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Before Lai Qingde took office, Japan invited the Chinese army to visit Japan and the South Korean Foreign Minister to visit China, releasing important signals

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According to the latest news, when the Democratic Progressive Party Lai Qingde arrived at 520, it would not directly declare "Taiwan independence", but would follow the will of the United States to release "goodwill" to the mainland, continue to emphasize the "four pillars" of democracy and peace proposed by itself during the election, and expect to exchange and dialogue with the mainland on the basis of reciprocity.

While receiving the support of the United States, Lai Qingde is also actively seeking the support of Japan, proposing that "the Taiwan Japan family" wants to please Japan, so that Japanese politicians do not forget the commitment that "if something is going on in Taiwan, it is going on in Japan".

However, Japan does not buy into Lai Qingde. On the eve of Lai Qingde 520's inauguration ceremony, Japan publicly invited Chinese troops to visit Japan, which means something unusual.

It is reported that the Japanese Sasakawa Peace Foundation recently announced that in the middle and late May, the Japanese Self Defense Force will invite 20 PLA officers to visit Japan and visit three important places, including the Japanese Defense Ministry, the Komu Air Force Base in Aichi Prefecture and the Wuhe Naval Base.

The Wuhe Naval Base is located in the north of Japan, mainly facing Russia and North Korea, while the Xiaomu Air Base is mainly responsible for the air defense logistics of Japan.

So why did Japan invite the PLA to visit Japanese military bases? On the surface, it is mainly a response to China's approval of the Japanese Self Defense Forces to visit the military bases in Hangzhou, Qingdao and Xi'an in July 2023. In essence, Japan wants to further break away from relations at the important moment when Lai Qingde takes office, release the signal that Japan will not enter Taiwan for "Taiwan independence", and let Lai Qingde not mention Japan.

After all, the second half of May is the critical moment for Lai Qingde to take office. It is no coincidence that Japan will invite the Chinese army to visit Japan at this time.

Echoing Japan, South Korea has also stood for the Democratic Progressive Party before. President Yoon Seok Yuet of South Korea has said more than once that "maintain the status quo of the Taiwan Straits". Does South Korea support Lai Ching Tak's inauguration? The answer is no.

Because at the critical moment before Lai Ching deh 520 inauguration ceremony, South Korean Foreign Minister Zhao Ronglie chose to visit China.

It is reported that at the invitation of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, South Korean Foreign Minister Zhao Jinlie visited China from May 13 to 14. It is worth mentioning that this is Zhao Jinlie's first visit to China as South Korean Foreign Minister, and also the official visit of South Korean Foreign Minister to Beijing after six and a half years.

Obviously, at the critical moment before the DPP Lai Ching Tak took office, the South Korean Foreign Minister agreed to China's invitation to pay a state visit to China, which indirectly told the DPP authorities that South Korea attaches importance to relations with the mainland of China, pursues the one China policy, and will not provide Lai Ching Tak with a platform or other international support.

According to Zhao Ruilie, this visit to China will continue to have in-depth and frank communication with Foreign Minister Wang Yi, discuss with China areas with great potential for cooperation between China and the ROK, and further consolidate bilateral relations.

It can be said that, in the face of national interests, South Korea still knows good or bad. It knows that if the Taiwan issue is specious, it will only throw stones at its own feet to help "Taiwan independence". To cooperate with China, we must adhere to the one China principle.

Japan and South Korea have successively carried out diplomatic work with the mainland of China, which must be a big blow to Lai Qingde. The international space that the Democratic Progressive Party wants to expand is a dream after all.

However, China still needs to be careful with Japan. Although Japan has resumed military defense exchanges with China, it has been pursuing "military normalization" all the time. The PLA's visit to Japanese military bases does not include military bases in the southeast and Taiwan Strait, which is an obvious example!

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