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If the textbooks are like this, the liberal arts will be saved!

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Let's see what an excellent "Chinese textbook" is.

This is the reading comprehension of our senior three language simulation test paper in Jiangsu. We are all familiar with this content. It was one of the hot events that year. The reporter from Chai University talked with Academician Ding.

Maybe many teachers and experts in the education field are not familiar with this content. Thanks to the teacher who wrote the question, if all the liberal arts educators in China are at this level, China's liberal arts will be saved.

In fact, this dialogue reflects the logic crush of high IQ science and engineering intellectuals on low IQ cultural youth, from intelligence, to knowledge, professional level, to the reduction of human quality. In a harsh sentence, even if Academician Ding and reporter Chai compare in writing articles, poetry and prose, the outcome is one-sided.

Looking back on this conversation, I was embarrassed by the reporter from Chai University. Not only was she refuted by Academician Ding in every sentence, but also she was unmasked in her mask of "humanity" and "environmental protection", and hit her double standard soul directly, exposing her true face of being sociable, ambitious, and seductive.

In fact, all the online debates in recent years are based on this approach. The public likes to talk about their "mainstream opinions" and "the international community", while the calm and rational retorts will ask "what is the mainstream"? What is the "international community"?

The public can't answer at all, because they will soon fall into their own logic trap and endless cycle. If they say that a small number of scientists in developed countries are the "mainstream", then they don't talk about science, even statistics, which not only violates the laws of scientific development, but also belongs to "putting aside the facts"; If they say that only a few developed countries are the "international community", that means that the people of the vast majority of developing countries are not human beings, which violates their "human rights".

Wenqing people always follow the lead of Europe and the United States and regard their opinions as "science" and "truth", but forget that science is "seeking truth from facts" and there is no "mainstream" in science.

Wenqing people always live in their dream "utopia", requiring scientists not to engage in politics. They believe that science must be a "spherical chicken in a vacuum" and not affected by anything. In fact, any great scientific and technological achievement in the world is very political. Newton, Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg, Oppenheimer and other famous scientists are all important political figures in history.

Can't scientists care about politics? Are you all machines when you are a scientist?

Science has no nationality, but scientists have a motherland, conscience and position. Are there any problems for scientists to consider their own motherland, their own compatriots, and the interests of the real majority of mankind?

The Wenqing public know that they must be called "all mankind" and "common interests", but they subconsciously exclude more people from the third world and developing countries in the world.

Is the world the property of a few developed countries, or all of us? Academician Ding asked, "Are Chinese people human beings? Do they have human rights?"?

This sentence can make all the public and beautiful people speechless, and they dare not publicly expel the Chinese "citizenship" even when they are in a daze. This sentence also shows the warmth of true humanists. The so-called "benevolent people love others" means to love most people.

Academician Ding, with an eye beyond the times, judged that the so-called "carbon emission right" rhetoric in the West was just to limit our right to survival and development in the third world.

He even made a prediction: "Western countries are all empty cannon, and only we really want to be carbon neutral".

The process of history has proved his great vision and keen judgment as a scientist and politician, and it is true that only Chinese people in the world really take environmental protection seriously, and only we are really taking the new energy strategy. In addition, we overtook in the corner, and really won the initiative of the industry.

This is the gap between real science and engineering scientists and young journalists.

From IQ to skill to emotion, the former overwhelms the latter.

The former is a person with flesh and blood and temperature, while the latter has no human taste at all.

Our liberal arts textbooks and test papers must choose more such articles and materials, because this is the real starting from reality, keeping pace with the times, and grasping the pulse of the times.

Such examination papers can really train children's logical level, thinking depth and empathy.

Only the liberal arts talents trained by such articles and materials are suitable for our current productivity level and international status.

If Chinese journalists, editors, writers and directors are one tenth as good as Academician Ding, China's news media, literature and art will not become so popular.

I hope that this teacher will be promoted and reused as soon as possible to benefit the next generation of China.

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