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Because they became friends in the variety show, Liu Tao couldn't help crying when talking about the recent situation of 78 year old Zheng Peipei

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In the latest variety show "Flowers and Teenagers", the famous actor Liu Tao affectionately talked about his deep friendship with his predecessor Zheng Peipei, and publicly disclosed Zheng Peipei's recent physical condition for the first time, which made countless fans worried. Liu Tao's words were full of concern and reluctance, and even choked several times. This scene was quickly fermented on the Internet, which attracted the attention and heated discussion of netizens.

Zheng Peipei, a veteran martial arts actress who enjoys a high reputation in Chinese film and television circles, has created countless classic roles and become a hero image in the minds of generations with her unique screen charm and profound martial arts skills. However, time goes by. Zheng Peipei, 78 years old, has been in a red light in recent years. His once vigorous figure can only walk slowly with the help of others. Liu Tao revealed in the program that Zheng Peipei's current living condition is quite difficult and his health problems are becoming increasingly serious, which can not help but make people sigh and feel distressed for the former "swordsman empress".

The profound friendship between Liu Tao and Zheng Peipei began many years ago with the joint participation of "Flowers and Teenagers". In the program, the two people treated each other sincerely, supported each other, and established a friendship beyond age. Liu Tao expressed his respect and love for Zheng Peipei many times in the program, calling him a mentor and model in his acting career. Now, facing the camera, Liu Tao could not hide his concern about the current situation of his friends. He cried several times. His sincere feelings revealed, making the audience feel the warmth and strength of this cross-border friendship.

Zheng Peipei's life in his later years seemed not peaceful. In addition to his own health, his family members also suffered misfortunes. It is reported that the wife of his son, Yuan Heyu, has unfortunately suffered from breast cancer, which is undoubtedly worse for the already troubled family. As an extreme athlete, Yuan Heyu had to launch crowdfunding on social platforms in the face of high medical expenses, hoping to raise enough treatment funds, despite his certain popularity. As soon as the news came out, it immediately aroused widespread concern in the society. People sighed and expressed deep sympathy for the situation of Zheng Peipei's family.

Zheng Peipei's health problems and family difficulties have once again focused the public's attention on the old age of older artists. As former screen stars, they shine brightly on the stage, bringing countless classic works to the audience. However, as time goes by, many people are facing multiple challenges such as health recession and economic pressure. Zheng Peipei's story, like a mirror, reflects the real situation of many old artists, which makes people sigh deeply, and at the same time, appeals to all sectors of society to give them more attention and help.

In the performing arts industry, which is an industry with rapid updating and iteration speed, Zheng Peipei has written his own legendary chapter with lifelong efforts and persistence. Although the evening scene is sobering, her image in the hearts of the audience is always heroic and indomitable. In this era full of changes, let's hope that Zheng Peipei, the "Empress of Martial Arts", can overcome the disease and enjoy his old age. At the same time, we also hope that the society can give more care and support to these artists who once lit up our childhood, so that they can feel the warmth and beauty of the world.

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