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Why doesn't the PLA go to Wu Tong Taiwan? Experts said: 6 conditions must be met before troops can be dispatched

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Why doesn't the PLA go to Wu Tong Taiwan? Many friends who are looking forward to the early reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits are also very curious about this issue. Some experts have said that because the PLA needs to "learn from the famous", it needs to meet six conditions before it can send troops to stop Taiwan by force. What are the six conditions? Taiwan is clearly China's territory, why does Wu Tong want to "learn from the famous"?

Next, let's explore!

Since Tsai Ing wen came to power, cross-strait relations have become more and more tense. This is because Tsai Ing wen is an out and out Taiwan independence. She is not only pro American, but also pro Japanese. Relying on the support of the United States and Japan, she has always dreamed of "seeking independence", and even tried to "reject unification by force", vigorously purchase American weapons, and want to fight against the PLA.

Speaking of Tsai Ing wen's visit to the United States before that, the call for "military unification" on the mainland was very high at that time. In particular, the visit of President Pelosi of the United States Congress to Taiwan made everyone feel that it was time for military unification when they were angry.

However, almost two years have passed, and the mainland has not acted yet as Tsai Ing wen's term of office is coming to an end. Tsai Ing wen's successor, Lai Ching de, the "golden grandson of Taiwan independence", is more radical than her. Even years ago, Lai Ching de publicly declared that Taiwan has "de facto independence".

This also makes people more curious and puzzled. Since Taiwan's independence has been in power, which has caused chaos in the island, and the Taiwan issue has existed for so many years, why does the mainland not take over Taiwan by force?, Is it possible that the mainland is still looking forward to cross-strait reunification?

To be honest, the mainland has not yet given up the option of peaceful reunification, and peaceful reunification is still the best option. Even if there is only a slight possibility, the mainland will continue to strive for it with the utmost sincerity.

Of course, the Taiwan issue itself has become very complicated after being dragged on for so long. It is almost impossible to solve the issue peacefully. Therefore, there is no hope for peaceful reunification. The mainland needs military reunification to solve the problem. Otherwise, if Taiwan does not return, we will never be able to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Then why doesn't the PLA stop Taiwan by force? What are you waiting for? Although Taiwan is an inherent territory of China, and according to the International Law, even if the PLA closes Taiwan by force, the PLA and the Taiwan army fight, this is also a national civil war, which is completely different from the nature of the Russian Ukrainian conflict, the Palestinian Israeli conflict, etc.

And even if the United States, Japan and other countries send troops to intervene, their so-called "assisting in the defense of Taiwan" statement is not tenable. As long as they send troops, it is equivalent to military intervention in China's internal affairs, which is an invasion of China.

It can be seen from this that the PLA's military takeover of Taiwan itself has no problem at all, but because the Taiwan issue has been complicated by the United States, especially the United States is good at creating public opinion in the international arena, in order to be prudent, in order not to fall under the control of others, the mainland needs to meet several conditions in terms of military takeover of Taiwan before it can become famous.

These conditions are: independence referendum in Taiwan; The highest leader of Taiwan publicly declared "Taiwan independence"; Riots occurred in Taiwan, and the personal safety of Taiwan people was threatened; Taiwan wants to reject reunification with nuclear weapons, and has introduced nuclear weapons from the United States, or Taiwan has begun to study nuclear weapons; Taiwan fired its first shot at the mainland; Taiwan has a foreign garrison.

As long as any of the above conditions is triggered, friends need not doubt that the PLA will immediately send troops to stop Taiwan.

In this regard, netizens have also expressed their views:

"Now that China has arrived, it is time to recover Taiwan, because in China's coastal areas, foreign forces are increasingly blocking China. Taiwan has a very important strategic value. Recovering Taiwan is of great significance to the security of China's coastal areas and helps maintain the security and stability of China's coastal areas."

"In the long run, reunification is worth paying whatever price it takes. More importantly, if the United States goes to war with China, the United States will suffer irreversible decline. What's more, now that Russia is the platform for China, the United States is not foolish enough to pay the price of American national fortune for Taiwan. Therefore, the military takeover of Taiwan cannot be delayed any longer, and the more delayed, the more possible problems will arise."

"The earlier the military unification, the better, and the greater the cost of delay. The more confidence and patience Taiwan people lose, the more and more people will move towards" Taiwan independence ". Unification is more complex and difficult. We should not disappoint the people on the mainland or those who really love Taiwan. "

"Wu's unification of Taiwan is the ultimate goal that will not be interfered by external forces, and cannot be dragged on for a long time! There are no four corner conditions for you in the world, and you can only create them yourself! Will you wait another 50 years?"

"As long as we are determined that there is nothing for the United States, we should seize the opportunity to win at one fell swoop. Otherwise, we will be afraid of wolves before and tigers after, and we will achieve nothing"

"When the conditions are ripe, it may take 20 years, right? It may not be possible for Taiwan to return to the motherland after 20 years! We need to see how Russia treats Crimea's return. Strength is the fastest and greatest benefit."

Since 1949, every generation has been looking forward to the reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits for more than 70 years. It can be said that the Taiwan issue cannot continue to drag on. I believe that our generation will be able to see the day of the reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. What do you think of this?

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