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Tie Ning, Chairman of the Writers' Association, insisted that she would rather be single than make do when she was 50 years old

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"Independent women" have attracted much attention on the Internet and become one of the hot topics. From films and TV plays to variety shows, more and more people begin to pay attention to these 30+and 40+sisters, and find that although they are not married, they show extraordinary charm in their respective fields.

Some sisters are keen on acting in movies and TV plays, some are outstanding in the music world, and some choose to enjoy the beauty of ordinary life

In the field of literature, Tie Ning is also an outstanding representative of independent women.

Tie Ning was born in Beijing in 1957, but her roots are rooted in Hebei. Tie Ning's father, Tie Yang, was a person with unusual artistic talent. After receiving basic painting education in Hebei, he entered the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing to further study stage art. It was during this period that Tie Ning came to the world.

Although Tie Ning left Beijing at an early age, her growth benefited from her father's artistic influence. In her hometown of Hebei, art goes with her. Tie Yang is famous for her painting talent, while her mother is a leader in the music industry. This family environment provides fertile ground for Tie Ning's artistic talent.

It is said that Tie Ning's family has a special room for collecting books. The family loved reading, and Tie Ning loved studying. She is not satisfied with the surface, but goes deep into every book, such as A Dream of Red Mansions. She reads it repeatedly, trying to gain insight into the details of the book.

Such family background and living habits have laid a solid foundation for Tie Ning. At the age of 16, she began to set foot in the literary world, creating The Flying Sickle, which tells the stories of several middle school girls. Although simple, it shows a deep breath of life.

When Tie Yang saw his daughter's talent, he decided not to waste it. He took Tie Ning to meet the famous writer Xu Guangyao, hoping to get more professional guidance. After Xu Guangyao saw Tie Ning and her first work, he repeatedly praised them, which was undoubtedly a huge affirmation for the young girl.

Through this early experience, Tie Ning's artistic journey unfolded and she became a bright star in the Chinese literary world.

Tie Ning's talent in her youth did not make her complacent, but made her more aware of her position. When she was 18 years old, she chose to give up the comfortable city life and chose to go to the mountains and countryside. This experience became an important part of her life.

During her four years in the countryside, Tie Ning deeply experienced rural life, observed various manifestations of human nature, and wrote these into her works, telling vivid stories from a unique and exquisite perspective of women, which also helped her own heart to be precipitated.

After returning to the city, Tiening found that Xu Guangyao had been paying close attention to her works and introduced her to Sun Li, a literary giant. Sun Li praised Tie Ning's works and gave him detailed guidance, which became Tie Ning's guiding light on the literary road.

At the award ceremony of Sun Li Literature Prize later, Tie Ning publicly expressed her gratitude to Sun Li, called him a guide on her literary path, and sighed with the profound enlightenment brought by the passion contained in Sun Li's ordinary life.

With the help of distinguished people, Tie Ning's talent has been found by more people and her literary reputation has been accumulating. However, Tie Ning herself has become more low-key. It seems that her identity as a writer is not unique to her. However, such indifference has aroused more attention, especially in love and marriage.

It is an unchangeable law since ancient times that a gentle lady is a good match for a gentleman. Tie Ning, as a famous talented woman in the literary world, has many pursuers. However, it is strange that Tie Ning has never had a heart for anyone. She did not have it at the age of 20, 30, and even at the age of 40, she still calmly walked on the road of literature, as if she had never considered her life's major events.

This has a lot to do with another literary giant. In 1991, Tie Ning, who was in her thirties, met Mr. Bing Xin once. Bing Xin seemed to see her shadow in her youth, appreciate her talent and naturally pay attention to her personal life.

Just when Tie Ning thought that Mr. Bingxin would also urge her to get married and have children, something unexpected happened. Mr. Bingxin held her hand and said seven words to her, "Don't look, wait."

Unexpectedly, it will be 2007. Tie Ning, who was 50 years old at that time, finally came to the one in her life. The other party was Mr. Hua Sheng, president of Yanjing Huaqiao University. The two married in a low profile. Whenever they both appeared, they must be smiling and happy.

Tie Ning's practice really makes people reflect. She is not influenced by secular ideas, and chooses to wait for the person who really shares her heart with her, rather than make do with it because of external pressure. This attitude of persistence and waiting may be just what we lack in modern society. Too many people have to compromise and give up their true thoughts for various reasons, which ultimately leads to regret and dissatisfaction in life. Tie Ning's choice reminds us that life is not only a choice. Sometimes, patience and firm belief may be the better choice.

We should learn from Tie Ning's calmness and persistence, not be shaken by the noise outside, stick to our inner belief, and wait for the person or thing who really shares our heart with us. In this way, we can better understand the true meaning of life and realize the life we really want.

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