Mother sold her old house to my uncle, who sent us a express delivery when something happened a few years later

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Creation statement: This article is a fictional creation, please do not associate with reality

My uncle is Grandma's "old pimple", and also the most unpopular.

He stayed at home all the year round and depended on his sister for his food, drink and Laza.

Elder sister is like mother. My mother has broken her heart for my uncle these years.

However, when she was in distress, she received a mysterious package.

Look at the signature. It's from my uncle.


In Beishan Village, every family knows that my grandmother's family has a "living treasure". It's none other than their child Zi Longgang.

My grandfather used to be a teacher in the village. All his life, he was very respected in the village.

However, after he married, his life got stuck in the process of having children.

After Grandma passed the door, her stomach didn't move for three years. After taking one basket of medicine after another, it just didn't work.

"I'm sorry for you and your dragon family. I'm afraid I'll be the last in my life."

Because she was worried about not being able to conceive a child, Grandma washed her face with tears all day long. Grandpa loved his daughter-in-law most, so he came up with a solution.

"No way, we can adopt one. Anyway, it was brought up by ourselves, and it is no different from the one born by ourselves."

At that time, this sentence could be said with great force, and Grandpa was simply the representative of a good man.

After the news spread, all the villages and towns helped teacher Long to select the right person. It happened that an abandoned baby was found in the toilet of the county hospital.

That was a pink girl, which was no accident. In that year, 99% of the lost girls were girls.

Bring it to Grandma. Grandma likes it very much. Since then, she has loved it as her own darling and named it Longmei.

However, as luck would have it, Long Mei grew up happily to be 8 years old. When her grandmother was 32 years old, she suddenly found that she was pregnant.

This is simply a miracle. Villagers have come to report their good fortune, saying that they have no intention to interfere in the willows. They must have done a lot of good things at home. God bless them.

"You girl are right. She must have brought my brother here."

Long Mei was also infected by this happy atmosphere, and happily planned the day to greet the little brother or sister.

However, when the bad news came, Grandma met with dystocia when she gave birth to a child. Finally, the child was saved, but she died.

"Take good care of... brother!"

At the last moment, she left this sentence for Long Mei and closed her eyes. Long Mei lost her mother when she was 9 years old.


It is said that the elder sister is like a mother. Without her mother, Long Mei is devoted to the role of a mother.

She tried her best to do everything herself. Her younger brother cried in the middle of the night. She cooked rice soup with her baby on her back and raised him fat and white.

No one knows her complicated mood when taking care of the newborn. After all, this chubby little boy was bought with his mother's life.

Since Grandma left, Grandpa was depressed and often looked at his busy daughter crying and regretting, so he did not treat his son well.

"It's time for Long Gang to go to school this year. You should collect the tuition quickly."

Compared with her father, Long Mei seems to be more like a big parent, paying attention to her brother's everything. Long Gang also depends on her very much.

Life goes by like this day by day. Long Mei dropped out of junior high school, but he just went to senior high school. It happened that on the days of the college entrance examination, he had a high fever and regrettably lost his reputation.

At that time, only a few people could enter the university, but Long Gang could not accept the blow, so he used it to get down.

No matter how his father beat and scolded, and how his sister tried to persuade him, he just lay on the kang every day without working or even going out.

Teacher Long's family has a treasure, which is the secret of the whole village.

Later, father and daughter did not struggle any more. They worked from morning to night, and then went home to cook for the young master and put them on the kang.

Imperceptibly, they have tacitly agreed to keep the living treasure for a lifetime. Although they are unwilling, they have no choice.

No one in the family would like to see this social and laborless waste, except for Long Mei's husband, Lao Xu.

At the beginning, Lao Xu saw Long Mei coming to propose marriage, and he was thrown out of the house by his grandfather three times. The reason is very simple. Xu's family is really too poor.

But Long Gang didn't think so. For the first time, he got up from the kang, changed his clothes and said he would have a drink with his future brother-in-law.

The moved future brother-in-law shed tears, and his father rolled his eyes in anger. Finally, he lifted the wine table before giving up.


Anyway, Long Mei later married Lao Xu and gave birth to me.

"My brother said that you are a good man, so it is not wrong. Although he is a man on the surface, he is actually clear in his heart."

Wormwood waste

With this "gratitude", my mother Longmei married my father with her uncle after marriage, and the person who adopted her uncle became her sister and brother-in-law.

Since I can remember, my uncle has never loved going out. He often hid in his bed with a book and didn't know what he was looking at.

He has been reading all the time. When he saw me grow up and my grandfather died, he was most worried about this useless little son.

Grandfather's old house was empty, and he left a message that the sister and brother had the same inheritance rights in this house.

In fact, my uncle belongs to my sister, and the house should belong to my family, but my father didn't think so. He put forward a suggestion:

"Let Long Gang find his own way. If we can get some money, we can sell him the house for 600 yuan, which will help him stay in the village."

This is a provocation. My parents told my uncle that if they didn't give me 600 yuan within two months, they would sell the old house. My uncle was very worried.

However, if he stayed in bed all year round, let alone 600 yuan, he could not get 6 yuan out. His uncle gritted his teeth and said he would find a way.

He packed a few clothes and left home. He came back more than a month later. Although he had a lot of sunburn, he threw out six hundred yuan bills.

In this way, the old house worth 60000 yuan was returned to my uncle, and my parents saw one thing:

If forced, my uncle is obviously capable of survival!

So after the house transfer formalities were completed, the parents "turned their backs" and said they were unwilling to raise uncles.

Wormwood waste

"For so many years, you should go out and support yourself. We have no obligation."

They tried to make their words as ugly as possible. Although my uncle was thick skinned, he was also dignified. Since my sister and brother-in-law started to drive people away, he could not help it.

Finally, he packed his simple luggage and walked out of the door against the starry sky. Since then, no one knows where he went.


With the disappearance of my uncle for a longer time, my parents began to regret that they thought my uncle had no ability to survive, and I was afraid that he would live very hard.

"Do you think I said too much at that time? I just drove the dragon away. Even if he couldn't survive, he wouldn't come back."

"Alas... I'm also worried that this guy can do nothing. He may not win when he grabs food from dogs."

My parents always ask relatives who work outside to inquire about my uncle's whereabouts, but they are always disappointed. Gradually, they silently accept the fact that this person can never be found again.

More than ten years passed in a flash. I was about to take the college entrance exam, but a big event happened at home. My parents went to the market by car once, and they were in a car accident.

My father failed when he was on the scene. He was taken back to the hospital and saved all day and night, but he still died.

My mother was also seriously injured. She had multiple fractures all over her body and was in the ICU. She was conscious and confused for a while.

As a teenager, I grew up in an instant. With the help of neighbors and cousins, I dealt with my father's affairs first, and then guarded my mother wholeheartedly.

"I have no father, but I can't have no mother anymore!"

In front of my mother's hospital bed, I cried bitterly. The medical expenses were expensive. The doctor said that if she was not awake, the hospital would have to cut off the medicine without paying.

The reality plunged me into great fear and despair. At this time, I would like to have a close relative come out and tell me what to do.

At the critical moment, I received a package with the signature of my uncle: Long Gang!

My uncle actually sent a package at this moment? What about others? What on earth is in the package?

I shook the package gently. It was light and empty. Isn't it a prank? However, when I opened it, I was shocked.

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