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In 18 years, the Raptors traded four people for Leonard. Who are the other three? How to develop

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The most unlucky and luckiest NBA teams in recent years are the Clippers and Raptors. The former lost to his grandmother's family because he paid a large amount of luxury tax on the establishment of the team around the two FMVP winners Coway Leonard and the all-star forward Paul George, but did not achieve much. The latter won the first NBA championship in the history of the team by accident due to the trade of a FMVP winner Coway Leonard, and earned a lot of money. It can also be seen that the two teams have changed because of one person, namely Coway Leonard, the head of FMVP.

How can we say that Leonard is really strong. He can get FMVP in both NBA finals and help the team win the championship trophy. At the same time, he is weak because he often gets injured and does not play, taking up the salary space of the team to hurt the team. It is true that Leonard is a player of Schr ö dinger, and it may be a lucky or unlucky day. Today, let's not discuss the loss of Leonard who was unlucky for the Clippers. First, let's carefully review the situation when the Raptors got lucky Leonard in the trade. Let's see who the other three players are, and whether their current development has become unlucky like Leonard's.

Players sent by Raptors:

1. DeMar DeRozan

DeMar DeRozan, a 2009 NBA draft player who joined with many superstars such as Kuriharden, was selected by the Toronto Raptors in the ninth place in the first round, thus starting his NBA career. At the early stage of his career, De Rozan's momentum of development was no less than that of a number of superstars at the same time. Even when Curry and Harden were substitutes for the team, De Rozan had already played a major role. In the second year of his career, he could cut 17.2 points, 3.8 rebounds and 1 steals per game, becoming the absolute core of the Raptors in the future. When Curry, Harden and others came to the fore, Drozan also led the team to enter the playoffs in the 13-14 season, even making the team never absent from the playoffs for five consecutive years, and once helped the team to reach the East in the 15-16 season.

Unfortunately, when Drozan was the strongest, he met LeBron James, who was more excellent, and the Cavaliers, who had a better lineup, and finally failed to touch the floor of the finals. Therefore, De Rozan, who helped the team to enter the playoffs five times but never broke through the east, and Kyle Lorry, who was with the team, were called "garbage brothers" by the fans, corresponding to Stephen Curry and Clay Thompson, who led the team to the finals in the west for consecutive years. In this way, in the 17-18 season, the Raptors, who wanted to seek change, traded DeRozan to the Spurs as the main bargaining chip for Coway Leonard. That year, De Rozan averaged 23 points, 3.9 rebounds and 5.2 assists per game, and was selected as the second team of the best team, a standard all-star small forward.

After arriving at the Spurs, De Rozan seemed to be infected with Leonard's bad luck and continued to go downhill. Although the data showed that it was more comprehensive, with 21.5 points, 5 rebounds and 6 assists per game, he only led the Spurs to enter the playoffs once in three years, and still fell in the first round, which was totally unmatched before. In order to get rid of such bad luck, Drozan came to the Bulls in the 21-22 season. Unfortunately, the bad luck seems to have completely wrapped around him. As the Bulls who also have the dunk king Zach Raven, the rebounder king Andre Drummond, the all-star forward DeMar Drozan and a number of super main players, the Bulls also entered the playoffs only once in three years, Even if DeRozan's supernatural performance can cut the season average 28 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists, the team will also fall in the first round. For this, I can only say that Leonard's victory in 19 years probably absorbed too much luck, which led to the influence of Drazen who was trading with him.

2. Jacob Pearl

Jacob Peltel, like DeRozan, was also selected as the 9th show in the first round by the Toronto Raptors, but he was younger than DeRozan and was also less valued. Bolter was an NBA draft candidate in 2016. When he was selected by the Raptors, the Raptors were still a strong team in the playoffs. Even in the previous year, he had entered the East Decision, so he didn't have much opportunity to practice. In the two seasons of the Raptors, he played for 18.6 minutes at most per game. However, he can get the data of 6.9 points, 4.8 rebounds and 1.2 blocks per game in 18.6 minutes, which proves that his potential is really great. Therefore, he also went to the Spurs in 2018 as the main bargaining chip for Leonard.

In the Spurs, Peltel's playing time has increased, reaching its peak in the 21-22 season, averaging 29 minutes, 13.5 points, 8.4 rebounds, 1.7 blocks per game, and has obviously grown into a major center. Unfortunately, he seemed to be affected by Leonard's luck. After reaching the peak of his career in the 21-22 season, he could not make further progress. Not only did he never score more than 13.5 points per game and never break 10 rebounds per season, but now he is still suffering from injuries after returning to the Raptors. He can only cut 11.1 points per game, 8.6 rebounds, and 1.5 blocks per game. It is difficult to evaluate how the future will be.

3. First round signing in 2019 (Kelden Johnson)

In addition to the above two players, the Raptors also gave the Spurs a first round signing for 19 years. Although the ranking is not high, only the 29th signing, but still selected a good player - Kelden Johnson. The average score of 22 points, 5 rebounds and 2.9 assists in the fourth year of his career is expected in the future. However, the god of bad luck enveloped him. In the 23-24 season, after the Spurs ushered in the talent monster Victor Wenbanyama, Johnson's data that should have continued to improve did not rise and fall due to injuries. He could only cut 15.7 points, 5.5 rebounds and 2.8 assists per game, which is still under injury observation. It is still unknown whether he will play or not.

In addition to Coway Leonard, the players sent by the Spurs

1. Danny Green

Danny Green, like DeRozan, was a draft pick in 2009. He was selected by Cleveland Cavaliers as the 46th overall pick in the second round, but was cut off after 20 appearances on behalf of the Cavaliers. Then he played in the NBA for two years before returning to the NBA. With the data of 9.3 points, 3 rebounds and 1.3 steals per game in the playoffs, the Spurs won the championship in the 13-14 season, and became the team's starting position completely. In the 18-19 season, Green came to the Raptors as another bargaining chip and won another championship trophy with Leonard's lucky aura at that time. Unfortunately, after that year, Green went downhill without the blessing of the Goddess of Luck. During the five years, he changed five teams. Finally, in November 2023, because of James Harden's trade, 76 people were cut out of the lineup. Now, at the age of 36, Green has become a free man, waiting for his retirement.

Although feudal superstition is not desirable, since the Raptors won the championship in 19 years, all five trading chips, including Leonard, are now unlucky. It is difficult to evaluate why this is.

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