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Documentary: What are the means of 91 gods? Whether they are college students or flight attendants, they are all willing to appear on the camera

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In this era of convenient Internet, many "ordinary people" have taken advantage of it to soar to the top of their lives. Netizens look envious and jealous.

Some illegal people also began to use the Internet to collect money. For example, the infamous "91 God", who read countless women, from college students to flight attendants, were not spared. They posted their indecent videos online and made a lot of money.

Some people were secretly photographed without knowing it, but most of the girls were willing to shoot on the camera, so that they did not lack resources at all.

What means did they use to demagogue people? What happens to the girls in the video?

Invisible trap, secret of 91 video platform

91 Video platform, a seemingly ordinary video sharing website, is actually a huge trap hidden deep in the network.

As the largest adult video website in the Chinese language world, 91 video platform is ostensibly called "recording life". In fact, a large number of video content involves privacy and improper content, with hundreds of thousands of videos, which makes it a hotbed for many shady transactions.

According to the data, 91 video platform has a daily visitor volume of 210000, and the number of registered users is up to millions, which shows its great influence. But behind these amazing figures, there are many unknown secret stories.

Take the online celebrity "Mr. Tang" on the platform as an example. He used the platform to realize the profit plan of secretly recording women's private videos and selling them at a high price on the platform.

By packaging his own image, Mr. Tang made the victim mistake him for "Gao Fu Shuai", and then asked the other party to take nude photos and private images under the name of "recording the good times of life".

These video materials became the commodities he uploaded to the 91 platform for trading. Mr. Tang's works received the highest number of hits on the platform due to their full appearance and high-definition image quality, with prices ranging from 150 yuan to 680 yuan.

According to statistics, the highest number of hits of his single work reached an astonishing 779000, which can be estimated that he has obtained more than 4 million yuan of illegal income through these illegal acts.

What's worse, Mr. Tang also made his own process of cajoling women into a so-called "course for picking up girls", which is used to teach others to carry out similar illegal acts. It is worth mentioning that Mr. Tang has a wide target group, ranging from stewardess models to high school female students, who are only 17 years old.

It can be seen from this case that the 91 video platform provides a heaven like hiding place for those who produce and disseminate illegal content for their own sake.

For their own interests, these people are willing to set traps in the online world and try to gain the trust of others before taking secret photos. The content they produce and trade not only harms the rights of others, but also encourages the unhealthy trend of the network environment.

Reflection and vigilance from the perspective of victims

After the incident was exposed, a "victim" told her "tragic experience" on the Internet, and netizens saw that the public opinion was divided (the following is the "victim"'s self statement).

My name is Xiaofang (not my real name). I am a cosmetics salesman working in a small city. My income is average, and I live an ordinary life on a small salary every month.

Life is so ordinary. I always thought I was happy. One day, my high school classmates suddenly announced a party, and I found myself living in the illusion of self satisfaction.

At the party, the students were all dressed in smart clothes, holding famous brands, living in luxury houses, driving sports cars, and talking about topics that I didn't understand.

The brand bags they mentioned are the price of my salary for several months. I can't afford to do beauty. I feel totally out of their circle, just like a rustic villager who just came to a big city.

I was surprised to see that they were rich. It was clear that everyone had the same starting point. How could the gap be so large in a few years? I was suddenly very disappointed and powerless.

I also want to live a luxurious life, own a famous brand bag, live in a luxury house, and go to high-level places. I'm not the same person anymore, and even it's difficult to talk with old classmates.

Just then, a man who claimed to be a photographer suddenly sent me a private letter, saying that he could give me 10000 yuan. I was hesitant at first to shoot a video for more than ten minutes, but the price offered was too attractive for me. This amount has exceeded my income for two months. I urgently need this money to fill the gap with my classmates.

In the end, greed defeated reason. I asked this man to meet me in the hotel. When I met this man, he called himself Brother Tang. He looked ordinary and dressed simply, which made me feel kind.

He assured me that the video would be coded and would not reveal my privacy, which made me start to take off my guard. Then he took out the cash prepared in advance to me. In a moment, I felt like I was poisoned. I could do anything for money. In this way, I sold my body and dignity and completed the transaction with this man.

After that, I regretted and blamed myself very much. I told myself repeatedly that this was just a transaction, but I knew that I had struck indelible scars on the moral bottom line, but I was still driven by greed and repeated this transaction again and again, sinking deeper and deeper into the darkness.

I became extremely extravagant, but none of these could fill the emptiness in my heart. I pretended to be bright and rich on the surface, but I had nothing in my bones. I was like a butterfly that could not fly, circling around the flowers all day long, but I had lost my true nature.

Then one day, some of my videos were inadvertently seen by my colleagues. In a moment, I lost the meaning of life like a frustrated ball. I understood that everything was over, and I lost my foothold. I had to choose to leave the city where I had lived for many years.

I found a remote small town where no one knows me and lived in isolation. I hid at home all day, afraid to meet anyone for fear of being recognized.

Just like a wounded animal, it keeps licking its own wound, but it can't heal. I am tortured by regret all day long, and can no longer face the mistakes I made.

Through this painful lesson, I finally understand that the most valuable thing in life is not money and material, but morality and dignity. I will never give up my bottom line for a moment of greed. At the same time, I appeal to women friends to never repeat my mistakes.

The water inside is very deep. In addition to Brother Tang, who is called "91 God", some people are engaged in this industry for money, and some people are engaged in this industry simply to satisfy their abnormal hobbies.

Warning of the collapse of society and ethics

With the continuous development of society, people's pursuit of material things is increasing, and some people trapped by fame and wealth are also on the road of no return under the moral concept of drifting away.

"Occupations" that obtain huge profits by illegal means are common, especially the production and trafficking of illegal videos. These behaviors not only seriously violate the rights and interests of others, but also reflect the social ethical anomie to a certain extent.

The police investigation found that most of the people engaged in illegal video production have normal jobs, and their annual income is not poor. Tang used to be a program host, and Shen has his own media company.

However, in order to meet their material desires, they use their own contacts and resources to design secret videos after cheating women into trust. Most of them are new to society, not alert enough to the dangers, confused by false packaging, and finally trapped in them. The video content is mostly private, and once exposed, it is enough to destroy a girl's innocence.

There are also victims who were successful in their careers but fell into a trap due to temporary infatuation. All their efforts have gone to naught. Today, when moral values are weakened, we still need to maintain rationality and the bottom line, cherish the dignity of ourselves and others, and jointly safeguard social justice. Only in this way can we avoid continuing to slide into the abyss and let morality return to the mainstream of society.

In recent years, "live broadcast with goods" has become a landscape in the e-commerce industry. However, with the continuous warming of the live broadcast industry, some criminals also produce and disseminate illegal videos through the live broadcast platform, seriously endangering social security.

For example, the "Xiaobao Exploring Flowers" case that broke out a few years ago is a typical case. It is mainly through some social software that some girls are invited to the hotel for "trading", and during the process, they will use modified mobile phones to take covert photos.

The police investigation found that the number of illegal videos stored by Xiaobao Tanhua was as high as 200G. Among them, the girls were young and beautiful, and their thoughts were not mature enough to realize that they were being violated privacy.

In addition to the production and dissemination of illegal videos, there have also been some acts of profiteering through the provision of "special services" in recent years. These people often make friends with girls in the name of "predecessors", "teachers and students" with some social software, then recruit with high salaries, and finally produce a large number of illegal videos.

It is said that one of them, "Teacher Longma", has had relationships with 300 women in only two years, earning more than 5 million yuan.

It can be seen that the main envoys behind them often have normal status and stable income, but they still choose to go this way because of the serious indifference to the moral bottom line and legal concepts.

The French Open is long and unobtrusive

In recent years, the country has launched a special campaign against pornography and illegal publications, cracking down on a group of people who make profits by disseminating pornographic videos. These people use network technology and platforms to disseminate illegal pornographic content, seriously violating the privacy and human dignity of others, and disturbing the network ecology.

Some of the "big gods", famous for the number "91", took the invasion of women's privacy as a means of livelihood, madly produced and sold a large number of private images, which caused irreparable harm to the victims.

In 2017, the police in Lishui, Zhejiang Province, found a heinous case in action. A Wang Moulei uploaded a large number of pornographic videos through a pornographic website.

According to the investigation, since 2015, Wang Moulei has had relationships with nearly 100 women, secretly recorded and edited videos for sale for profit, and earned more than 1 million yuan in two years.

This behavior of one-sided satisfaction of one's own desire and complete disregard for others' feelings and life safety is heinous. The Lishui People's Court finally sentenced him to 11 years' imprisonment and a fine of 400000 yuan for the crime of making and selling pornographic materials.

Similar cases include the infamous "91 gods" who produced a large number of private female images. They were also sentenced to years of imprisonment for violating the law by making, copying, publishing, selling and disseminating pornographic materials for profit.

What these so-called "great gods" did not only violated the law, but also trampled on the moral bottom line, seriously violating the human dignity of hundreds of women.

It is understood that the videos they produced have caused great trouble to many girls' sexual life. Some families have broken down, some have lost their jobs, and some even have the idea of suicide. It can be said that things are different from people, and their fate has been destroyed.

The French Open is long and unobtrusive. If you reach out, you will be caught. These are not just words. Everyone has a desire. It is like a double-edged sword. There are both advantages and disadvantages. If you don't use it properly, you will inevitably fall into an infinite abyss.


In the materialistic society, moral concepts and legal awareness are lax, and some people are unscrupulous in their pursuit of money, fame and wealth, and even use illegal and criminal ways to make huge profits. This not only seriously infringes the rights of others, but also has a negative impact on the social environment.

Every one of us should be self disciplined and introspective, enhance legal awareness, and be a person of morality and integrity. Only when everyone spreads positive energy and extinguishes the fire of evil, can we light up the beautiful side of human nature and promote social civilization and progress.

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Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

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