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The worst war! Brunson set new records in this year's playoffs, conceded defeat in advance and looked depressed

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On May 13, Beijing time, the Knicks lost 32 points to Pacers at 89-121 away, and fell behind by 43 points at most. They were chased to 2-2 points and dragged into the battle of Tianwang Mountain. Brunson showed his worst performance in this year's playoffs. He was forced to clock in 30 minutes and 44 seconds in advance when he entered the game. There were only six in 17 players, including five in three points and six in nine free throws. He got 18 points and five assists, plus or minus 27.

Brunson created several personal worst data records in this year's playoffs with the help of the sluggish performance of this game:

First, Brunson's 18 points created the lowest point in a single game of this year's playoffs. Previously, the lowest point was 22 points in the first game against 76 people, which was also the first time that Brunson had less than 20 points in a single game of this year's playoffs.

Second, Brunson's 3-pointer was 0 out of 5, making it the worst single game in this year's playoffs, and it was also the first time in this year's playoffs that he scored 0 out of 3 in a single game.

Thirdly, Brunson only hit 6 goals in the whole game, creating the worst single game in this year's playoffs. He has hit 8 goals in a single game twice before, and he has hit at least 10 goals in the past 7 playoffs.

When Brunson started the overload operation mode again, he played all 12 minutes in the first quarter of the game, but only showed zero performance in five. Brunson only got 1 point with the help of free throws in the first quarter, plus 2 rebounds, 2 assists and 1 steals. It was hard to prevent the Knicks from losing 20 points 14-34 in the first quarter, which laid the foundation for the defeat ahead of time.

Although Brunson scored 9 points in the second quarter, his state recovered in 4 of 6 in the second quarter, which still could not prevent the Knicks from being 28 points behind in the first half. Brunson scored another 7 points in the third quarter. He had already scored 18 points in the third quarter, but he was forced to clock out early.

Brunson gave up to admit defeat in advance, which was also a gloomy expression off the court and witnessed a one-sided collapse of the Knicks. Considering that the Knicks are full of wounded soldiers, after being chased by the walkers to a 2-2 draw in total, the Knicks will undoubtedly think of difficulties in the next match.

(text/drunken floating life)

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