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"Dig and Dig" Peach teacher killed himself in his home. After the fire, he collapsed: I don't think I can live anymore

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"In the small garden, dig and dig, plant small seeds, and open small flowers..."

Teacher Peach released the song "Little Garden" on the short video platform. Once the video of the nursery rhyme was released, the number of likes and comments on a single video reached 10 million.

It can be seen that netizens love this video. The number of views of this video is at least one hundred million. She also received the attention of the central media, and her video was forwarded by Xinhuanet.

While harvesting the traffic, Miss Peach and Miss Huang also started the live broadcast, but there is still a big gap between them on the way of realization.

At that time, teacher Peach was undoubtedly more successful in realizing her goal. After a period of fire, she also quit her job as a kindergarten teacher and began to broadcast clothes like a model, getting involved in this wave of traffic.

But now, teacher Peach's life has changed dramatically. In an interview, teacher Peach said in the video: each live broadcast only earns 1000 yuan.

This is a passage that has brought countless troubles to Peach Teacher. A large number of netizens began to online storm Peach Teacher. In the eyes of these online storm netizens, Peach Teacher is undoubtedly "not happy in the midst of happiness"!

A live broadcast earns 1000 yuan, which is a high income compared with most people. Many people spend more effort to earn 1000 yuan than a live broadcast.

However, many people do not want to pay attention to what Peach teacher said, in response to the rumor of earning millions, she did not call a live broadcast of her 1000 yuan income grievance.

Instead, she made clarification in response to the rumor of millions of income. To Miss Peach's surprise, this sentence was interpreted by some people on the Internet as she disliked the fact that the income of a live broadcast was too small.

A large number of cyber attacks have greatly troubled Peach's daily life, but the online popularity in front of the mobile phone screen and computer, in fact, most of the time, is under inexplicable hostility.

This is also the first lesson that the online world treats Peach teachers. Now some people also say that when Peach teachers did not make changes, they were still happy as kindergarten teachers.

Are you still humming your favorite songs in your mouth, or are you still growing up with the children carefree, but there is no if, and it's too late to say if.

Teacher Peach also knew that, according to her words, she could not do the same thing as before, and smiled at children every day.

In fact, the explosion of fire is sometimes not a good thing for us. The sudden influx of traffic makes it difficult for people to stick to their original intention and return to their former freedom.

It is also impossible to return to the former self. The "Splash of riches and honour" that people joke about is sometimes just a key to open Pandora's magic box.

Because not everyone can take on the huge traffic well. At the beginning, everyone just wants to be fresh, just follow the trend together. When the tide fades, who will guarantee to keep everything?

After resigning, Miss Peach did not easily do a live broadcast and watched the happy smile of the account balance every month, as everyone thought. On the contrary, she was under great pressure and collapsed in her mental state when she became angry.

Teacher Peach yelled at home because of the huge pressure, and even had a tendency to self harm. Sometimes she felt that she could not live any longer. She was not as relaxed and happy as everyone thought.

In fact, the current situation of Peach Teacher is a true epitome of many ordinary people who have been hit by traffic. When they are threatened by traffic, countless companies and online celebrities smile at each other.

A casual sentence will lead to various interpretations, and a casual action will be infinitely magnified. The official media who dared not think before will actually observe themselves.

No one can refuse the temptation. In the final analysis, it is hard for anyone to refuse this chance to change his life. Everyone will imagine that he can do it this time.

But there is more than one lucky person. Traffic never stagnates on one person. The next lucky person will always appear. The stories of lucky people tell us that traffic is both lucky and unlucky.

It is the law of the development of the Internet age that people explode for no reason. No one can escape. If time can come again, will they regret their choice?

I'm afraid we still won't, because we are all human beings, and human beings can't refuse everything!

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Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

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