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39 year old actor exposes the industry inside story: the film pay is less than ten million yuan, and ordinary actors are difficult to get married

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"I love my brother and sister all day long. They earn 208W a day. You only earn 3000 a month. Do you love me?"

Since the sky high salaries of some actors were exposed, fans have often been ridiculed by netizens. exactly, Up to 2.08 million a day It not only shocked us ordinary people, but also refreshed our understanding of the income of the actor industry.

But to my surprise, after reading the following self statement of the 18th tier actor, I found that Not everyone is 208W. Ordinary actors who try to survive are much more bitter than what we see and think.

Recently, Xu Haiwei, a 39 year old actor, told us on the We Media platform:

Actors are a profession with deep water, which is not as calm as the surface. Some people always think that actors make a lot of money, and it is tens of millions of dollars to shoot a play at random. Ordinary people can't make money in their whole life, but it is wrong.

The blogger really came together with netizens: If the budget for this play is 10 million yuan, Then there are 9 million yuan, which should be distributed to the celebrities. It is self-evident that this "big shot" should include stars and directors.

Will the remaining 1 million yuan go to these ordinary actors? Wrong, we should continue to divide.

The blogger counted them one by one, and the more he heard, the more sad he became: The big head was taken away by the big guy, and the rest of the money was shared in front of and behind the stage.

The front of the stage includes supporting actors, specially invited actors, extras, and mass actors , not to mention behind the scenes, it should also include voice actors, photographers of all sizes, scene notes, etc., countless.

So in the end, everyone really gets only a little money.

Not everyone is a big shot. In the actor industry, most of them are ordinary workers, and they get paid, Brokerage companies also have to pay taxes. The money that really goes to these actors is not much.

Moreover, it is not always possible to receive a play. If you cannot receive a play, you can only rely on the salary of one play to live on. There is no stable job, and as you get older, you can get less of a share.

What's more tragic is that the actors can't go on, and they can't adapt to the normal social life. I'm old, but I don't earn much money. It's hard to find a partner. There are a lot of men and women around the blogger. They are still unmarried in their 40s.

After listening to this blogger's sad statement, I was moved: It's not easy in all walks of life. Not everyone is a big shot. It's really hard for young actors to survive on their own.

After watching the video posted by the blogger, some netizens couldn't help laughing: That's because you don't play well, so you earn less. You are still an actor without works?

Then some netizens couldn't help answering back: Those who are not famous are the actors. We can see that the high paid celebrities are only a few at the top of the pyramid, and most of them are ordinary actors.

Netizens also expressed their feelings: All industries are the same, only a few of them are well paid, and most ordinary people are just making a living.

Who didn't dream of acting when he was young? They all dream of becoming famous stars, shining brightly in front of the camera, and can interpret different kinds of life, But how many people can really survive on their own?

He Saifei once shed tears on the spot because of the difficulties of opera actors, To be frank, I changed my career to make TV movies because there was really no drama in the group.

With a monthly salary of 1500 yuan and three children to support, the young actor's persistence in his career is impressive. Who doesn't have an actor's dream? But the reality had to force them to bow.

Even Zhang Songwen, who has only become popular in recent years, has experienced innumerable glances and hardships.

He once said honestly to the public: 99.5% of the actors in the country are like this. They have long working hours, but their income is extremely low. The 0.5% you see is safe from food and clothing, so they constantly use this 0.5% to represent the whole industry.

Before Zhang Songwen lost his temper, he broke his legs in order to make a living. He was bullied many times because of his small coffee seat. It is a common thing for him to be scolded as "go away" and "ugly".

Without a house to live in, he drifted to the north, was hungry and bullied by others, but Zhang Songwenleng insisted.

It was not easy for Zhang Songwen to get ahead. After he became angry, he was ridiculed as "false" by countless people.

In a variety show, Zhang Songwen went to buy plants and bargained with the aunt who sold them, but she first laughed at him "Why are you so stingy?" After the program was broadcast, netizens were satirized.

Netizens taunted him: Don't set up a poor man. It's not good to be so rich and generous. It's really ugly to bargain.

Later, Zhang Songwen retaliated : Isn't it handsome without bargaining? Are you poor after bargaining?

Even netizens couldn't help defending Zhang Songwen: Actors' pay is really not as much as that of Xiaohua Aidu. Besides, Zhang Songwen is an actor except for his work. Isn't the rest the same as us?

How many hardships did an actor go through before he became an actor? I can't imagine that because he is now suspected to be a fake "poor" person? Zhang Songwen can even sew the quilt corner. When he was drifting in the north, he developed a lot of skills. It was all earned by hard days.

Many netizens are angry: If you want to be famous and become a big star, the more famous you are, the higher your income will be.

However, how can so many actors become celebrities? Chopstick brother Xiao Yang once said: Actors are also ordinary people. The decent side of the profession of "actor" is faded. Under the aura, there are ordinary people. It's very good for young actors to live without any money and money.

The young actors of the 18th line tried their best to make a future, but the big players whose scripts were available for selection were repeatedly exposed to "fake food", "double" and other problems, I really want to stand out, but I can't get the chance.

What the blogger said today has refreshed netizens' understanding of actors.

The actors at the bottom not only have low income, but also can't save money. It's hard to find a target, But every year, tens of thousands of professional actors graduate to pursue their dreams of acting.

However, it is precisely because of these countless bottom performers that this profession can be supported.

A single spark can start a prairie fire. It is these dreamers who make the profession of actors shine. I hope everyone can realize their dreams.

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