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Luoyang, the darker the more "medium"

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After six days of work,

The migrant workers who appeared in the office on time on Saturday,

The "withdrawal reaction" of the May Day holiday continues,

The only solution is to plan the next trip.

As summer approaches,

A weekend night tour is enough to

The hollowed blood bars of migrant workers are restored

——So as not to suffer from getting up early,

You can also experience the local customs and culture in a one-stop way,

Of course, delicious food should also run through it.

Where is the perfect destination? Luoyang, Henan.

"If you ask about the prosperity and abolition of ancient and modern times, please only look at Luoyang City."

In China, a city with historical and cultural heritage that can compete with Xi'an may only have a glimpse of Luoyang, the capital of gods for thousands of years. After all, there is no real thing in our ancestors. Who dares to call themselves "gods"?

The beauty of Luoyang is not only in the daytime, but also at night, when Luoyang is under the brilliant lights, it can truly highlight its status as the god capital. "Night Tour", "Night Entertainment", "Night Food", "Night Shopping", "Night Performance" and "Night Photography" have been officially stamped by Luoyang as a new tourism label for vigorous development. It is an excellent destination for migrant workers who want to get up late and experience night life in retaliation.

Passing through Luoyang at night

Speaking of the night tour of Luoyang, if the first stop is not the night tour of Longmen Grottoes, it will be a waste of time.

Longmen Grottoes, as the first of several major grottoes in China, has long been famous. It is located on both banks of the Yi River, Longmen Mountain and Xiangshan Mountain in Henan Province, and at the center of the Chinese grotto temple network along the "Silk Road". It has witnessed the secularization and sinicization of Buddhist statues, as well as the integration of national culture and exchanges between Chinese and foreign civilizations. It is one of the most famous and shocking historical sites in Luoyang and even in Henan Province.

Buddha Statues in Longmen Grottoes

More than 2000 caves and niches are scattered on the cliffs on both sides of the east and west. It is said that the Dragon Gate was dug by Dayu in the flood control, and the legend of fish leaping over the Dragon Gate also took place here. Since the reign of Emperor Xiaowen in the Northern Wei Dynasty, people have carefully carved this magnificent and exquisite picture scroll. After more than 1400 years and more than 10 dynasties, there are 2345 cave niches and more than 110000 statues, which is also known as the "peak of Chinese stone carving art". A large number of colored paintings were used during the construction. Now, although these colored paintings have faded away and most of the stone sculptures are broken, the architectural works that last for 1 km still stand here quietly, telling the world about the rise and fall of history.

As a world cultural heritage that many people want to see, the night tour of Longmen Grottoes, with the blessing of lights, can make people feel the shock and mystery of the grottoes. When night falls, the lights are shining, and the stone walls of the Ten Thousand Niches are shining on the banks of the Yi River. The statues of large and small Buddhist niches, dressed up with more than a thousand lights, seem to have passed through the Tang Dynasty.

Longmen Grottoes with Stars in the Dark

If you want to visit the whole Longmen Grottoes Scenic Area in one day, you must do your best. After all, the main scenic spots of Longmen Grottoes Scenic Spot consist of Xishan Grottoes, Dongshan Grottoes, Xiangshan Temple and Baiyuan, which takes 4-5 hours. Enter the garden at about 3:00 p.m., and don't walk in the sun. Follow the following route and just see the lights in the grottoes. A night tour of the grottoes is enough to chill.

First, go to White Garden. Baiyuan is Bai Juyi's cemetery. It is said that Bai Juyi lived in Luoyang for 18 years in his later years, built Xiangshan Temple in Longmen, opened Bajie Beach, and was very attached to Longmen landscape. He was buried here after his death as instructed. You need to climb a small hill to come here, so you should come first, because it will be closed at 17:30. Then go back and you will reach Xiangshan Temple. Xiangshan Temple was built in 687 of the Tang Dynasty to accommodate the remains of Mahara, an Indian eminent monk. During the Wu and Zhou Dynasties, it was expanded into a temple and named "Xiangshan Temple".

Xiangshan Temple in the evening

Coming down from Xiangshan Temple is the highlight of the night tour of Longmen Grottoes - Ximen Grottoes. Here, at the beginning of the light, ten thousand Buddha statues will take us through the Tang Dynasty and experience the treasures left by China to the world.

Xishan Grottoes are the essence of Longmen Grottoes. There are more than 50 large and medium-sized caves in the Northern Dynasty and the Sui and Tang Dynasties, including nine large Buddha statues. The essence of the essence is Lushena Buddha, which is said to be built according to the image of Empress Wu. This Buddha statue is famous for its mysterious smile - even known as the "Oriental Mona Lisa" by foreign tourists.

The ethereal beings stopped at the foot of the Buddha, making it noisy and quiet. The bright yellow lights in the grottoes dotted the mountains, bringing tourists a more magnificent and fantastic visual spectacle.

Longmen Grottoes and Lushena Giant Buddha at Night

Of course, the popularity also means that there are the most people here. On May Day, this place looks like a grand scene of believers going to Jerusalem to worship.

If you don't want to spend half the day here, you can go to the White Garden, Dongshan Grottoes and Xiangshan Mountain, and arrive at the northwest service area in the evening for a night tour of Xishan Grottoes.

In Luoyang, in addition to the night tour of major scenic spots, it is a niche experience that other cities cannot provide to enter the museum in the evening to experience a Chinese limited version of the wonderful night of the museum. Compared with the previous need to get up early and queue up to go to major museums, the night tour museum is the main secret chamber of a large knowledge-based immersion museum for us night owls.

Luoyang Museum is the most famous one.

Night of Luoyang Museum

As one of the first national first-class museums, it was founded in 1958, where you can see all the cultural relics from prehistory to the Northern Song Dynasty. The first floor of the museum is the three exhibition halls of "Heluo Civilization"; The second floor is the "Treasure Exhibition", "Tang Tri color Exhibition" and "Palace Cultural Relics Exhibition", where you can find most of the treasures of the town hall.

The night tour of Luoyang Museum adds a sense of "stealing". The night tour of Luoyang Museum takes the form of "manual explanation+NPC plot interpretation", and the venues cover five venues, namely "Heluo Civilization First, Second and Third Exhibition Hall+Stone Carving Hall+Treasure Hall". Each exhibition hall is led by a commentator. The most interesting thing is the NPC's story interpretation interspersed in the middle, which is really very popular in the museum industry.

Tang tri colored camels in Luoyang Museum and clay figurines of Buddha's face in Northern Wei Dynasty

Besides visiting Luoyang Museum at night, does it sound more exciting to visit Luoyang Ancient Tomb Museum at night?

Luoyang Ancient Tomb Museum is the only museum in China that focuses on ancient tombs. There are 25 typical tombs removed and restored from Luoyang, from the Western Han Dynasty to the Song and Jin Dynasties. The overall exhibition of each ancient tomb, the true reproduction of its tomb buildings, unearthed cultural relics and their locations, tomb murals, and brick carving art, provides us with a more authentic perspective to understand people's views on life and death and burial in different times, to appreciate the rise and fall of individuals and dynasties, and the accumulation of 3000 years of history.

Ancient Tomb Museum and Northern Song Dynasty Mural Tomb

The most important thing about the unique experience of the night tour museum is not to avoid the crowds in the daytime, but the immersive interactive experience, which can also better let people understand the stories buried in the history of Luoyang, the ancient capital.

Tips: The evening tour of the museum is not held every day. You need to check the official opening announcement and make an appointment in advance.

People are tired of playing city walk. In Luoyang, night walk may be the right way to open it.

The site of Jiuzhouchi in Luoyang is more like a special one for night tours. It is an important imperial pool garden in Ziwei, the palace city of Luoyang in the Sui and Tang dynasties. At night, the lights are bright and the walls of Jiuzhouchi are brightly lit. Walking in the sea of lights with your back and hands, it seems that you are in the bustling world of Tang Dynasty. The immersive performances in the garden, together with tourists taking photos in Han suits, create a dreamy scenery of Tang Dynasty.

Night View of Jiuzhouchi Lake and Viewing Mingtang Paradise from the City Tower

If you want to experience the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty at night, taste the fireworks in the ancient city, eat, drink, play Tesco and punch in, please go straight to Yingtianmen.

Yingtianmen at night provides an excellent shooting scene. You can see the glorious scenery of the Sui and Tang dynasties when you climb the tower. Of course, it doesn't matter if you haven't prepared in advance. After all, the scale of Luoyang Hanfu stores is rare in the country, and they can handle everything from makeup to clothing modeling in a one-stop manner.

Night View of Yingtianmen

In addition to Yingtian Gate, there is Lijing Gate. Yingtianmen was the south gate of the royal palace city, and was an important place for the imperial court to hold major national celebrations and diplomatic activities at that time. The ceremonies of Emperor Gaozong's capture of King Baekje, Empress Wu's proclamation as emperor, and Emperor Xuanzong's reception of the eighth Japanese envoy to the Tang Dynasty were held in Yingtianmen, which was very natural. The Lijing Gate is the west gate of Luoyang City, and through the gate is the West Street and the Cross Street Night Market, with numerous shops and a strong sense of life.

Fireworks in Lijingmen West Street

Play until more than nine o'clock at night, naturally need the comfort of midnight snack. This is also the first choice of Luoyang night market. Walk east from the West Street to the intersection of the Cross Street night market. Walk along Xinghua Road, go south to the South Street, and then walk to Nanmenkou Street. Along the way, there are all kinds of special snacks and Luoyang local food - fried cold noodles, sour plum soup, peony cakes, instant boiled tripe, It may be a headache for people with difficulty in choosing.

Luoyang Cross Street Night Market and Alley

Of course, I suggest you directly serve a bowl of hot soup to warm your body and mind. After all, Luoyang has a true love for soup, which is not less than that of Guangdong. Spicy soup, mutton soup, beef soup, meatball soup, donkey meat soup, bean curd soup

There is also Bufan Tang, which only appears at night. This antidote, called Luoyang people's own, disappeared for a while, and has only turned red in recent years. However, in the eyes of Luoyang locals, it is still a snack that "local people don't drink it, but foreign tourists only serve it".

Steaming beef soup

Different from the large-scale commercialization and scale of Cross Street, if you want to experience the typical Luoyang time-honored brands and the daily life of Luoyang people, you still have to go to the Cross Street Night Market and then to the Democratic Street in the east. This street contains the memory of generations of Luoyang people, and also contains many taste memories of Luoyang locals. Yushuyuan Roasted Chicken, Panshengyuan Soy Sauce Meat, Gaoji Fruit Oil Tea... These seemingly inconspicuous shops are actually much older than most people.

Snack shops and passers-by in Minzhu Street

Off peak weekend short tour is still a good medicine for migrant workers to adjust their rhythm and find a sense of relaxation. In Luoyang, it is the night travel destination that can provide the best experience for lazy tourists who do not want to get up early. Luoyang, when night falls and lights come on, seems more dreamy and wonderful than in the daytime. Let's go. Take a weekend trip to Luoyang and have a walk through the ancient and modern cities at night.

Planning/Yueyou Editorial Department


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Pictures provided/Visual China, Luoyang Cultural Tourism Public Welfare Library, @ you! Come on! Run

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