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Taiwan beer cannot be imported into the mainland, and Wang Dingyu of the Democratic Progressive Party threatens to retaliate by banning Yanjing beer from the mainland

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Taiwan enterprises have been banned from entering the mainland market because they failed to complete the registration procedures in time as required. Among them, there are agricultural and fishery products such as squid as well as drinks such as Golden Gate Sorghum Wine, Taiwan Beer, and Apple Sida. As always, the DPP authorities threw the blame on the mainland, and the enterprises involved lied that the mainland required them to hand over the secret formula before releasing. Wang Dingyu, the Democratic Progressive Party's legislative representative, even threatened to retaliate against mainland enterprises, claiming that Taiwan should ban Yanjing Beer and other liquor brands in the mainland. Unexpectedly, the operation and sales of Yanjing Beer in Taiwan are actually in the charge of Yanjing Beer's partner "Love Flavor" Group in Taiwan. Moreover, Wang Dingyu's speech also revealed the truth of this incident. It turns out that Taiwan also has the same standards as the mainland when importing food, requiring enterprises to mark the details and ingredients of additives in products. It was precisely because the Democratic Progressive Party played tricks in the dark that it caused trouble on both sides of the Taiwan Straits.

Wang Dingyu Threatens Retaliation

Yanjing Beer is a best-selling brand in mainland China and formally entered the Taiwan market in 2011. It chose to cooperate with enterprises in Taiwan, which was also the golden age of cross-strait economic and trade cooperation. According to media reports: "In 2011, Yanjing Beer and Taiwan Aizhiwei Co., Ltd. jointly set up 'Yanjing Aizhiwei International Co., Ltd.' by contributing 40 million Hong Kong dollars respectively to introduce Yanjing Beer to the Taiwan market." Love Flavor Company is a food company in Chiayi County, Taiwan Province. It was founded in 1971 and mainly produces drinks, cans and condiments. In the 1980s and 1990s, Taiwan ushered in a period of development and prosperity. Love Flavor also actively became bigger and stronger, and invited Guo Fucheng to act as its spokesperson. In 1991, the advertisement of "Langqing Chocolate" endorsed by Guo Fucheng triggered a popular trend in the island. This chocolate is the product of Love Flavor Company.

Aizhiwei Company

In 2011, Aizhiwei entered the beer industry and became the general agent of Yanjing Beer in Taiwan. The company established by the two companies is also widely praised in the island, and has sold 130000 cases of Yanjing Beer in the half year since it just entered the Taiwan market. In 2002, when Tsingtao Beer from the mainland entered the Taiwan market, it also became the top selling brand in Taiwan's imported beer within three months of entering the market, accounting for 7.5% of Taiwan's total beer sales. This shows that the beer brands in the mainland have a very good influence in Taiwan. This is also the reason why Wang Dingyu, the DPP's thug, will focus on mainland beer brands such as Yanjing Beer and Tsingtao Beer. However, it is said that a thousand wounded enemies will lose eight hundred. Yanjing Beer and Taiwan's Love Flavor Company are interdependent, and they are both external and internal. The Democratic Progressive Party's hasty ban can only be self imposed. In addition, Aizhiwei Company is also located in Chiayi County, Taiwan Province, which is one of the only five counties and cities that the DPP still has. The power of the DPP is widely operated here. If it really hurts the local big enterprises, the future election of the DPP here is really worrying.

Yanjing Brewery

The DPP's disastrous defeat in the local county mayor election this year has been a red eye. They need a breakthrough to release their emotions and restore the confidence of voters. However, they did not dare to sanction some projects that would hurt them. After checking, they only prohibited the entry of turnips, jasmine flowers and spices from the mainland into Taiwan, which was considered a form of revenge. It can be seen that the confidence of the Tsai Ing wen authorities is very weak, and they dare not fight with the mainland. What is more important is that this disturbance by Wang Dingyu also let another lie of the Democratic Progressive Party go unsolved. That is, Wang Dingyu's Taiwan Jiade Bakery, which was actively promoted before, lied that the mainland required it to hand over the secret recipe when registering in order to splash dirty water on the mainland. However, in the mainland's registration form, only the name, origin and proportion of raw materials and ingredients are required to be indicated, which is not the so-called secret recipe of the DPP. As a result, Wang Dingyu's statement that he wanted to sanction Yanjing Beer gave the media a deep clue. It was found that the relevant regulations and requirements for foreign food entering Taiwan Island in Taiwan Island were highly similar to those in the mainland, both belonging to the same model.

Registration Form of Taiwan Province

In the international arena, there is a systematic system to manage the acceptance, processing, manufacturing, storage and transportation of food raw materials. This system was invented by Americans and later widely adopted by the international community. Both the mainland and Taiwan Province carry out food control under this mode, so the content and requirements are largely the same. When accepting foreign food, Taiwan Province also requires it to indicate the ingredients, content and other information. The basic purpose of the DPP's blatant lie this time is to provoke confrontation and hostility between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits again. Unexpectedly, Wang Dingyu wanted to increase his weight further, but he was caught. The whole story was uncovered and the whole set of lies collapsed. As the saying goes, you can't walk by the river without wetting your shoes. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has told countless lies during its nearly seven years in power, but now it has been backfired. It is not only unable to justify itself, but also seen through by ordinary people at the grass-roots level. This is also an important reason why the Democratic Progressive Party was defeated in the election of county mayors in Taiwan. However, the Democratic Progressive Party seems to have no intention of introspection at all. It still needs to create new lies to disturb the public.

Mainland registration requirements

Dong Zhisen, a well-known media person in Taiwan, regards the DPP as an "evil political group", and "unscrupulous" is its most obvious label. This cross-strait trade disturbance has touched the core interests of the Democratic Progressive Party in southern Taiwan. Many farmers and fishermen have suffered business losses, but the Democratic Progressive Party is helpless. For a long time, the mainland's Taiwan preference policy did not refer to political positions and political propositions. Many diehard fans and senior cadres of the Democratic Progressive Party have taken a free ride and made a lot of money. However, the mainland has recognized this problem in recent years, and the future life of the Democratic Progressive Party will be more and more difficult. As the leader of the Democratic Progressive Party is replaced by Lai Qingde, the whole Democratic Progressive Party will inevitably undergo new changes, and the future between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits will be full of uncertainties again. Lai Qingde is a doctor. Unlike Cai Yingwen, a law graduate who likes to play language games, Lai Qingde's means of provoking cross-strait relations will be more brutal and vicious.

Xue Ruiyuan

Xue Ruiyuan, the head of Taiwan's health department, said when he prohibited the white radish and jasmine from entering the market in the mainland, that the health inspection authorities in Taiwan are now conducting "100% inspection by batch" And they also claimed that "Containers of food exported from the mainland have violated the regulations for many times". This is a signal that the future struggle between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits will become more detailed and complex, and the mainland should make adequate preparations. As the saying goes, as long as the mainland has established rules and strictly implemented them without leaving any back door, everything will be done according to the rules and regulations, which will certainly defeat the arrogance of the DPP and make them pay the price they deserve.

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