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Leaders of a small country with a population of 110000 warn China: dare to stop Taiwan by force, and will join the US military to wage war against China

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In 2022, US Congressman Pelosi paid a visit to Taiwan in flagrant disregard of China's strong condemnation, which caused dissatisfaction among a large number of Chinese people, and cross-strait relations were once again in jeopardy.

At a very delicate moment in the Taiwan Strait relations, a country has made a high-profile international propaganda about breaking off relations with the mainland of China. It also wants to establish contact with Taiwan and claims: "If China dares to reunify Taiwan with armed forces, it will join forces with the United States to wage war against China."

This news has attracted worldwide attention, but the noisy country is just a small country with only 110000 people in the Pacific Ocean, and its land area is not even as large as that of Beijing.

Such a A tiny place Why does our small country openly challenge our country? Who is behind them when they do this? How will China respond?

President Panuelo of the Federated States of Micronesia

A small country with an overbearing attitude

In 2023, when President Panuelo of the Federated States of Micronesia was about to leave office, his correspondence with his subordinates was published on the Internet. The letter said: If China achieves cross-strait reunification, the Federated States of Micronesia will face a huge threat. Therefore, they took the initiative to break off relations with China and wanted to play a role in Taiwan Strait relations.

Specific geographical location

When Chinese netizens learned this news, they were very angry and posted on the Internet asking: "What country is the Federated States of Micronesia? What is the relationship between China's reunification and them?"

The Federated States of Micronesia is a small country composed of several islands in the Pacific Ocean. The land area of this country is only 702 square kilometers, and the population is only 110000. Even this country doesn't even have its own army, but it is such a tiny place, why would it talk about it in the international arena?

It turns out that the United States has always been responsible for the national defense of the Federated States of Micronesia. In 1982, the United States and the Federated States of Micronesia signed Treaty of Free Association The treaty stipulates that: The secret side has its own internal and diplomatic power, but the United States will give them 15 years of defense protection.

The two sides meet

Until 2003, the two sides reached an agreement on the renewal of the treaty. Decides to extend the Treaty for 20 years until 2023, The 23rd year happened to be the year when the Federated States of Micronesia announced to break off diplomatic relations with our country. Therefore, it can be seen that the President of the secret side announced to break off diplomatic relations with China, probably to please the United States.

Because once the United States does not renew the contract with them, the Micronesian side will lose its defense force directly. The Federated States of Micronesia, which has no army, will be slaughtered in the Pacific Ocean. And because we are in an island country, Many resources of the secret side need to be imported, but their common currency is the US dollar, Therefore, if this country loses the support of the United States, its domestic economic system will be greatly impacted.

But if it is to please the United States, it is understandable that they break off diplomatic relations with China. Why do they have to establish diplomatic relations with Taiwan? How did the Taiwan authorities react to their "ingratiation"?

The "calculation" of small countries

according to Diplomat magazine According to the news, the President of the Federated States of Micronesia once approached the Taiwan authorities to discuss the possibility of establishing friendly relations between the two sides. support "Taiwan independence" The leaders of one side are very happy because they have been trying to find "allies" for many years. Seeing that some people come to make friends, the two sides began to talk enthusiastically.


But just in the middle of the meeting, the President of the secret side talked about the conditions very frankly, and he said seriously: "If the two sides reach cooperation, Taiwan must provide free economic assistance of US $50 million to the secret side, and then pay US $15 million to the secret side every year as the cost of maintaining the relationship."

Once the outrageous news of the lion's big mouth was sent out, it directly triggered heated discussions at home and abroad. When netizens on the mainland saw this news, they were mocking the greed of the president of the secret side. How could anyone build diplomatic relations with such a lion?

However, some civilians in Taiwan panicked when they saw the news. They were really afraid that the Taiwan authorities would be the "big enemy" because before then. The Taiwan authorities have conducted "Kaizi diplomacy" many times.

When it comes to "Kaizi" diplomacy, many people may not understand what it means. This is a slang for some psychedelic diplomatic actions of the Taiwan authorities by Taiwan netizens, because since the last century. Taiwan's "Taiwan independence elements" donated free money to many countries in the name of economic assistance, with the aim of establishing friendly relations between the two sides.

However, with the continuous improvement of China's international status, these countries have chosen to break off relations with the Taiwan authorities and formally establish diplomatic relations with China. The Taiwan authorities spent money once and again, but in the end they got nothing. This process of spending money everywhere to make friends and being cut off afterwards is ironically called by Taiwanese netizens "Kaizi Diplomacy"

Up to now, Taiwan has maintained a relationship with 12 countries "Kaizi Relationship" The Taiwan authorities need to pay a lot of money in this relationship every year. The Federated States of Micronesia is interested in this point, so it will intervene in the tense relations between Taiwan and the mainland with great fanfare and want to take the opportunity to seek for its own interests.

Former President Panuelo

But perhaps it is because the lion in the Federated States of Micronesia asked too much. When the Taiwan authorities faced questions from the public, they did not deny that the two sides were discussing, but they did not finally reach a consensus.

it is said that: "Those who are barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes." Perhaps it is precisely because his own country is too weak that the President of Micronesia will try every means to seek interests for himself from international relations, and even openly interfere in the internal affairs of other countries in spite of international condemnation. But there is an old saying in China: "The right path on earth is vicissitudes of life", The president's "dirty operation" soon led to his layoff, and the new president obviously saw more clearly than he did.

When the new president of the Federated States of Micronesia came to power, he immediately recognized the principle of "only one China" internationally. Then he frequently released goodwill with China and actively visited China, hoping to eliminate the bad impression left by the former secret side.

New President Visits China

The new president clearly knew that the small country wanted to mediate between the two big countries. It is the same as driving a boat in the storm, and a little carelessness will lead to the end of destruction, Only by respecting the five principles in international exchanges can our country become more prosperous and stronger in the process of mutual benefit.

Since the presidents of small countries clearly know this truth, why does the United States visit Taiwan repeatedly despite the condemnation of the international community? What are they afraid of when they spend so much time and energy blocking the reunification of our country?

The Importance of "Treasure Island" Taiwan

Since Chiang Kai shek fled to Taiwan in 1949, the United States has repeatedly provided economic and military assistance to Taiwan in blatant disregard of international law. When the Korean War broke out, the Seventh Fleet of the United States swaggered into the Taiwan Strait until the Cold War was severe, In order to establish diplomatic relations with China, the United States withdrew its troops from the Taiwan Strait in 1979.

US Fleet

At that time, nearly half a century has passed. What is the reason that the United States still treats Taiwan of China under the premise of recognizing that there is only one China "Never forget" What about?

Taiwan Province has the largest island in China, "Taiwan Island", According to 2019 data. The gross domestic product of Taiwan Island in one year has reached 611.451 billion US dollars, which belongs to developed regions in Asia. In addition to economy, Taiwan plays a vital role in China in multiple senses.

Sketch map of islands in the East China Sea

From a military perspective, Taiwan Island plays a very important role in China's national defense. Although China has a very vast coastline, it is also surrounded by Japan, South Korea and many islands. Therefore, if our ships want to enter the Pacific Ocean, they must pass through the territorial waters of Japan and other countries. The journey is not only long, but also troublesome to go through various procedures.

If Taiwan is unified, China will have the most convenient and fast route to the Pacific Ocean. Besides, the Taiwan Strait is also the most important lifeline for Japan, South Korea and other countries. Because of the unique geographical location of Japan and South Korea, most of the resources of these two developed countries come from imports. Every year, more than 3/4 of the more than 80000 foreign ships passing through the Taiwan Strait are destined for Japan.

Therefore, if the Taiwan Strait is closed, the survival and development of Japan and South Korea will be greatly affected. So once entering the war period, the strategic importance of Taiwan Island will rise straightly "A place of war"

Zheng Chenggong Exchange Meeting

From a historical perspective, Taiwan has been an integral part of China since ancient times. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, a large number of compatriots from Fujian and Guangdong have migrated to Taiwan. In addition, when Taiwan was invaded by Japanese pirates, Zheng Chenggong, after receiving the order of the imperial court, boarded the island to drive away the invading Japanese pirates together with Taiwan compatriots. Until now, the statue of Zheng Chenggong is still on display in China.

From the perspective of resources, Taiwan is known as a pearl on the sea: More than 50% of the island is covered by forests, and there are more than 4000 kinds of plants. It is equivalent to 2/3 of the varieties in Europe, and exports more than 80 kinds of fruits every year. The output of sucrose is 1.41 million tons, accounting for 5% of the world's output. Once the islands with such rich resources are returned, China's economy will develop rapidly again under the condition of strengthening trade between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

It is precisely because of these advantages in many aspects that the United States has always been bitter about Taiwan Island and supports Taiwan at any cost. What the United States did not expect was to hinder the further and rapid development of China. Because the same blood is thicker than water, even when Chiang Kai shek was still alive, he refused to accept the "two Chinas" plan proposed by the United States.

Taiwan compatriots who support the reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits

Because compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are connected by blood, China's reunification is an inevitable trend. No matter how malicious the outside interference and provocation, we can not cut our blood from the sympathies.

Therefore, even if there are other people with ulterior motives like the former president of the Federated States of Micronesia who jumped out to shout with China, they will eventually become one after another as time has proved "Jumping clown"

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