Babavanga, the "blind eyed dragon woman", predicts 2024: the killing of the people in power of a big country, the global economic crisis

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Babavanga, female, born in 1911, is a famous blind prophet in Bulgaria. Her mother died when she was young, and her father was a soldier in the First World War. Babavanga passed away in 1996. She had predicted many things and all of them came true.

Why is Babavanga blind

Babavanga was a smart girl when she was young. However, when she was 12 years old, she encountered a huge tornado. She was blown far away by the tornado. Fortunately, Babavanga was buried in the soil without life danger, but her eyes were blind because of the accident. Later, she inexplicably possessed the ability to predict, and could "see" something that others could not see.

Amazing predictive power

One day, Babavanga's sheepfold suddenly lost three sheep, which made it even worse for poor families. The parents are heartbroken and heartbroken.

Her parents' sadness infected her. She seemed to see three sheep grazing by the river at the foot of the mountain not far from home. She immediately told her parents about this "discovery". Although they didn't believe it, they went to the river to look for it and found three sheep.

This incident made Babavanga famous. Since then, the nearby villagers have asked her for advice no matter how big or small. She can make more and more accurate predictions with her own ability, and is honored as the "blind eyed woman" when she grows old.

Since then, Babavanga's life has undergone earth shaking changes. Her prediction has become more and more convincing, and people have come to admire her.

From the 1940s to the 1950s, celebrities, scientists and even government officials from all over the world sought her help and cure. Even the Bulgarian Czar Boris III attached great importance to the opinions of Vanga. Some even claimed that she was a secret adviser to the Bulgarian Communist Party.

What is more surprising is that some officials believe that Babavanga's prediction involves state secrets, and the Bulgarian Secret Service even monitored her phone calls and social networking.

These rumors have aroused heated discussions on the Internet and people's curiosity about Babavanga's identity.
Since then, Babavanga has made a lot of predictions and recorded them one by one according to the year of the event.
By the time she died of cancer in 1996, thousands of predictions had been sorted out, including politics and governance, military and future technology.

At first, people didn't pay special attention to these predictions, but after things really happened, people gradually realized that these predictions were very accurate.

In World War II, she predicted Hitler's failure and death in 1945.

She predicted that Stalin would die in 1953, which led to her being put in prison, but she was soon released because her prediction came true.

She also predicted that the Soviet Union would disintegrate, which was an incredible thing at that time.

In 1980, Vanga predicted that "Kursk will be flooded and the whole world will cry for it." And he thought that this disaster would happen at the turn of the century.

Kursk is a city in Russia. When people thought that it was about to encounter a flood, another major event caused a worldwide sensation: on August 12, 2000, a Russian nuclear submarine named Kursk exploded during a military exercise in the Barents Sea.

The aircraft carrier terminator, who sinks into the water several times a year, exploded in the military exercise on that day, and it can no longer surface. A total of 118 people on board were killed, and the world was in a uproar.

After the incident, people suddenly realized that what Vanga said about Kursk was this nuclear submarine!

In 1996, Babavanga predicted on his deathbed: "Terror is coming, and American brothers will be attacked and fall by steel birds. Jackals and wolves roar in thorns, and innocent people flow into rivers of blood."

This prediction was accurately fulfilled in the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. Terrorists hijacked the airliner and crashed it into the twin towers of the World Trade, the financial symbol of the United States.

"Steel Bird" refers to aircraft, and "Brother" refers to the Twin Towers. With the collapse of the Twin Towers, countless innocent lives were lost and blood spilled.

Babavanga also successfully predicted two nuclear accidents, one was the Chernobyl nuclear power plant nuclear leakage, and the other was the Japanese nuclear accident. Although she did not give an exact date, both accidents finally happened.

In 1934, Babavanga suffered from pleurisy. Because she was not treated in time, the doctor determined that she would die soon. But she was not afraid at all. Instead, she was optimistic and decided that she was OK. In fact, Babavanga soon recovered.

Babavanga's forecast for 2024

Babavanga died of cancer in 1996. She accurately predicted her death and the time of funeral in advance.

Before her death, she had predicted the major events that would take place in the world in the following years, including China.

In 2024, she predicted that "the overall situation of the world will be led by a dragon", "the people in power of a big country will be assassinated" and so on.

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