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I will eat | The logo of Yuanli Hot Pot has been changed for the first time in 9 years, and it looks more "Yuanli"!

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As the consumer media of "eating" in Chengdu, "Happy Meeting" always pays attention to the latest trends of the fashionable catering industry in this city.

The garden hotpot in the collection has a new logo. The new logo, which is both interesting and Chinese aesthetic, reminds us of the quiet time we spent in the park again.

The garden, which is almost 9 years old, has grown more distinctive.

● Newly upgraded brand logo in the park

The designers in the park mentioned that the design concept of the new logo combined with the characteristics of the park, inherited the essence of the proposition of "being as skillful as clumsy" in traditional Chinese aesthetics, and the free and simple calligraphy strokes on the logo design added the beauty of withering in the white. In the visual extension, the hot pot ingredients are turned into stones and piled into hills, and the leisurely mood of the small garden and scenery flows on the screen.

From the logo design concept of the ancient and clumsy aesthetics in the garden, we can also see its brand characteristics of "clumsy" in the world.

"Humble", in Chinese culture, is the symbol of simplicity and sincerity, the embodiment of modesty and low profile, and the quality of adhering to the original and resisting vulgarity.

● New brand visual design in the park, concise expression of aesthetic interest in the park

As the Taoist philosophy said, "great skill is like clumsiness", which is the highest realm of wisdom. The new vision of the park is more consistent with its brand culture and atmosphere. The true wisdom is not ostensibly gorgeous and outspoken, but introverted and profound. It is calm and wisdom that seems clumsy but hides deep.

Stepping into the garden again, I can't help sighing that it is this "clumsy" and introverted personality in the garden that has made continuous progress in the past nine years, clumsily and steadfastly, which has brought us taste buds surprises again and again.

As the ancients said, "Literacy advances with clumsiness, and Taoism becomes with clumsiness". Looking back at the development track of the park, the park has been in order, and has taken every step steadily on its own track.

In 2014, "Qingxin Hot Pot", the predecessor of Yuanli Hot Pot, made its debut, and it broke the thick and colorful traditional hot pot with a fresh and refined attitude. The space design is simple but not simple, while the hot pot flavor focuses on the original flavor, forming its own differentiation.

● Yuanli Hotpot Tianfu 3rd Street Store

By 2015, Hot Pot in First Home was opened in Tianfu 3rd Street. At that time, Chengdu's catering industry had not yet set off the trend of spatial vision, but the park had quietly stood at the forefront of atmosphere.

Comfortable and well-designed space, refined without losing smoke and fire. In the garden, you can enjoy a delicious hot pot without leaving a heavy smell of oil smoke on your body, which is still clean and refreshing. This kind of experience makes the old customers who like the park sigh: the original hotpot can be eaten like this!

Yuanli Hotpot Yuanda Store

However, it is such a differentiated brand that has chosen a seemingly "clumsy" development mode. Starting from the 3rd Tianfu Street, Renhe New Town on Fucheng Avenue, Wanke Tianhui in the east, and Yuanda Shopping Center in the south, the park has only opened 4 hot pot stores nine years ago, which seems to slow down compared with those fast expanding hot pot chain brands.

But it is this "slowness" that allows the park to have more time and energy to precipitate the core, polish every detail, and ensure that every store can meet its own standards. In such a garden, it is "clumsy", but in the commercial system, it is not impetuous, not anxious for quick success and instant benefits, and it is steady.

Milo, the manager of the park, said in an interview that different from the capital approach, every new store in the park needs huge investment and careful polishing, from site selection to decoration design, from food research and development to human training. For example, the site selection standard in the park is very strict, which requires 1200-1500 square meters of space, about 6m of overhang height, and regional location factors.

Yuanli Hotpot Yuanda Store

The "clumsiness" in the garden is a style of quiet cultivation and no publicity. Miro said, "In fact, we have been doing this thing." From the iteration of dishes to the optimization of service details, the park has been doing this every day, every week and every month. Instead of doing regular brand marketing, they put more effort on cultivating internal skills.

Milo, the manager, is not only a product manager, but also a food hunter. Once he finds good ingredients and flavors, he will try to bring them back to the park. When tasting the new products in the park, I asked, "Why did you push this product? Is it because of the season?". Miro's answer was simple and sincere: it was delicious.

● Pure fresh beef yellow throat, one layer of "flower knife" and one layer of meat, more delicious after being scalded

For example, the new fresh beef yellow throat and sour radish soup mandarin duck pot in the garden. All hotpot restaurants have pig yellow throat, and the garden has a fatter, fresh beef yellow throat. Sour radish soup pot, which Miluo has eaten in a shop in the suburb of Chengdu for a long time, is an inconspicuous place. Different from Guizhou Yunnan sour soup, this sour soup is fried with sour radish, which is usually fermented in Sichuan, and is a classic Sichuan style sour soup flavor.

● Mandarin duck pot with sour radish soup

In the catering circle, we say that "delicious" is the most essential requirement for a restaurant. At the moment of various "volumes" in Chengdu, the garden has always been a "humble" heart, adhere to quality priority and experience satisfaction, pursue the professional level of every detail, and cultivate internal skills from the four dimensions of environment, service, taste and experience, without focusing on empty voices.

In this era of fast food and prepared dishes, we both yearn for delicious food and stop because of hidden worries about food safety.

Fresh, clean and sanitary are the standard features of modern catering, but every exposure of catering news is frightening. The regular customers who often go to the park say that the hot pot in the park is safe and reassuring. Fresh, clean and sanitary, which should be the quality of modern catering, the garden has sincerely achieved.

At mealtime, the park is full of old people, children and pregnant women. The garden does not pursue a magnificent and complicated set of dishes, but hopes that every mouthful can leave you a aftertaste and enjoy the delicious food with ease.

In 9 years, the garden was like an old friend, accompanying the diners for countless unforgettable times. Mr. Wang Muzhi, an old member, is one of them. Since the birth of the hotpot in the garden, he has been a loyal fan of the garden. In his eyes, what changes have taken place in the garden?

● Wang Muzhi, an old member

Q1: Do you remember when you first ate hotpot in the garden?

A: It should be nearly ten years ago. The first time I ate Qingxin hotpot, the taste and space were very fresh and special. Later, after the opening of hotpot in the park, I saw the space works taken by [Existence Architecture].

At first, I was moved by the space atmosphere, and then I was moved by the dishes in the garden. In some stores, the taste of the dishes will change every other month, but over the years, the dishes in the garden have always maintained a stable quality.

The delicious food in the garden is not based on the stimulation of taste buds, but a natural and harmonious flavor, which makes the taste of mother's food.

Q2: Why does the garden always attract you?

A: Whenever I need to entertain guests, I will choose the garden. The garden is a city level Sichuan style hot pot brand that can be most successful in inviting guests to dinner. The space design is scenic and the site selection also has a sense of community. Dining in the garden is not only for satiety, but also a comfortable leisure and enjoyment.

The most important thing is that hot pot in the garden is not tired of eating for a long time. It becomes a kind of daily food just like home dishes. The menu in the garden has been updated for so many years. If you compare the previous menu with the current menu, you will find that about 50% of the dishes have been improved or replaced, and it really adds up bit by bit, bringing surprises to regular customers.

The garden feels like a canteen. During the epidemic period, sometimes when I didn't want to go out, I would order a whole set of hot pot takeout in the garden to share with my family.

Q3: What is your must order menu when you go to eat in the garden?

A: As a loyal fan of hairy tripe, the hairy tripe in the garden is naturally my must order. There are many kinds of tripe here, each of which is delicious. In addition, it is also the ice powder and peach gum in the Love Point Garden, which are refreshing and suitable for summer consumption.

● Various styles of surrounding food in the park

The garden uses a "humble" heart to guard the essence and purity of food, so that every regular customer can find their own taste and memory here.

When a master cultivates internal skills, his absolute strength is his absolute competitiveness. The "clumsiness" in the park is part of its uniqueness, which also makes the park unique in Chengdu.

The "clumsy" people always do before they say. As far as we can see, it is the constant upgrading of the brand in the park, the ultimate pursuit of service and details, and the comfortable experience for customers. However, behind the invisible, there are countless details behind the high-quality experience provided by such a popular brand.

● Yuanda Store waiting area in the park

The longest working time of employees in the park has been nearly 9 years, which is equivalent to that they have been working in the park since the beginning of the brand. The happiness employees get from their work will be fed back to work better.

When employees are happy and happy here, they can be more professional and more active in delivering humanistic and considerate services to customers. Customers can really feel whether the employees are attentive to everything they do, thus forming a positive energy cycle between brands and consumers.

At the same time, the employees in the park are also the number one fans of their own brands. Even if they leave for other places, they will ask their families to send some hot pot ingredients in the park. The manager of Yuanda Store said that the two sisters also worked in the park before, but later went to other places. The first thing to return to Chengdu at the end of the year was to go to the park to get together.

● Employees who have worked in the park for 4 years, and three sisters in the family have worked in the park

The innovation and details of hotpot in the park are everywhere. For example, the park has produced a week card with distinctive style, printed funny and cute quotations, and put them on the table every day, bringing fresh pleasure to customers. Their service is just right, neither too enthusiastic nor indifferent, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

Milo, the manager, is meticulous and has cultivated a team of employees who also pursue details.

● Slide left to check the 7-day non duplicate weekly card in the park

Sister Fang is an old employee in the park, and she has witnessed the continuous growth of the park. She told us that the stability of the products produced in the park is due to the strict tracking and implementation of every link, from the kitchen to the front office. If there is any error in the products or services, the park will track the specific link where the problem occurs, and then ensure whether the staff have really implemented the adjustment and optimization.

● Staff sister in the park

For example, the way to make the beef of this flavor is to make only 1 jin at a time, 4 servings for each jin, the standard 250g, 1 mm for each slice, and how long the egg white can be mixed into the beef, all of which are particular. If the time is not enough or the method is wrong, its taste will be different. After trying, if you make too much, you can make a pot of 5 jin or 2 jin, and the taste is different. Even if it is troublesome at the peak, the master only mixes one jin of beef with this flavor each time.

● Native beef

For another example, many key dishes in the garden are cut immediately after customers order them. If too many refrigerators are prepared in advance, the freshness will be different. But even if it is so troublesome, the garden still requires that all dishes be ready within 5 to 20 minutes.

● A variety of innovative drinks in the park

● A fried rice with eggs can be upgraded to many versions in the park. From the favorite fried rice with hot pepper eggs, fried rice with hot pepper eggs, fried rice with tomato eggs to the limited fried rice with Chinese toon sprouts and meat in spring, each fried rice with eggs is full of details, rather than simply changing the side dishes.

The ultimate pursuit of product details, service details and various details is the accumulation of the park from quantitative change to qualitative change. Every time you arrive at the store, it is a new experience, because the park is always optimizing and innovating.

In addition to sticking to the safety of food materials, the "humble" heart of the garden is also reflected in the pursuit of comfortable dining experience, which is embodied in the space landscaping.

The space design style of each store in the park is different. One shop in the garden, integrating deconstruction and classical gardens. The second store in the park uses logs, glass, cement, red bricks and other materials to create a courtyard landscape. The third store in the park is located on the third floor of Vanke Tianhui. The store adopts the design concept of red boat flooding, and red waves made of red bricks run through the whole park, so that each card holder looks like floating on the red waves from a distance.

The four stores in the park (Yuanda Store), while continuing the core style of stone and solid wood, have obviously made an overall upgrade in the environment, getting closer to "people", taking "wild" as the key word in building, and using space to guide people from quality to more open natural mountains.

The half open box is integrated into the lively fireworks atmosphere. Solid wood is interwoven with outdoor plants, and the color and texture complement each other. The towering space design, through the huge glass curtain wall facing the street, provides a panoramic view of the city's prosperity and becomes a unique viewing platform.

In the bustling city, the park is reminiscent of the mountain leisure. From the thoughtful arrangement of the dining room to the ingenious design of the moving line, every detail reveals the dedication to the details. In the room, the herbs are swaying. Together with the scattered platform, they draw a miniature mountain painting scroll. The stone and solid wood are interwoven, which has a mountain charm.

The plants planted in the garden are also carefully selected. For example, in order to create a unique atmosphere of outdoor mountains, the garden selected a variety of plants, and finally selected reed, a plant that is more outdoor and leisure though difficult to maintain.

● A corner of the garden that emits pleasant atmosphere in a quiet time when it is not yet open.

The space in the park has a unique experience of food and travel, which is elegant and comfortable. This time, we also interviewed logo designer Nie Shunan and shared her view of the garden.

Nie Shunan shared that she appreciated the garden from a traditional and classic perspective. The environment in the park is very fastidious and fastidious in terms of spatial relationship, location management, character movement, etc. It is based on the classic traditional aesthetics to reconstruct the landscape interest of interesting small gardens and landscapes.

Appreciating the gardening experience in the garden is similar to the way that Mr. Chen Danqing explained the reading of landscape paintings. It is not a one-time display of the overall situation in front of us, but a step by step view. Small scenes like paintings are constantly unfolding, with constant surprises. In the park, the plane and space are used to create a fun place where people can eat, swim, play, play, and have fun.

Lao Tzu said, "Be straightforward as if you were yielding, and be skillful as if you were clumsy."

After Laozi, artists sought to express the feeling of comfort, leisure and freedom with the beauty of antiquity and freehand brushwork. Painters were obsessed with dry ink, poets used clumsy sentences as marvelous works, and craftsmen used simplicity to make elegant objects.

In the garden, you can also feel the beauty of antiquity. The beauty of the garden is ancient and modern, which is the harmonious unity of ancient charm and modern. It draws on the gardening techniques of traditional gardens, such as borrowing scenery, blocking scenery, etc., and ingeniously integrates the natural scenery with modern elements. The garden taste of the small garden scenery is different from that of leisure, which Chengdu people naturally love.

● In the daily creativity of the garden, the design of the garden will often change, draw inspiration from the paintings of the ancients, and sprout a new aesthetic interest in the garden. The inspiration for this painting of Six Peppers in a Small Garden is the Painting of Six Persimmons by Muxi in the Southern Song Dynasty.

The core of the brand in the park is the "humble heart". Su Shi interpreted Lao Tzu's "great skill looks like clumsiness" with the words "gorgeous but dull". The word "clumsy" in Lao Tzu's "skillful as clumsy" is not clumsy, but does not deliberately seek, is pure in nature, is natural, and the brand spirit in the park is similar to it. Without the use of sweet and greasy techniques, the simplicity of the road is like a garden hotpot, which uses the simplest hotpot primer formula to present a delicious and charming taste.

It is humble and extraordinary. Even in the fast changing times, the garden hotpot still brings lasting freshness and touch to every customer with real efforts and continuous innovation.

There is no complicated decoration and gorgeous appearance in the garden, only the adherence to the essence of life and the pursuit of quality. From the ancient beauty to the modern heart, from the four dimensions of vision, experience, product and service, give each customer a relaxed and comfortable meal. This old friend can always give us reasons to fall in love with it repeatedly.

Experience the "New Garden" together, and feel the comfortable experience hidden behind every detail!

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E-coupon for Yuanli Hot Pot Sour Radish Soup 1

Tea drinks brewed by Dadi Tea Farm 1 cup

*(The specific use method is subject to the brand rules)

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