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Behind Lin Junjie's roll call: He has attracted money for 10 years in half a year. "Ticket refunds are different" in many star concerts

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Lin Junjie's opening picture in 10 places in the first half of the year/Lin Junjie's microblog

On May 13, Lin Junjie's concert in Lanzhou sold out immediately after the ticket was issued.

Two days ago, Lin Junjie's concert in Jinan had just ended. From 25th to 26th this month, Suzhou will also start. Under the intensive concert arrangement, the ticket refund policy has also become a "negative teaching material".

On May 9, the Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Commission integrated and analyzed 125676 consumer public opinions in the entertainment market of Jiangsu Province in the past month, and pointed out that the current difficulties in safeguarding the rights of entertainment consumption focused on ticket refund difficulties, false publicity, scalper scalping and other key issues. Among them, Lin Junjie's Tianjin concert "unconditional refund, three tiers of refund", while Suzhou Stadium and Harbin Stadium have four tiers and three tiers of refund respectively, and the refund fees for the three concerts are different. "For the concert of the same singer, the ticket refund policy in different regions is not uniform, which is easy to mislead consumers."

On May 14, Shell Finance reporter of Beijing News saw on the barley APP that after the roll call by Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Commission, the Suzhou concert and Harbin concert where Lin Junjie had not yet performed had not changed the ticket refund policy. In response to this, barley customer service said that as a ticketing agent platform, barley would not participate in the formulation of ticket refund rules and the collection of ticket refund fees for the project, which is subject to the page announcement.

The Beike Finance reporter of the Beijing News found in the Black Cat complaint search that there were more than 22000 complaints about the refund of concert tickets, and many consumers said that there was "difficulty in refunding tickets for the second time" and that they could not refund tickets for special reasons. Also, consumers said on social media that they experienced inconsistency in the refund rules when returning tickets to Barley, and that they were rejected after applying for a refund within 48 hours.

In the first half of the year, the ticket income of Hangzhou exceeded 40 million yuan

The rights protection before the performance mainly focused on the difficulty of ticket refund.

Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Commission pointed out that the ticket refund fees for Lin Junjie's concert in Suzhou on May 25 were divided into four tiers according to the time period: unconditional refund, 20% of the ticket price, 50% of the ticket price, and no refund is supported. According to the ticket price of 380-1880 yuan for his concert, the ticket refund fees ranged from several hundred to nearly one thousand yuan.

It is also Lin Junjie's concert. For the concert in Harbin on June 22, there are three tiers of ticket refunds according to the time: unconditional refund, 30% of the ticket price and no refund; However, there was no unconditional refund rule for the concert in Tianjin on April 13. Ticket refunds were divided into three tiers: 3% of the ticket price, 30% of the ticket price and no refund.

Inconsistency of ticket refund policies for Lin Junjie's three concerts/website of Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Commission

Jiangsu Consumer Protection Commission pointed out that the problems such as inconsistent and opaque charging standards for ticket refund fees of various concerts undoubtedly allowed consumers to pay the ticket price in advance while limiting consumers' right to refund tickets, increasing the burden of consumers' refund. According to the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests and the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, The act of restricting consumers' rights and aggravating consumers' obligations through standard terms should be invalid.

On May 14, Shell Finance reporters called the hosts of Lin Junjie's Tianjin concert, Suzhou concert and Harbin concert respectively, but they were not connected by the time of press release.

Under the concert boom, JJ Lin was also busy making changes.

The reporter of Shell Finance found that from March 16 to June 23, Lin Junjie traveled through 10 cities in the mainland, including Chengdu, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Jinan, Suzhou, Zhengzhou, Guiyang and Harbin, and held two concerts in each place, totaling 20. However, the reporter of Shell Finance saw on the barley APP that the venue of the concert originally scheduled to be held in Zhengzhou on June 1 and June 2 was changed to Nanchang.

From the perspective of concert interval, the transition time of Lin Junjie's concert in different cities ranges from 7 days to 14 days. For example, there are 7 days between Chengdu Station and Hangzhou Station, and 14 days between Jinan Station and Suzhou Station.

According to the barley APP, the tickets for JJ Lin's concert in the first half of the year have been sold out. Take the two concerts held by Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center as an example. The ticket prices ranged from 380 yuan to 1880 yuan. About 120000 fans participated in the two concerts. At the lowest ticket price, the total ticket income of the two concerts is 45.6 million yuan, and at the average ticket price of 1130 yuan, the total ticket income can reach 135.6 million yuan.

The concert heat wave also brings fire to the surrounding products. On the "JJ20" APP, peripheral products, including T-shirts, hats, mini fluorescent sticks, etc., all show that they are sold out. Among them, the cheapest is the 10 yuan environmental shopping bag, the most expensive is the 598 yuan jacket, and many T-shirts sell at about 250 yuan.

The ticket refund policy has become a complaint about the severely affected areas, and Jay Chou and other singers have "different ticket refunds"

In 2024, the domestic concert market will still be hot.

The reporter of Shell Finance found that this year, Jay Chou, Mayday, Zhang Huimei and other singers and bands are also singing intensively. Jay Chou traveled around five cities in the mainland from April to September, and each city has four consecutive performances, a total of 20 performances. The previously controversial Mayday will sing at the Bird's Nest in Beijing from May 18 to June 1, with 10 performances. At present, the tickets have been sold out.

The reporter from Shell Finance saw on the barley APP that it was not an exception that ticket refund policies were not unified in different regions, including Jay Chou, Zhang Huimei, Xu Song and other popular singers. Among them, Jay Chou's ticket refund policy for Fuzhou Concert includes three levels: "unconditional refund, 30% handling fee for refund, and no refund application for any reason", while the ticket refund policy for his concert in Changsha is "unconditional refund, 10% handling fee for refund, 20% renewal fee for refund, and no refund application for any reason".

With the keyword "concert ticket refund", the reporter of Shell Finance found that there were more than 22000 related complaints on Black Cat complaints, involving barley, cat's eye, Xiudong and other platforms, and consumers directly complained about the concert organizers.

There are more than 22000 complaints about concert ticket refunds on Black Cat Complaints/screenshots of Black Cat Complaints

Several complainants said that the closing time of ticket refunds for the second concert was earlier than the time of ticket issuance, and the second concert ticket could not enjoy the same rights of ticket refunds as the first concert ticket.

A fan told the reporter of Shell Finance that he bought the ticket for the second concert of Mayday at 15:55 on April 30, but the ticket refund time stopped at 13:54 on the same day. He was unable to go to the concert due to work reasons, but the ticket refund platform did not support him.

The reporter of Shell Finance saw on the complaint of Black Cat that there were more than 300 complaints of non refundable after purchasing the second invoice of Mayday.

The difficulty in applying for refund due to special reasons has also become a major problem. Some consumers said that because they suddenly found tuberculosis, explained the special situation and applied for refund, Cat's Eye asked them to upload vouchers, but later the platform said that they could not refund tickets. "Let a hospitalized infectious disease patient go to the concert."

Ms. Lin from Guangdong told the reporter of Shell Finance that she had bought two concert tickets on the Maoyan platform, but had encountered difficulties in applying for refund. "It was clearly stated that Maoyan refused to refund the tickets within 48 hours without any conditions." Ms. Zhao said that after many complaints, it took one week to get a full refund with the intervention of the government.

In response to the problem of ticket refund, Lan Tianbin, a senior partner of Jiangsu Fade Dongheng Law Firm, said to the reporter of Shell Finance that the platform and the sponsor should inform them of all kinds of situations in a timely manner. The opacity of ticket refund fees for concerts and other situations are suspected of infringing consumers' right to know and their right to fair trade.

"For the problem of difficult ticket refund, consumers can negotiate a settlement with the ticket seller or sponsor, request the consumer association or other mediation organizations established according to law for mediation, or complain to the relevant administrative departments and file a lawsuit to the people's court." Lan Tianbin, a lawyer, said.

Xiang Min, a lawyer from Beijing Yunting Law Firm, said to the reporter of Shell Finance that after consumers bought concert tickets, they actually established a contractual relationship with the ticket seller. In this contract, both parties need to strictly abide by the contents of the contract. Under normal circumstances, both consumers and ticket sellers should perform their respective rights and obligations in accordance with the contract terms.

"In fact, the refund service charge is responsible for the unilateral breach of contract. The breach of contract is premised on loss and needs to be reasonable. For example, if the consumer is not responsible, the ticket will be refunded in full; if it is agreed that both parties need to bear the risk, the ticket will be refunded in proportion; it belongs to the risk that the consumer should bear, and the ticket cannot be refunded."

For the difference between the rights and interests enjoyed by the second and the first ticket issuing, Xiang Min believes that because the performance has a certain cycle from the early publicity, ticket sales to the official performance, the time left for selling the ticket again after the ticket is sold will be shorter and shorter, and the ticket selling unit will make necessary and appropriate restrictions on ticket refunds, which is also to urge people to make rational choices, If the ticket is refunded due to personal reasons, the service charge is reasonable, but the refund rules for the second invoice should be clearly informed to the consumer, and the consumer's consent should be obtained. Ensure that consumers make appropriate choices with clear knowledge.

Xiang Min suggested that consumers should fully understand the ticket refund policy when buying tickets, keep the ticket purchase voucher, screenshots of the ticket refund rules when purchasing tickets, and chat records of inquiries, so that they can use them when they need to safeguard their rights later.

Beijing News Shell Finance Intern reporter Wei Boya reporter Yue Caizhou

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