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Boom 28 points and 8 assists! Boom 33 points and 7 assists! There is no 150 million dollars, but it is the best outcome for you to keep the express boat

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This season, the NBA played in the division semi-finals, and it was quiet. First of all, the rapid rise of the Mesozoic Era and some supernovae brought only surprises to the fans. For example, Brunson, who averaged 34.6 points and 7.9 assists in the playoffs, is estimated that the management of the Lone Ranger is regretful. Why did he refuse the price of only $55 million for four years? And Mitchell averaged 29.6 points and 4.7 assists per game. The upper limit for him to lead the team alone may be the division semi-finals. Including Edwards in the West, who averaged 30.4 points, 6.7 rebounds and 5.7 assists per game, has become one of the most dominant super giants in the playoffs. In only one season, the remaining eight teams in the east and west, the oldest of which turned out to be Owen, still playing second fiddle to Doncic. It can only be said that the years are merciless. James+Durant+Curry will slowly withdraw from the competitive stage.

In fact, the Warriors missed the playoffs, the Suns were swept out by the Timberwolves, and the Lakers were swept out by the 4-1 gentlemen of the Nuggets. In the final analysis, these three teams all have obvious weaknesses, which can not be solved: the opposition between the Warriors and the meritorious deeds, the management is bound to choose one from the other; James and Shumei can only play good football for 30-35 minutes each game, but the game is 48 minutes, and others can't help; The three giants of the Sun are standing alone, and nothing else. In contrast, the Clippers stopped in the first round, which is really difficult to balance. To be honest, I still don't accept the way the Clippers are out this season! Among the Big Four: George's downshift in the playoffs is normal, but he has worked hard this season; Weishao can provide mental attributes, but it drags space on the spot and ends with low efficiency; Harden is a regular season bull and a playoff mother. What about Leonard?

After the Clippers were out, from the American media to our fans, they were all talking about Harden's ownership next season. But the big premise of this problem is George's future! First, emphasize two major premises: the so-called Pistons are interested in Harden, and even prepare a three-year contract worth 150 million dollars, which is totally unreal and has not been confirmed by any American media! Secondly, George's choice determines Harden's subjective will to stay on the Clippers. According to Sister Barbecue, George's choice of players is inevitable. He can sign a four-year $221 million contract with the Clippers at most and a four-year $212 million contract with other teams at most. But Clippers is willing to give George 100 million dollars in two years at most, or 120 million dollars in three years, which is impossible to exceed Leonard's 152 million dollars in three years! After four months of negotiations, it is almost certain that George will leave the team even for the last big contract.

Harden is really unlucky! There is no need to repeat Harden's various experiences during the Houston Rockets period. After leaving the Houston Rockets, Harden led the Nets to once win the Eastern Conference in the 21 regular season, and won the Eastern Conference's monthly best for two consecutive times. However, he strained his hamstring, and his old injury recurred in the second round of the Bucks game. Finally, the Nets were kicked out by the Bucks+the league. Because the last three referees' reports were all biased towards the Bucks, they did not intend to let the Nets win! In the summer of 22, Harden, who came to the 76, met the Heat in the second round, averaging 18.2 points+7 assists per game. Old Rivers explicitly asked Harden to give up the ball right, while Enbid's series averaged 19.8 points and 10 rebounds per game, with a shooting percentage of 42.6%; 2-4 Sorry to be out! In the second round of last year's playoffs, Harden had a 42 point+three-point shoot out and a 45 point+three-point shoot out. However, Van Enbyrd was a bit tough, and the Celtics could not overturn the game.

In the playoffs of this season, the Clippers won two games. Harden scored 28 points and 8 assists, 33 points and 7 assists, and Harden had no problems in the first four games. The latter two games were obviously unable to keep up with the physical strength, shoot or run! Does the Clippers expect Harden to keep the bottom in the regular season and lead the team in the first round in the playoffs? To put it simply, although Harden does not have the scoring explosive power of the Rockets, he is also willing to be the second or even third core of the team, giving up the ball right and sacrificing data. But when Harden was needed in the playoffs, he broke out many times. Do you remember that he pulled the crotch, but ignored that he led the team to win? However, compared with the Nets and the 76ers, the Clippers are the friendliest to Harden. To be honest, Leonard does have the ability to lead the team to win the championship when he is healthy, but how to keep healthy?

According to the analysis of salary expert Bobby Max, Harden's market situation is not high but not low, with an average salary of 30 million to 33 million, which is acceptable to Harden. Leonard took the initiative to cut his salary. To put it bluntly, he gave Harden room and limited George's contract ceiling. When George leaves the Clippers and the Clippers sign first and then change, he must reinforce position 4 and be able to play position 5 of the small team. Leonard can't be consumed excessively in the defense of the regular season, which is the major premise for the Clippers to win the championship. As for whether there is George or not, it is not so important. When George is 34 years old, his replaceable value is much higher than that of Harden and Leonard. But the Clippers can't let George leave easily, so he must sign first and then change.

Whether Harden can win the championship for the rest of his career or not, at least staying on the Clippers is the best outcome. Harden's family is here, and Leonard is different from other leaders. Even if he disappoints in the playoffs every year, his main premise is to respect Harden and cooperate with Harden. If George leaves, Harden will have little pressure to sign a new contract with an average salary of 30 million dollars. The last bit of fluke is that he expects Leonard to really take the Clippers next season. After five years of internal strife, the first year of internal strife, he has been plagued by injuries every year. Even if others do not evaluate the price, Leonard is happy?

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