In order to overthrow the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, he spared no efforts: he was imprisoned, cut down, and his wife was killed. What was the result

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Lv Jingyi is a good official and a good person. Although he is not a big official, he is upright.

Lv Jingyi, born in 1961 in a poor farmer's family in Henan Province, joined the queue after graduating from middle school, resumed the college entrance examination and was admitted to the university. After graduation, he was assigned to work in Wugang Civil Affairs Bureau. Because of his down-to-earth work, hard work and outstanding ability, he was promoted to office director two years later. In March 1995, he was transferred to the post of Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor of Batai Town. At that time, he was only 34 years old and had a promising future.

But at this time, something happened and changed his fate.

Wugang is a small and poor city, which is managed by Pingdingshan City. It is located in the middle of Henan Province, with a total area of 630.4 square kilometers. The permanent population is less than 300000. It got its name from a steel factory - Wuyang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. (Wuyang Iron and Steel Company for short).

At the end of the year, Wugang Municipal Party Committee issued a document to collect "liquidated damages for tobacco planting" from farmers, and the main leaders of the Party Committee of Batai Town also issued instructions to Lv Jingyi, asking him to take the lead personally and apportion and collect "liquidated damages for tobacco planting" from the masses.

As soon as the news came out, the masses had some complaints, and they talked about it: "It's New Year's Day again, and they have to ask the farmers for money", "How sad people are! Lord Yan doesn't hate being thin", "What can we do if we can't wring our arms and legs?"

Lv Jing was very sad to hear that. He was the son of a farmer and knew the hardships of farmers. His father often taught: "Even if we don't get promoted, we can't entrap farmers, forget to feed and clothe our parents, and we must make decisions for the villagers when things happen."

Then Lv Jingyi said to the town leaders: "I can't take the lead in collecting money and let the people scold me. Besides, the money is also unreasonable. The government has not signed a planting contract with farmers before. How can farmers break the contract? Especially when the New Year is coming, we should let farmers have a happy and comfortable New Year. Their money is hard earned. We cannot give benefits to farmers, but we cannot increase their burden. "

On hearing this, the town leader pulled his face down and said, "Jingyi, this is what the top leader means. You and I have the final say? Besides, if you don't let the masses take money, you should take it yourself? If you have a bodhisattva heart, why should you be an official?"

One after another, the fees here have been confiscated, and the charging documents of Wugang City have come down again. In order to build Hubin Avenue and Gangcheng Avenue in the urban area, the municipal party committee has decided to raise funds from the cadres and masses of the city.

In those days, raising funds for road construction and school construction was common; But Lv Jingyi also did not understand, and felt that it was contrary to the spirit of the Party Central Committee to reduce the burden on farmers. Seeing that the work could not be carried out smoothly, the town leader complained to the superior.

Therefore, Lv Jingyi was suspended for inspection.

Lv Jingyi

On January 10, 1996, Lv Jingyi went to work as usual. The town leader said, "You will not come back to work from tomorrow. The municipal party committee has dismissed you. Go home and take the child."

Lv Jingyi was suspended from his post, and various towns and villages formed working teams to march into the village and start collecting funds from door to door.

This caused strong dissatisfaction among the local people. In April and May of that year, people in Batai Town could not bear it and began to petition. At the same time, some villagers found Lv Jingyi and hoped that he would make decisions for the people. At this time, the villagers did not know that he had been dismissed.

Lv Jingyi, who is "watching", knows that if he cares about this, his political future will be completely ruined. But he can't bear to look at the eyes of plain villagers looking forward to it.

So, after thinking about it, he decided to lead the villagers to the province to petition.

This decision also brought him prison.


Li Changhe was then the Secretary of Wugang Municipal Party Committee. He was born in Jiyuan, Henan Province in 1950. After graduating from college, he successively worked as a secretary of Luoyang Municipal Party Committee and Sanmenxia Municipal Party Committee. Later, he made great strides and became a successful official. Later, he was the mayor of Wugang, and was promoted to secretary of the municipal party committee last year. After he took the lead, his character began to become insolent.

For example, in this fund-raising, all cadres cooperated with the work of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, but Lv Jingyi did not cooperate, which was not bad. How can he establish the authority of his leader?

So he decided to give some color to Lv Jing. He was suspended soon.

Li Changhe

On that occasion, Lv Jingyi resolutely took his fellow villagers to the provincial capital and went to the Henan Provincial Office of Alleviation of Farmers' Burden on behalf of the masses to reflect on the issue of fund-raising. The problems he reflected aroused great attention from the leaders, and the relevant departments immediately sent an investigation team to Wugang City to investigate.

Li Changhe, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, soon learned the news of the investigation team's arrival at Wugang. He immediately thought of Lv Jingyi: Not many people really understand the policy. Who else besides him?

At this time, Li Changhe also got inside information. He went to the provincial capital to report Lv Jingyi, and he also contacted the masses in private. So, Li Changhe, who was furious, immediately called the head of the Anti Corruption Bureau of the People's Procuratorate of Wugang City and asked them to arrest the corrupt Lv Jingyi.

The leader of the procuratorial organ felt very embarrassed: "Secretary Li, we have no evidence in hand. If he appeals, we will be very passive."

Li Changhe said rudely, "What are you afraid of? I'm responsible for what happens!"

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