In 1942, the Chinese Communist secret agent lurking in the heart of the Japanese puppet regime sent a hand drawn picture. Su Yu: shot the head of the telegraph section

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In the middle of November 1942, several important leaders of the Central Soviet Military Region gathered in Nankan Town, planning to formulate a response strategy for Japan's upcoming action of clearing the countryside.

At the end of the meeting, when everyone left, the guard burst in and put a pack of cigarettes into Su Yu's hands.

Su Yu immediately changed his face and asked the cavalry to chase the comrades back, and ordered all the radio stations to shut down immediately and all of them went into a state of silence.

The guard was confused: "Chief, what's wrong?"

Su Yu, holding his cigarette case in his hand, whispered, "There are traitors among us!"

The Japanese army's seamless plan

"Dear pillars of the Great Japanese Empire!"

The day before the Nankan meeting, Shinano Kobayashi, the commander of the Japanese army in Nantong, walked into the meeting hall with an excited face and shouted loudly to interrupt everyone's thoughts: "Our opportunity is coming!"

From south to north at the conference table, dozens of senior officers and intelligence personnel of the Wang puppet government were sitting. Their puzzled eyes were all focused on Shinnan Kobayashi. He took out a telegram from his chest pocket and announced excitedly: "I have just received information. Su Yu, Tan Zhenlin and others of the New Fourth Army will hold a meeting in West Street of Nankan Town at noon tomorrow and return to the station in the afternoon!"

As he said this, he handed the return route of the New Fourth Army to the first man on the right hand for everyone to read.

"I'm going to dispatch four imperial brigades and a division of Wang's army, and break them down one by one on their way back to capture the backbone of the New Fourth Army!"

"Good!" As soon as Xiaolin Xinnan's voice dropped, officers followed him closely, and flattery rose one after another, as if victory belonged to them.

When the crowd was excited, the map was being passed to Shi Yafu, the commander of the Seventh Division. After reading it carefully, he looked up and asked, "Commander, is this information false?"

The busy conference room just now was quiet, and people looked at Shiyafu in disbelief.

"Impossible!" Hsin nan Hsin lin refused to be questioned. He patted the table and said, "What do you mean?"

Shi Yafu explained slowly: "Nankan is a place surrounded by mountains and facing the sea. There is only one direction to contact the outside world. If the imperial army ambushes here, the New Fourth Army has only one way to die. How smart Su Yu is, how could he choose here? Don't be a blind alley and hit the mark?"

After his analysis, many people thought it was really reasonable, but Hsin nan Kobayashi said firmly: "No way! General Shi, are you questioning the judgment of the special high school spy?"

Seeing his exasperated appearance, Shiyafu suddenly realized that he immediately stood up and apologized to Xiao Lin: "I am also worried about fraud, for fear of damaging the imperial army. Since the information is true, I would like to be a pawn."

He is a lieutenant general and a close friend of Li Shiqun. The Japanese don't want to be too embarrassed with him, so Shinao Kobayashi has to fool him.

After the plan was deployed, several generals of Wang's army were discussing cooperation with the Japanese army. Shi Yafu temporarily left on the pretext of urgency. Just after leaving, he took out a packet of old gun brand cigarettes from his pocket and squeezed them in his hand, and swaggered into the toilet.

After coming out, he casually threw the cigarette box to the adjutant: "Good thing, I'll give it to you. Go find a place for yourself."

Then he turned back and continued to join in the intense discussion.

The adjutant with the box of cigarettes quickly got out of sight and walked all the way to Nankan Town

Shi Yafu, the seventh division commander of the Wang puppet government, was a trump card agent of the Communist Party lurking inside the enemy.

In the toilet for just one minute, he used his pen to write a line of secret signs on the tin foil on the inner wall of the cigarette case: there is a traitor inside, and his whereabouts will be revealed.

Shinan Kobayashi was still dancing to cheer up the officers from all walks of life. He was filled with the joy of winning the battle. When Shiyafu returned to his original position, he looked at him secretly and quietly wiped the cold sweat from his palm.

When he heard the news, Shi Yafu's whole back was cold, and his heart jumped with him. It was necessary for insiders to get such complete information. Before he saw the map, he knew that there was an internal ghost in the New Fourth Army, so he specifically angered Xiao Lin to prove it.

Later, hearing the urgency of deployment, Shiyafu knew that life and death were at stake, so he sent the information out in the middle of the way regardless of personal safety. Fortunately, there was no danger.

In fact, in Shiyafu's career as an agent, there was more than one time that he was "safe from danger".

Shiyafu's safety

Outside the Nanjing Tiger Bridge Prison, there is a layer of wall about several meters high, which is made of solid bricks. The wall is also coated with a layer of smooth grease. No matter how skillful a thief is, he can't fly out with his wings on such slippery things.

It is said that this wall not only protects against thieves, but also protects against bullets. The submachine gun protrudes against the thick wall, and bullets can only hit in the middle. If anyone is unlucky to be locked inside, it will be a daily disaster and the ground will not work.

In fact, depending on the strength of the prison guards, there can only be one kind of person in prison - the Communist Party.

Shi Yafu was born in Nantong, Jiangsu Province in 1915. He joined the Communist Youth League when he was ten years old. At the age of 15, he became a young party member, mainly engaged in underground work.

In 1931, Shi Yafu was arrested and put into prison because of the betrayal of the traitor. Later, he escaped from Shengtian under the active rescue of himself and all parties, and by chance became a soldier in the 17th Route Army of the Kuomintang. By virtue of his outstanding personal ability, he lurked down and actively performed in the army. He soon gained a certain military post, and could better obtain core intelligence. He made great contributions to rescuing arrested comrades and helping the party avoid the suppression of the Kuomintang.

With his previous experience of being betrayed, Shi Yafu was very careful this time. He tried not to leave any trace every time he sent information. His actions were also independent. It can be said that no one knows who he is except his online.

But even in this case, Shiyafu was exposed,

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