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"Xiang Fei" Liu Dan: She died at the age of 27, her father died at work and her brother died of illness, leaving her mother alone

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The 98 version of Huanzhu Gege is an irreplaceable masterpiece of Qiong Yao in the minds of a generation.

The popularity of this TV play has made a lot of current first-line actresses, such as Little Swallow and Crape Myrtle popular. However, some of them are like a flash in the pan, leaving people in the long river of time after a glimpse, such as Liu Dan, who plays Princess Xiang.

The little girl of the Liu family has just grown up

Liu Dan was born in a happy well-off family. His father was a people's policeman. His mother worked as a housewife at home to take care of the family's daily life. There was also a brother who loved her since childhood. The family lived a quiet and warm life.

Liu Dan was held in the palm of her family like a little princess since she was young, and she never suffered. With the care of her family, Liu Dan gradually grew into a beautiful girl.

Since childhood, Liu Dan has exquisite eyebrows and eyes. She looks like a porcelain doll carved with powder and jade. When she grows up, her beauty is even more hidden. She is very suitable for dancing, and she is also very interested in dancing.

The parents saw her talent, and in order to cultivate her hobbies, they sent her to a dance school to study ballet when she was in primary school.

Five years later, Liu Dan graduated successfully and was elected to the army art troupe to become a soldier. He followed the art troupe to perform everywhere.

This also gives her a window to contact the outside world, so that she can get in touch with the profession of acting. Standing in front of the camera to perform different lives makes Liu Dan have a strong interest.

After the transfer of the army, Liu Dan chose to continue to study acting in the school, applied for the Central Academy of Drama and was selected successfully.

Liu Dan, who entered the Central Academy of Drama, won the best in physique classes with his dancing skills for many years. In addition to his beautiful and peaceful face, Liu Dan received his first TV show invitation in his sophomore year.

She came to the fore in Torch Stronghold. Although Liu Dan was not the main character in this TV play, her gentle and elegant temperament was too prominent, and later she received more TV invitations.

He has successively appeared in TV dramas such as Niu Zihou and Fu Liancheng, Sun Woman and Prime Minister Liu Luoguo.

As a new actor who has just entered the performing arts circle without any background, although he has never played the leading role, Liu Dan still cherishes every job opportunity.

Think about each performance well, wait for your chance, and improve yourself in the continuous performance.

In 1996, Liu Dan welcomed the first heroine in her acting career, playing Akihabara in "Soul of the Loess".

Although this TV play didn't stir up too much water, she got some directors in the circle because of this amazing performance.

At this time, Liu Dan did not know that there was a great opportunity waiting for her.

The Princess Huanzhu explodes

In 1998, the explosion of "Huanzhu Gege" made it imperative to shoot the second film. In those days, Qiong Yao's two works were both filmized, namely, "There are tears in the sky" and "Huanzhu Gege".

Qiong Yao has great expectations for the TV play "Tears in the Sky", and the heroine is also played by her favorite "Qiong Yao Girl" Jiang Qinqin.

Unexpectedly, Huanzhu Gege, which has not been paid much attention to, has become a dark horse and a phenomenal TV series.

So when filming the second part of Huanzhu Gege, Qiong Yao created a new role "Xiangfei" for Jiang Qinqin.

However, Jiang Qinqin was unable to act due to scheduling problems, and Liu Dan came into the director's sight in a round trip.

With her elegant face, affectionate eyes, and delicate figure left by her long dancing career, the director identified her as the candidate for Xiangfei as soon as the makeup photos were taken.

After several shots, Liu Dan officially entered the production team.

The explosion of Huanzhu Gege 2 was expected. The figure of Xiang Fei, who is played by Liu Dan, dancing in a group of butterflies wearing national costumes, left a deep impression on the audience.

What a woman she is. She is endowed with beauty and fragrance. She came to an unfamiliar dynasty alone and was forced to separate from her lover, but she still keeps her innocence and kindness.

The touching love story between her and Meng Dan not only moved Little Swallow and others, but also moved the audience in front of the TV. At that time, the same style of dress headdress of Xiang Fei became a hot sale, and Liu Dan really came into the public's view.

Not only is his acting excellent, but Liu Dan's character and character have also been praised by many people.

During the filming of "Princess Huanzhu 2", the actress of the Empress had a good opinion of this young girl.

People often play with each other when they have a break between filming. Liu Dan is polite and smiles to everyone, and never gets angry.

After becoming famous gradually, Liu Dan did not become arrogant because of favours, but kept a modest and simple attitude towards life.

The broker often advised Liu Dan to wear some expensive dresses that can show his identity, but Liu Dan felt that those clothes were too extravagant and wasteful, so he still wore the cheap clothes he bought from the stall.

However, Liu Dan is very generous to his family. When he has time, he takes his parents to travel and buy things for his family.

He has always been spoiled by his family. After becoming famous, Liu Dan also wants to use his shoulder to support his family.

Liu Dan and his mother

Accidental death

Seeing that Xingtu is doing so well, Liu Dan has also received many new film invitations, such as "Love of the Peach Blossom Crossing", "sequel to Journey to the West" and other TV dramas.

She was also shortlisted for the Best Actress of the Hundred Flowers Award by virtue of "Holiday Inn for Lovers". In time, maybe she will become a first-line actress like her colleagues in "Princess Huanzhu".

But the fate of the track is always elusive, the sky jealous beauty, all of this came to an abrupt end in the late night of 2003.

After Liu Dan became famous, his business gradually became busy. In order to have a home in Beijing as soon as possible, he brought his family together.

Liu Dan often catches up with one notice at a time, and can only take a short rest in the middle of a short time.

On that day, Liu Dan went to the car after finishing the activity as usual to go to the next destination. Due to the days of running, tired Liu Dan did not sit in the back seat with his seat belt fastened, but lay in the back seat to take a nap. At this moment, an accident suddenly appeared.

Because the light is not clear in the morning, the driver sees a black obstacle on the road.

In order to avoid the driver hitting the steering wheel, he bumped into the isolation belt and the car body was severely damaged.

People sitting in the front row of the car were only slightly injured because of wearing seat belts, while Liu Dan in the back seat of the car was suddenly thrown out of the car by inertia and seriously injured on the spot.

The medical staff who came to the rescue also felt sorry for such a young and beautiful girl when they saw Liu Dan's serious injury. At that time, he did not realize that this was the concubine who was burning all over the country.

After intense rescue, Liu Dan died of massive hemorrhage and skull fracture.

As soon as the news came out, many people couldn't believe it. It was a pity that such a bright star fell in the middle of such a blooming age.

Liu Dan's parents

At Liu Dan's funeral, Liu Dan's mother held her daughter in her arms to buy a cheongsam that had not been delivered by hand.

Liu's mother said in an interview that Liu Dan had been extremely clever since he was young, and he often helped his family after he started working. After making money, he bought a house for his family at the first time, and often bought clothes and jewelry for himself.

Who would have thought that white haired people would send black haired people away now? How could she not accept the sudden death of her lovely and sensible daughter.

Liu Dan's brother said that he would rather die instead of his sister.

At the funeral

Family fragmentation

After Liu Dan left, the family had to endure the grief and continue to live. However, they did not expect to get used to Liu Dan's absence, and bad luck came again.

Liu Dan's father died on duty during a mission.

After the loss of two relatives, the once warm home suddenly became fragmented.

Liu Dan's brother buried his father and sister Liu Dan together, hoping that they could accompany each other and not feel lonely.

Then he shouldered the burden of his family. On the one hand, he had to take care of his mother, who had almost collapsed due to the pain of losing her daughter and father, and on the other hand, he had to work hard to support his family.

I don't know whether it is due to excessive hard work or such cruel and unfair fate. Liu Dan's brother soon suffered from cancer, and once diagnosed, it was the late stage of medicine without medicine.

There was not much time to accept the truth. Liu Dan's brother also died, leaving Liu Dan's mother alone.

After a series of attacks, Liu Dan's mother could no longer bear such pain. She did not give up, but suffered from serious depression. She did not want to see people, and talked all day long.

Liu Dan's aunts and aunts want to take Liu Dan's mother into their own home to take care of her, but Liu Dan's mother is unwilling to leave the family of four.

She will guard the home for the other three people in the family, and when they come back, they will be greeted.

Liu Dan once said in an interview that he was most afraid of being forgotten by audience friends.

Now that the beauty has passed away, her voice and smile still remain in people's hearts, perhaps this is the greatest memory of her.

Not only did the audience remember the beautiful and gentle Xiangfei, but also her friends and relatives did not forget her for a moment.

On the day of Liu Dan's accident, Zhu Hongjia, who plays Xiao Jian, was in the same car as Liu Dan's friend and survivor of the accident.

Every year on the death day of Liu Dan, Zhu Hongjia goes to the memorial ceremony and always cares about Liu Dan's mother.

Liu Dan and Zhu Hongjia

With the concern of people who care about Zhu Dan, Liu Dan's mother can continue to live even though she cannot get out of her sadness. She wants to go on with the family of four.

Later, Liu Dan's mother wrote a letter in memory of her daughter, which was published in the newspaper and broke many people's hearts.

It is a great torture for a mother to send a white haired person to a black haired person, not to mention the family that bad luck finds again and again.

Tomorrow and the accident do not know which comes first. Maybe we can only choose to cherish the present every day, and hope that Liu Dan's mother can live a strong life with people's concerns and wishes.

(Pictures and story materials are all from the Internet)

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