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The monks in the temple are vegetarian every day. Why are most of them fat? Look at their food

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Mention the monks in the temple, many people will think of the skinny, dressed in robes.

In fact, friends who have been to the temple know that many monks in the temple are overweight.

However, these monks eat vegetarian meals three times a day and never touch meat.

Such an abnormal phenomenon is so hard to understand that many netizens suspect that monks in temples will secretly eat meat.

Today, let's understand why monks who eat vegetarian food every day get fat, and why don't they lose weight?

First of all, we should understand that whether people are fat or not is not necessarily related to whether they eat meat or not.

Modern science tells us that people gain weight because they consume too many calories and consume too little. The excess calories are converted into sugar storage in the body, and finally become fat and fat.

Over time, a person's weight will continue to rise and become known as the fat man.

Although meat generally has more calories than vegetables, fruits rich in sugar and some starchy foods have no less calories than meat.

Similarly, some vegetarian products also contain high calories, which can also cause obesity.

Therefore, if you want to understand why monks grow fat, you must analyze them from the aspects of diet structure and daily life.

The monks in the temple are like most people. Their staple food is steamed bread, noodles and rice.

The dishes are mainly green plants and bean products, together with some coarse grains and fruits. It seems that such a diet is quite healthy. After all, people eat green food.

In fact, the vegan diet is one of the main reasons why monks are fat.

First of all, most monks eat too much staple food. Due to the lack of high-fat food such as meat, monks will eat more staple food and vegetables.

Most of them are composed of starch, which will be converted into sugar after entering the body.

The calories of staple foods with the same weight are far more than vegetables and other foods.

In this case, the monk will consume too much staple food, which will lead to excessive heat in the body.

If some friends don't believe it, they can try to eat two bowls of rice at each meal. Even if they don't eat meat, their weight will rise after a period of time.

Secondly, monks do not simply cook vegetables. They also use vegetable oil for frying.

In order to increase the taste of food and enrich the taste of food, temples usually use more oil to make food.

This leads to high fat content in food, which belongs to high fat and high calorie food. Eating a large amount of oil for a long time will inevitably lead to excessive body heat, thus increasing weight.

In addition, monks also use salt and sugar for seasoning when cooking, and heavy salt and heavy sugar are one of the important reasons for obesity.

Moreover, the diet of monks is very nutritious. Many temple fairs add Chinese medicinal materials for seasoning when cooking, and some temples have fruit supply before and after meals.

The temples with good conditions will also produce high-quality vegetarian food, in which bean products are the main materials, and bean products are high protein food. Excessive intake of bean products will also cause excessive heat.

At the same time, fruits are also high sugar food. Many fruits have a very high proportion of sugar. Eating too much will make you fat.

Therefore, the vegetarianism of monks does not mean that they do not take in nutrition. On the contrary, their food contains a lot of calories.

Finally, the diet structure is extremely unreasonable. Scientific research shows that meat is one of the foods that the human body must eat.

On the one hand, meat can provide enough nutrition for human beings; on the other hand, meat is rich in some trace elements.

Not eating meat will make people lack some trace elements, which will cause imbalance of human nutrition system, so monks are prone to endocrine problems.

This kind of disease will also lead to their abnormal weight growth, resulting in obesity.

A small number of monks look fat because of edema, also because of the lack of some nutrients in the body.

Therefore, modern science advocates people to eat healthily. Every kind of food needs to be eaten to ensure the supply of nutrients needed by the human body.

Only by maintaining a proper diet can one's body be healthy.

In this regard, the monk's diet is quite poor. The proportion of carbon, water and protein is very high. This diet structure is easy to lead to obesity.

In addition to diet problems, the lack of exercise and low calorie consumption of monks are also one of the reasons for their obesity.

We should know that the monks in the temples are not engaged in production and labor work. At the same time, the economic situation of most temples is very good.

First of all, in the current economic environment, many people have the habit of worshiping Buddha in temples. By selling surrounding products, temples can obtain a stable income.

Secondly, many wealthy families or returning pilgrims will donate money to the temple, which will also bring a lot of income to the temple.

Finally, many temples are local famous tourist attractions, and ticket sharing and tourists' visit will bring a lot of income.

With these incomes, the monks can maintain their daily living expenses without having to live a hard life without enough food.

For monks living in temples, receiving pilgrims, cleaning temples, and devoting themselves to Buddha worship are all part of their daily work.

The intensity of these works is not high, and the heat consumption is limited.

In other times, most monks need to meditate and read Buddhist scriptures, and the consumption is also small.

Some wealthy temples also invite people to help clean and manage them. Monks only need to sit in silence, and it is difficult not to gain weight.

In contrast to monks, they are farmers and workers engaged in labor.

Most of them also eat a lot of food every day, which is much more than monks.

However, the obesity rate in this group is very low, because they need to engage in long-term and high-intensity production work.

These jobs consume a lot of calories every day, making them maintain a balance of calories.

In this case, it is naturally difficult to have obese groups.

Speaking of which, there must be some friends who will ask, can't monks exercise to lose weight?

Because the monks in the temple have a strict work and rest system, they are not as free as everyone imagined.

Generally, the temple will fall asleep after 9:00 p.m., and will get up at 3:00 a.m. to do morning classes. Every day is fully arranged, and there is almost no time for monks themselves.

The rare rest time will also choose to learn Buddhism and study to cultivate their nature, so it is difficult to exercise every day like ordinary people lose weight.

It is not only the serious obesity of modern monks, but also the fat monks in ancient Buddhist temples in China.

Although the productivity in ancient times was not as advanced as it is today, most temples did not worry about food and drink.

Because in the past, as a place of religious belief, the temple was an important tool for the ruling class to maintain its rule.

Therefore, the government will give some land to the temple, and the temple has the right to exempt from taxes and service.

In order to pay less taxes, many farmers will choose to attach their land to the name of the temple and only need to pay a sum of money to the temple.

In addition, there were many people who believed in Buddhism in ancient times. The temple could collect a large amount of incense money. Using the incense money, the temple would buy a large amount of land, lease the land to tenants and collect land rent.

In addition, the local gentry would also donate land and money to temples. It can be said that ancient temples were places where wealth was concentrated.

In this case, the ancient monks were able to support themselves even if they were not engaged in production.

Another important reason for the obesity of ancient monks is that early monks can also eat meat.

In fact, today's monks can't eat meat, but can only eat vegetarian food, which originated from the Southern Liang Dynasty in the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

In the early Buddhist teachings introduced into China, there was no commandment prohibiting meat eating.

On the contrary, early Buddhism only prohibited monks to eat things with special smell, so they could eat meat at regular intervals.

Until the appearance of Xiao Yan, as an emperor, he believed in Buddhism very much. At his request, all monks can only eat vegetarian food, not meat.

With the promotion of this commandment, temples across the country gradually began to follow it, and a consensus was formed in the Buddhist cultural circle over time.

Later, with the spread of Chinese culture, many Buddhists in Southeast Asian cultural circles also gave up eating meat.

Although monks after the Northern and Southern Dynasties stopped eating meat, their diet was very unhealthy.

Different from many kinds of food for modern monks, the diet of monks in many ancient temples was monotonous.

This is because there were not many kinds of vegetables in ancient China. Before the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there were no potatoes, sweet potatoes and other coarse grains.

In this case, white rice and wheat have become the staple food of monks, who consume more carbon and water than modern monks.

At the same time, there were very few seasonings in ancient times. Oil and salt were the few seasonings that could increase the taste of food, so monks would use them in large quantities.

If modern temples have the guidance of scientific diet concept, the number of obese people is gradually decreasing.

So it is not surprising that the ancient temples lacked the common sense of healthy diet, and the wrong diet habits made them fat.

In addition to the above reasons, no desire, no desire, and no distractions will also lead to the obesity of monks.

In addition, the monk has no other worries every day except for understanding Buddhism, and is basically in a state of mind free from distractions.

In this case, the brain uses less time and consumes less energy than normal people.

As the ancient Chinese said, a broad heart makes a fat body. If you think less, you will naturally become fat.

In fact, the phenomenon of fat monks does not only exist in China. Thailand, as the most Buddhist country in Southeast Asia, has a very high rate of obesity among local monks.

For this reason, Thai temples even made plans to lose weight, but the effect was not significant.

The root cause of monks' obesity is their wrong eating habits, but even if they know the reason, it is not easy for monks to lose weight.

First of all, not eating meat has become an inherent impression of Buddhism, and monks can hardly change their diet.

After all, monks are human beings, and they also need to eat enough food to maintain human survival. However, the perennial light diet and reduced staple food intake will inevitably pose a health threat to monks.

In fact, many people who lose weight after a period of light diet, energy will also be much less than before, study and work state decline seriously.

It's hard to lose weight by exercise alone when you can't change your diet.

Modern science shows that the main way to lose weight is to control diet, and then strengthen exercise to create a calorie gap to reduce weight.

For monks who cannot eat healthily, they cannot lose weight healthily and effectively even if their daily exercise is increasing.

More importantly, most monks have no plan to lose weight. Most people lose weight for the sake of beauty and health.

In this respect, the monk doesn't pursue much. After all, monks don't value appearance.

In addition, the monks have no plans to get married, so they naturally do not need to lose weight to attract the opposite sex.

On the other hand, they are more open-minded about life and death, which is also the open-minded monks. They prefer to spend their limited time to understand Buddhism, so naturally they have no motivation to lose weight.

The monks in the temple are vegetarian every day. Why are most of them fat? Look at their food

The reason why the monks are overweight is that they eat more carbon water, more oil and more salt in their food.

This also tells us that we should adhere to the correct eating habits. We should not ignore the intake of other nutrients just because we like one kind of food.

Small partners who want to lose weight can also take a warning. Only with meat and vegetables, proper diet and exercise can they lose weight successfully.

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