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Liver gas blockage, whole body blockage! One Chinese herb can be used to soothe the liver and regulate qi, protect the liver and protect the liver

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Do you often feel depressed and unhappy, always unhappy, irritable, insomnia and dreamy, and have symptoms such as foreign body, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, red eyes, more eyedroppings, bitter mouth, dry throat, yellow urine, dry stool, red tongue coating, etc. in your throat? If so, it is "liver blockage".

TCM calls it "stagnation of liver qi". When liver qi stagnates, it is necessary to dredge the liver and regulate qi in time to prevent the stagnated qi from colluding with the evil qi of phlegm dampness, which will lead to the flourishing of liver fire.

Today, I teach you how to use Chinese medicine to solve liver qi depression. This is the problem that many ancient and modern doctors are good at using raw malt.

As for the effect of malt on soothing the liver and relieving depression, Zhang Xichun, a modern Chinese medical expert, said in the Medical Reference Record that "barley malt is flat in nature and slightly sour in taste. Although it is a medicine for the spleen and stomach, it is beneficial to soothing the liver qi, suitable for production, and useless for frying."

Therefore, when encountering patients with liver depression, Zhang Xichun likes to use raw malt. Some people may say that bupleurum can also soothe the liver, why not use bupleurum, but for many patients, it is mostly manifested as liver depression, and stomach qi does not decline. Although bupleurum can raise the liver, it can also reverse stomach qi, so nausea, anorexia, abdominal distension and other problems will occur.

Raw malt and ganping, returning to the spleen and stomach meridian; It has the function of promoting qi and digestion, strengthening spleen and appetizing stomach. While relieving liver depression, don't forget to take care of the spleen and stomach and the source of human qi and blood biochemistry. This is also the reason why Zhang Xishan used raw malt to soothe the liver.

In addition, stagnation of liver qi is most likely to affect the spleen and stomach, affecting the digestion and absorption function of the spleen and stomach, and even leading to symptoms such as splenomegaly, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, etc. Due to the close relationship between liver wood and spleen soil, patients with liver disease should not only nourish the liver, but also pay attention to the regulation of the spleen and stomach.

The raw malt can soothe the liver, has a flat nature, and has no cold and heat bias. It is more suitable for long-term recuperation of patients with liver disease. All kinds of diseases caused by liver depression, such as ruffian, fullness, stuffiness, bloating, falling, pain, bitterness, anorexia, depression, etc., All are indications for malting.

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