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Blocking TikTok and Huawei, what's the next step? One article explains the truth of "American chess game"

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In human history, scholars have found that——

In some cultures, it is right to kill tribal members over 40 years old; Cannibals believe that cannibalism is morally permissible. These distorted ideas are based on the absolute control of one party over the other.

Similarly, when a power is maintained for a period of time, its elite class will solidify a kind of thinking, that is, power is axiom.

Starting from an attack type nuclear submarine

In 1984, in the Sea of Japan, the US Navy's aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk and the South Korean Navy held a joint maritime exercise code named "spirit of cooperation".

During the exercise, everything went well. The soldiers of the two navies even talked and laughed when they returned to Hong Kong.

But when most of the soldiers got off the ship, the maintenance personnel in charge of inspection suddenly found that there was a small hole in the bottom of the aircraft carrier "Little Eagle", which frightened the domineering US Navy.

In fact, the damage of the Kitty Hawk was very small. What really frightened the US Navy was that the hole in the bottom of the ship was apparently caused by a slight collision with a submarine.

However, no foreign submarines were found during the exercise on the same day, and the US and South Korean navies did not arrange their own submarines to participate in the exercise.

Silently, it evades the sonar detection of the United States. Such submarines pose a great threat to the United States Navy.

Subsequently, the archives of the incident were placed on the desk of the CIA of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States. Shortly afterwards, a new type of submarine information being developed by the former Soviet Union was matched - 971 attack type nuclear submarine, named by NATO: Akula (shark).

Former Soviet Union "Akula" Attacks Nuclear Submarine

In that era when the Cold War was in full swing, the United States and the Soviet Union planted a large number of spies in each country. The Akula submarine is no longer a secret to the CIA, but the CIA did not expect that its mute performance is so strong.

Later, CIA made key penetration into the submarine manufacturing industry of the former Soviet Union, and the feedback information found that the processing and manufacturing capacity of the former Soviet Union had made a great breakthrough.

Then a report was submitted to Ronald Reagan, the then President of the United States.

According to the report, since 1980, companies from Norway, France, West Germany, Italy and Japan have successively sold precision machine tools to the Soviet Union, which helped the Soviet Union improve the precision of submarine processing.

When Reagan saw such a report, he was surprised. However, the key result that made him concerned was not the investigation of the reason for the improvement of Soviet submarine performance, but the name of a country that appeared in the report - Japan.

Seemingly familiar suppression policy

Since the 1950s after the end of World War II, the United States has exported its industrial technology to Japan. A large amount of capital and relatively cheap labor costs in Japan have made it develop rapidly in just 20 to 30 years.

By the 1980s, Japan had not only possessed the production capacity of primary industrial products, but also demonstrated strong market competitiveness in many fields, including semiconductor, precision processing, household appliances and even automobiles.

At that time, the US trade deficit in goods with Japan soared to US $50 billion.

It is precisely because of industrial transfer that industrial centers in the Midwest and Northeast of the United States have become "rust belt", and the domestic economy of the United States is struggling.

The western financial media commented on Japan at that time: "Because there was no bankruptcy clause for Japan's large companies (the Japanese government's policy was biased), it meant that Japanese companies always beat everyone when competing for market share, and American and European companies could not compete at all."

Japanese enterprises use the strategy of "same quality but always 10% lower price" to crush similar American products, while Toshiba, Hitachi and other enterprises, as leaders in the global semiconductor industry, have also brought tremendous pressure to their American counterparts.

At that time, a large number of Japanese products flooded into the American market, and Americans were immersed in a complex emotion of both admiration and hostility to Japanese products.

Professor Johnson of the University of California, San Diego, said that if you are a consumer, it is very cost-effective to buy Japanese goods in the short term. In the long run, it is a disaster.

It is in this economic and era background that the United States, Britain, France and Germany signed the Plaza Agreement with Japan in 1985. Later, when Reagan saw the report above, the further suppression of Japanese enterprises began.

In 1985, the United States government showed the report of "selling precision machine tools to the Soviet Union", in which all European companies were not mentioned at all, but the name of Toshiba, a Japanese company, was highlighted.

In the United States, from the government to the public, a public opinion against Japanese enterprises, especially Toshiba, has suddenly formed. The US Congress also listed Toshiba as a company that poses a threat to national security.

In 1986, the Japanese government was forced to sign the U.S. - Japan Semiconductor Agreement with the United States. Since then, Japanese semiconductors can only be exported to the United States at a limited price, and corporate profits have declined year by year.

US Congressman smashes Toshiba Radio

On June 30, 1987, in front of the United States Capitol, several members of Congress threw sledgehammers at a Toshiba radio.

In the same year, the United States imposed 100% punitive tariffs on Japan's $330 million worth of storage.

In the face of American power, the Japanese government had no resistance. The then Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone personally went to Washington to apologize to the United States. And Toshiba's chairman, Koichi Aoki, promised to "never make mistakes again".

Even Japan's own media are biased towards the United States. The Sankei Shimbun published a comment saying that Toshiba's practice is not enough to make Japan "commit suicide in the stomach".

In 1989, the United States again signed an unequal treaty with Japan, the Japan US Semiconductor Safeguard Agreement, forcing Japan to open its intellectual property rights in the semiconductor industry.

In that era, many Chinese people still remember an advertisement - "Toshiba, Toshiba, Toshiba in the new era", that is, since then Toshiba has declined.

The United States is the most protectionist economy on earth

In many cases, the national image publicized in the media is far from the truth.

For example, in 1988, just after the United States sanctioned Toshiba, President Reagan made a speech praising free trade. He called for rejecting protectionism and said that the key factor behind the great prosperity of the United States was open trade.

Of course, this is sheer nonsense.

History has proved that only when the United States has established economic hegemony will it abolish protectionism and promote free trade and free markets.

The reality also proves that when the time comes to 2024, when the United States again faces competition from China, the trade war will start again.

So, who are the protectionist economies in the United States? What kind of role is it playing?

First of all, the first role is the American monopoly enterprises, who demand protection.

In 2022, the Washington Post reported that Facebook and its parent company Meta employed dozens of advertising media companies in the United States. They spread propaganda and produced false information, demonized TikTok, and lobbied the U.S. government to ban TikTok.

Because TikTok is one of Meta's biggest competitors.

Meta is related to the interests of governments at all levels in the United States. They have signed many contracts worth billions of dollars.

More importantly, Meta is not only associated with the U.S. government, but also employs a company closely related to the U.S. Republican Party. This company describes TikTok as the so-called threat of Chinese communism, and also describes TikTok as a threat to American children, although Meta has information on TikTok.

Next, the second role is American politicians, even the President of the United States, who need more votes.

If enterprises seek protection, they will "express their sincerity" to the government, and more importantly, they will throw a "vote" to the president.

The New York Times once reported that during Trump and Biden's presidential campaign, Meta helped Trump's election team disclose personal information of more than 50 million private users (about one third of Facebook's active users in North America). Meta provides tools to identify the personality of these users, and push ads affect voting behavior.

After the enterprises, politicians throw out all kinds of distorted statements to mislead the people and obtain more votes.

For example, a common saying recently is that the reason why TikTok is prohibited is that there are many anti Israel propaganda on it.

In fact, this is totally ridiculous. There are so many pro Palestinian content on TikTok, not because the algorithm is promoting it. On the contrary, this is because most of the users on TikTok are young people. The vast majority of young people support Palestine and oppose Israel's war crimes and colonial policies.

American students protest against Israel

For another example, the US government claims that Huawei 5G threatens national security. However, the fact is that Huawei's 5G equipment was suppressed precisely because it refused to open the back door to the US intelligence department and to allow Americans to monitor the world.

The information that the American people get is that the government has banned Huawei, which is to protect the information security of everyone and prevent the loss of jobs due to competition. But the fact is that Apple has also been sheltered to some extent by the US government.

Finally, the third role is to follow other countries of the United States, such as India

Modi, leader of the BJP, is a very pro American person.

For many years, the United States has been trying to woo India to encircle China. Both Obama and Trump have done this, and Biden has certainly continued this cooperation.

As early as 2020, India banned 59 major Chinese applications, including TikTok. When members of the US Congress supported the prohibition of TikTok, they also cited India as an example.

However, what is the result of India's ban on TikTok?

In fact, if you look at the social media market share in India today, the top ranked Facebook and Instagram are owned by Meta, YouTube is owned by Google, and there is no Indian company.

India follows the United States' approach, which can only be said that Modi has obtained the maximum support from the United States, but the Indian people's media information channels are completely manipulated by the United States.

What China is doing and should do in the face of power

It can be said that if this trade war between China and the United States had been fought 20 years earlier, we would be no match at all, just like Japan. But now we have absolutely the power of a war and are more likely to win.

First of all, in terms of international influence, the United States has fallen behind.

For example, the recently held United Nations General Assembly voted for Palestine to join the UN, and the result was 143 in favor, 25 abstentions, and 9 against, including the United States.

Whether it is excessive favoritism towards Israel, provoking the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, or constantly increasing interest rates to boost the economies of various countries. The military stick and the hegemony of the US dollar that the United States used to rely on are being criticized and challenged by countries all over the world.

Secondly, China's manufacturing industry is the support of the world.

Even though China's labor cost has risen, it relies on a sound supply chain, strong infrastructure logistics construction, and efficient and intelligent labor. Today, China's overall manufacturing cost and efficiency are still unique in the world. Good quality and inexpensive goods are popular with people all over the world, and they are also the key to helping countries around the world stabilize prices.

Even now, some countries, including the United States, have transferred some industries to Southeast Asia and Mexico, but through research, you can find that although products in these regions are labeled "Made in Vietnam", "Made in Mexico", and "Made in India", in fact, most of them just "put a label" on almost finished products produced in China.

Third, we should continue to build our own domestic demand market.

Take automobiles as an example. China is the largest automobile consumption market in the world. Even though the United States has imposed a 100% tariff increase, Chinese automobile enterprises still have a basic position at home.

Busy Beijing Auto Show

Including photovoltaic, lithium batteries, electric vehicles, and even various types of industrial products, China's domestic demand digestion capacity is enough to give our enterprises a certain living space. Through domestic polishing, our products can only become more and more competitive internationally.

Finally, the Chinese government is not the Japanese government. We love Huawei and TikTok.

The Chinese will not sign unequal agreements with the United States or any other country. We love our enterprises wholeheartedly and support domestic products from the government to the people.

Not long ago, U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raymond said that she very much hoped that the continuous cooperation between the United States and the European Union would slow down China's innovation speed and reduce China's competitive strength.

"Washington is making every effort to prevent China from acquiring the most advanced technology, which is the goal of the United States."

It is obvious that the current American enterprises, politicians and even "follower countries" rely on the United States and rely on American enterprise monopoly.

In this way, they can extract the wealth of countries around the world and exploit the labor of people around the world. So that other countries can never catch up with the same level of economic development.

The plan to ban TikTok and block Huawei is only part of this larger technological and economic war.

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