Who dares to move if Empress Lv doesn't die! Why do we have to wait for Lv Zhizhi to die before we begin to kill Lv?

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Creation statement: This article is a fictional creation, please do not associate with reality

The life of Empress Lv was full of ups and downs and legends. Her voice, appearance and feelings were also exquisite. We talked about her ruthless political skills, but forgot that she was also the hand of a teenager who pretended to be a mother with a man of ambition, and supported her in distress all the way to the top. It's really an interesting life. Apart from anything else, how could he have killed Gao Zu and his officials for no reason?

It's really the eighteen changes in the Jianghu. She can afford it. How can we conclude that it was just a misunderstanding? Empress Lv has many ill fated paths and a sinister character, but she has always been loyal to her own duties and has always been in deep love. There must be a love relationship, but no one can see it again——

This is a plain handkerchief embroidered with a dragon and a phoenix, which was embroidered by Concubine Lu herself. Her once very flexible hands were also dedicated to her sweetheart. At the beginning, Liu Bang was only a rag, but Duke Lv liked his generosity and knew that he would become a great man, so he betrothed his precious daughter to him. At that time, Concubine Lv was still young enough to know the propriety. She called "husband" respectfully when she met. Lv Gong smiled and wished they had a baby early and had been rich for generations.

However, Liu Bang was disappointed to take refuge and entrusted his family to his new wife. Concubine Lu took on the responsibility of taking care of the household and several children alone. In order to take care of Liu Ying and Princess Lu Yuan, she worked hard all day, and did not dare to slack off for a moment. Her two beloved children are her motivation and hope to live. Concubine Lu is tender and considerate, but also stubborn and tenacious. She told herself that her husband should not collapse just because he is depressed.

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