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The three countries that do not welcome Chinese people the most are still swarming with Chinese people who have "written their dislike on their faces"

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Now, China has become the world The largest developing country, The economic strength is also in the world come out in front.

Chinese people's living standard Thus, Travel? This project was once enjoyed by the rich, but now all of us can take time to experience it.

As for where to travel overseas You can not only experience different food from other countries, but also experience exotic customs in person, which is for us Frequently selected locations.

However, even if Chinese tourists bring A good profit. But there are always a few "Unique" Our country favours one over the other, Differentiated treatment Chinese tourists.

Surprisingly, even if they Expulsion of Chinese, Show all the deep desperation, Chinese tourists are still flocking to China. It seems that no one can dampen the enthusiasm of Chinese tourists for outbound tourism

So, who are the countries that discriminate against Chinese tourists? Why do these tourists shamelessly "worship foreign countries and fawn on foreigners"?

Information source: All the contents stated in this article have reliable information sources, which are repeated at the end of the article. Please watch rationally


The first thing to say is that Japan.

In the impression of our people, the impression of Japan has always been very bad. For a long time, Japan has been waging aggressive wars against China. They trampled on and occupied our country's land without reason, and killed our compatriots cruelly.

Not to mention that it is Japan who has committed a heinous crime in China, but it has also reversed the black and white Cultural invasion, trying to wash away all the crimes they have committed, It makes later generations confuse the facts and difficult to verify their past unbearable and evil.

Although now between the two countries There is economic cooperation, But the once tragic history has not been forgotten.

Not long ago During the outbreak of the epidemic, Our country not only disregards past grievances, but also He extended a helping hand to Japan. Under the condition that China's medical supplies are also very scarce, a large number of medical protective equipment and testing instruments have been donated to Japan. With these medical supplies It alleviates Japan's urgent need.

However, these "little devils" not only do not appreciate our country, but also often make some Small actions that are not allowed on the table, trying to slander and isolate our country and people.

This time, they even directly attacked our tourists. Not only isolated and difficult for many times, but also directly and openly Jump out "Doing things"

Many people in China have traveled abroad, many of whom chose to travel to Japan. During the period when Chinese tourists go to Japan, The Japanese media are very indifferent to Chinese tourists, The lack of half politeness and enthusiasm inevitably makes people sad.

According to the tourist data released by Japan, it is not difficult to see that tourists visiting Japan China has the largest number of people.

But face it and give it to them "God of Wealth" of "giving money", The Japanese not only didn't have a warm reception, they even started it Ethnic discrimination.

One in Tokyo, Japan Restaurant, There is a Brand, It clearly reads "Chinese people are forbidden to enter". Every Chinese tourist you see is Very angry. Some people said that in the future I don't want to go to Japan anymore.

This is also true of netizens Very dissatisfied, Some netizens said, "China Japan friendship", Just simple "China is friendly". Some netizens suggested that, Boycott "Japanese goods", Avoid Japan "While eating, scold the cook".

There were two Chinese girls who went to a Japanese cafeteria have meals. It is clearly written in the store that the meal time is 90 Minutes. Before the end of the meal time for the two girls, the waiter in the restaurant Drive away with a strong attitude Come out.

The reason for this is that these two girls, when communicating with the service staff of the restaurant, said that Chinese. The service staff of the restaurant immediately claimed that they were both You don't have to pay for meals, however You must leave at once.

After the discharge of nuclear waste water, Japanese politicians were even more extreme, claiming that "The condition for Chinese tourists to travel to Japan is to drink nuclear wastewater first and eat Fukushima seafood."

What is even more shocking is that Chinese tourists reported that some seafood shops openly wrote "To the Chinese, all our Fukushima food" The Chinese tourists were so angry that they called the police directly and repeatedly regretted leaving.

More Than This, Japan's "double standard", It is also reflected in giving foreign tourists Go through entry formalities When. Japan requires Chinese tourists Must be worn They issued "Yellow card", Tourists from other countries No requirements, Can enter normally.

In addition, Chinese tourists in Japanese supermarkets shopping. When the salesperson learned that the person who bought something was Chinese Not only the products Fully recovered, It will also clearly indicate that I won't sell it to him.

There are many things like this, as if they have a deep hatred against us. Everything can not be reflected Japanese citizens are hostile to Chinese citizens.


Secondly, it is bordered by China Vietnam?

Today, it is known as the world China, one of the "largest consumer countries", The huge number of tourists is unimaginable. Many countries want a piece of the cake.

Although Vietnam is a developing country, because of its beautiful environment and unique customs, it is also true It has attracted many Chinese tourists Go to watch and play.

When Chinese tourists go to Vietnam to play, they are "disguised" for Vietnam "Send money". But there are some Vietnamese Be ungrateful.

In Vietnam, it is very common to drive tricycles to earn money. However, as long as Chinese tourists get into this tricycle, they will definitely be "Dazhatzai" A meal. If you refuse to pay high fares, you will face The danger of being beaten.

At Vietnam Customs Public servants How could he Deliberately set up cards, For Chinese tourists To extort money. In addition, the official staff of the Vietnam Customs also shouted in Chinese with great concern, "Ten yuan for one person".

They will deliberately slow down the detection speed as an excuse, Chinese tourists were forced to pay "100 yuan", Go to the so-called "VIP channel".

If they refuse to pay, they will Wave the electric shock stick in your hand as a threat.

At Vietnam's Mangjie Port, when several Chinese tourists were preparing to return home, the border inspectors again Ask them for tips, and after being rejected Was beaten by the border inspectors, Cause one of them Men have multiple fractures.

These Vietnamese are so barbarism Yes, they are "Bandits", "bandits"!

What's more surprising is that in Vietnamese shops, restaurants and scenic spots, everything has Two prices. One is Normal selling price, The other is "Chinese price".

It was once reported in the Youth Daily that Chinese tourists ate at a seafood restaurant in Vietnam because when they checked out The paid in price is much higher than the marked price, Chinese tourists refused to pay the bill, which eventually led to considerable disputes between the two sides.

The above also confirms the Vietnamese "Blatant discrimination against Chinese tourists" This kind of behavior has a long history. And this behavior caused The strong dissatisfaction of Chinese tourists, Everyone has Resist travel to Vietnam.

the republic of korea

Finally the republic of korea Has.

South Korea's attitude towards China is very complicated. In terms of culture, South Korea is deeply influenced by Chinese culture, so China and South Korea have many similarities. Economically, China and South Korea have a relationship of mutual cooperation and achievements.

In all countries, South Korea is the most popular tourist destination in China. According to incomplete statistics, Chinese tourists account for 30% above.

When it comes to South Korea, I have to say that, Korean "idol". Many Korean artists are developing in China, I believe everyone is familiar, such as Song Zhongji, Li Zhongshuo, Jin Zhongyun, etc.

In the bones of Koreans, they There is a great prejudice against the Chinese people. I think Chinese people are not good and have low quality. Moreover, they showed their subconscious dislike of the Chinese people in real life without any concealment.

Friends who have traveled to South Korea have all experienced it. There is one thing in common between going to South Korea and going to Japan, that is, they have to be "Listing".

At the exit of the airport, Chinese passengers who have just landed in South Korea are required to wear Yellow badge, Facilitate them Identify whether they are Chinese.

South Korean tour guides will forcibly take you to stores selling various commodities, and falsely allege This is the store opened by XX star, and that is something XX idol once used.

As Induce and force Chinese tourists to spend money. Chinese tourists who don't buy them will be threatened and threatened Close the store, and no one will be allowed to leave without buying.

What's more, some tour guides force Tourists ask for tips. If tourists refuse to pay, they will directly Drive the tourists off the bus, Ignore.

This makes Chinese tourists in foreign countries, Fully felt Helpless and indignant Your mood.

What makes people even more angry is that Chinese tourists have already arrived in South Korea and will still be handled The staff deliberately made difficulties. These staff members saw some Chinese tourists Ignore directly And some Let it wait for various reasons.

I can start to play, but only Helpless waiting In place. Some Chinese tourists, angry at the staff's tardiness, immediately told the relevant departments Reactions and complaints, but they are also unhelpful. It has seriously affected the tourism experience of Chinese tourists.


Even so, Chinese tourists visiting these countries are go to and fro in constant streams, More and more every year.

The reason for this may be that we just want to satisfy our curiosity and go to different countries to increase our knowledge and experience.

Those who like to travel can choose to travel in countries that are friendly to us.

Why not spend money where you can feel happy?

Information source:

Surging news - Chinese tourists tell about their experience of entering South Korea: they all wear yellow cards, and the entry guide issued by women visiting relatives is exposed online

Red Star News - Don't Buy, Don't Let Go! Chinese tourists encounter "dumping tourism" in South Korea, and Seoul acts (2024.3.13)

Global Times 2024-04-22 - Korean media: Chinese tourists go to South Korea as a tourist resort, and the Ming Cave falls first

The original of Chang'an, Inner Mongolia, was published by Xinhua News Agency on May 3, 2016 - Chinese tourists were cheated by the Japanese government, regardless: anti fraud is only aimed at Japanese

Global Times, February 13, 2017 - China Post Office was severely injured due to violent beating by Vietnamese border guards, and China requested strict investigation

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