in the lead, and it is the Lone Ranger who gets the match point. Obviously, in addition to these two teams, the Los Angeles Clippers is undoubtedly the most impressive. Many Clippers journalists lamented the team's bad luck on social media. Most of the reporters' comments were about injuries. As one Clippers reporter said, if Cowyleonard was healthy, the Clippers could easily reach the Western Conference finals. The salary will be cut by 8.5 million yuan, and the express boat will be signed again. It is impossible to pursue greatness. You deeply feel the feeling of powerlessness.

And if, not only does competitive sports have "if", but it is also the Clippers who are most afraid to see the word "if", because they have too many "if". Most of them are around Leonard. Year after year, the Clippers ended the season with the same story almost every time in the past four seasons. Although the process will be different, the core problem is always the injury, and most of it is Leonard. Now when we talk about Clippers, we will think about their injuries. "Off season champion" is also the label given by the fans to the Clippers' championship. We all say that it is not good luck to be injured twice or once, but it is a bit unreasonable to end the season ahead of schedule due to injuries for three consecutive years.

This season, when the Clippers have made great strides in the regular season, many people are worried about their injuries. Unfortunately, Leonard still didn't make Clippers fans proud this time. He fell down again before the playoffs, and was basically in a state of depression. Does Leonard really want to see such a situation? If asked after the 19-20 season, I don't know how to answer it, because Leonard is really carrying out load management. He is not a qualified leader, and no one can guess what he is thinking. When he was absent, Leonard didn't even appear on the bench sometimes.

But after the end of this season, although the response to those crazy criticisms was very weak, I can certainly believe that this situation must not be what Leonard wants to see. If he is still selfish and only considers his own health, G2G3 Leonard will not fight with injury. I still remember that after the absence of G1 Leonard, the most doubtful comment on his appearance was that the fans did not need to worry about Leonard's going to play with injuries. Among the leaders of the whole league, Leonard was the most "concerned" about himself. As long as there were some problems with his knee, he would not play. In the face of such satire, Leonard's fans have nothing to say, because it is true. This time, however, the situation was different. Even though his knee did not recover, and even though he was staggering on the court, Leonard still chose to stand with the team.

In more than a month, Leonard will be 33 years old. Over the years, it can be seen that he has grown a lot, especially in mentality. He began to mature and knew what a mature leader should do. In addition, Leonard has received enough love in the Clippers these years. No one criticized him like the Spurs did. He was questioned because of his injury. The team has given Leonard enough respect. As long as he feels bad, he will rest. After all this, Leonard is still a qualified leader in his health, although he still doesn't talk much. He is selfless and does not pursue data, but he can stand up when the team is at stake to save them.

But the truth is that Leonard's knee may have been unable to support an entire season. This season, after Harden joined, Leonard and George obviously played more easily on the court, and they did less work, especially on the offensive side. They no longer need to hold the ball every time to launch a strong attack. However, Leonard's regular season appearances were still limited to 68. Although this has set a new high in his Clippers career, in retrospect, Leonard's total number of appearances this season is set at 70. To put it mildly, perhaps 6/70 games is Leonard's knee limit in a season.

Two championships and two FMVP trophies, Leonard is healthy enough to support the attack and defense of any team, but he has never entered the regular season MVP discussion ranks, which also makes him a fatal gap with the truly great historical top stars. In the future, let alone chasing MVP, Leonard would have been successful if he could play a full season under the correct arrangement of rotation breaks.

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