Shanxi's father-in-law beat his daughter-in-law violently, tied his neck with hemp rope, and pressed his head into the toilet. Son: Go back as usual

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"Son, come back quickly. Your father has been confused again, and your daughter-in-law, she also......"

Liao Jianwen's mother calls her son. At this time, she is suffering from her husband's domestic violence. However, besides her, there is also her daughter-in-law.

"Mom, you wait for me, I will go back right away and protect myself."

Liao Jianwen knew that this call was more about asking for help. He could not help but hurry home after having just had two bites of lunch.

The moment he went home to open the door, the scene was unimaginable.

Liao Jianwen's family of four lives in Shanxi, but his ancestral home is not Shanxi, but because the husband and wife work in Shanxi, they settled down in Shanxi. His parents also followed his son to settle down in Shanxi.

His parents often quarreled with each other since childhood, and his father even committed atrocities to his mother. Liao Jianwen lived in such a family environment when he was young, which undoubtedly hurt him. He had seen his mother beaten many times with bruises and bruises, and even his father would add punches to him. Although his mother's strength was limited, she still protected him as much as possible.

It is undoubtedly torture to face such a father every day. As Liao Jianwen grows older, he gradually has the idea of persuading his mother to leave. He doesn't want to see his mother live without freedom all day, and he also hopes that her life can be happy.

He even told his mother in high school that he would rather be a child of a single parent family, and the mother and son live together, rather than watch his mother suffer from his father every day.

"But after so many years, my mother is used to it, and he is your father. It is not as important for me to divorce him, but you are not as important as my father. I believe he will change. He is just young and energetic now. In a few years, it will be better if he becomes more stable."

The mother always excused her father again and again, so her face was always injured. Even Liao Jianwen, who returned home from the boarding school twice a week at that time, almost always came home with new and old wounds on her face.

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"He has been like this for so many years. Can he really change? I don't want to see you suffer any more. Your divorce will not hurt me too much. I can take care of you in the future. Let's leave him."

When talking about this topic, my mother always chooses to escape. This time, Liao Jianwen did not get the response he wanted, and this matter also became the heart of young Liao Jianwen. For so many years, he has been trying to persuade his mother to divorce, but her mother has never had the courage.

After the couple came to Shanxi to work and became stable, they gave birth to a fat son. At the same time, they had work to deal with, and they were also busy one day. So Liao Jianwen asked his mother to help take care of the child. Liao's father seldom came to his son's home. Why did he suddenly have such a fist fight with his daughter-in-law?

Later, according to the relevant investigation and Liao's father's own opinion, it was because his daughter-in-law had always disrespected him. Today, he really couldn't stand it, so he planned to frighten her. He couldn't stand such contempt.

It turned out that Liao's father always wanted to buy a new car. Because he had all his money in the bank and couldn't get it out for the time being, he asked his daughter-in-law for money.

However, the couple's life is not rich either. In addition to the mortgage, they also have children and the elderly to take care of. The amount they can balance each month is also very limited. It is really unrealistic to spend 50000 or 60000 yuan to buy a car for Liao's father at a time, so they refused Liao's request.

Of course, the daughter-in-law also said that she would definitely buy the car, but it may take several years. When the child is older, there is less money to spend, and it is also time to buy it later.

However, Liao's father is very reasonable. He doesn't care about the actual situation. He only thinks that his daughter-in-law is not filial and is unwilling to spend tens of thousands of yuan on him.

Liao's father, who came home today, once again mentioned this matter, but his daughter-in-law refused again. In a fit of rage, Liao's father laid a hard hand on his daughter-in-law.

Later, Liao Jianwen recalled that when he just returned home, his family had completely changed.

The ground was full of scattered fruits and messy clothes, and the dishes and chopsticks were also broken on the ground. There will even be some blood stains. In the bathroom, his wife's cry for help could be heard very clearly, while his mother came out of the bathroom with messy hair on her head, untidy clothes on her clothes, and blue and purple faces.

At the moment of seeing Liao Jianwen, his mother did not complain to him, but asked him for help. The person who asked for help was not himself, but his wife. Liao Jianwen suddenly realized that his father was committing atrocities against his wife.

Liao Jianwen came to the bathroom angrily and kicked the door open at two corners of the triangle. The moment he opened the door, he could hardly imagine that his wife was in front of him.

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