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Why do women always make sounds when they have sex with husband and wife? Doctor: Most people don't understand

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Many people know that women will make sounds, such as "hmmmm", "hum", "cluck" and so on, if there is abnormal activity of their sexual organs in the process of sexual life.

Many people feel embarrassed when making sounds during sex life. Some even think it's strange. Why do you make sounds?

In fact, it is a physiological phenomenon peculiar to women to make sounds during sexual life. This is because in sexual life, women's vaginal and anal sphincter and other muscles will have strong contractions. In this process, women will have increased intra-abdominal pressure, air ingress, vaginal muscle relaxation and other conditions, resulting in a similar farting sound.

Let's talk about it today. Don't feel embarrassed. Look down

1. Pelvic floor muscle relaxation

During sexual life, women's pelvic floor muscles will have a strong contraction movement, which will make women's pubic muscles become more tense, thus making a sound similar to farting. Therefore, if women make sounds during sexual life, it is recommended that they first carry out pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation training.

Pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation training is a step-by-step process, which requires patients to carry out under the guidance of doctors.

Generally, it includes three stages: the first stage is anus lifting movement; The second stage is contraction; The third stage is relaxation exercise. Patients should exercise step by step according to their own conditions.

First let yourself lie flat on the bed, then take a deep breath to make your abdomen tense, and then hold your breath. Keep it for a few seconds, and then slowly exhale. After repeated several times, you can exercise the pelvic floor muscles.

However, we should pay attention to the strength and speed of the movement when doing anal lifting. If the force is too strong or too slow, the pelvic floor muscle may be damaged.

2. Air ingress

If a woman cannot successfully complete the "foreplay" when having sex, or her actions are too rough when having sex, resulting in serious friction between the labia and vaginal orifice, the gas will enter the female.

For example, when having sex, moving too fast or suddenly interrupting movement will lead to increased pressure in the vagina, which will cause women to "fart".

In addition, if a woman is too nervous or for other reasons when having sex, her vagina will become spastic. At this time, the labia and vaginal orifice will become very tight.

If the action is too rough or violent during sexual intercourse, a large amount of gas will be generated into the body. When the gas enters the body, it will produce a sound similar to farting.

3. Hyperexcitability

When a woman is sexually excited, she will contract the anal sphincter and cause a similar farting sound in her vagina through the nerve reflex around the anus.

In addition, because there are some folds in the vagina of women, these folds will be repeatedly rubbed during sexual life, so that the pudendal muscles will have spasticity and contraction, and thus a similar farting sound will appear.

Another situation is that when women are over excited, they will involuntarily make some strange sounds. Therefore, women should not be overly nervous, embarrassed or embarrassed when this happens in their sexual life.

4. Vaginal laxity

Vaginal relaxation refers to the relaxation of the vaginal wall caused by various reasons, which leads to the inability to tighten the vagina and the occurrence of varying degrees of sexual pain or vaginal relaxation.

There are many factors leading to female vaginal relaxation, such as childbirth, aging, aging, etc. But it is certain that pregnancy and childbirth have a great impact on women's vaginal relaxation. And because in sexual life, men will continue to squeeze women's private parts, resulting in women produce gas.

Therefore, when having sex, in order to avoid making a sound, you should keep a good attitude and relax before proceeding, and try not to generate pressure or fear because of this situation.

5. Caused by disease

When women suffer from some diseases, such as pelvic inflammation, pelvic effusion, endometriosis, etc., it will lead to the contraction of pudendal muscles when women are having sex.

And in this case, there will be some other symptoms, such as vaginal pain, abnormal urination, abnormal vaginal bleeding, and "farting sound" during sexual life.

If it is because of the voice of sexual life caused by disease, it is necessary to actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment. Under the guidance of doctors, rational medication can generally improve this situation.

Women often have such problems. The following three details should be noted

1. Keep exercising

In general, female anterior vaginal wall bulge may be caused by pelvic floor muscle relaxation, which can be improved through exercise. At ordinary times, you can do more anal lifting exercises and exercise pelvic floor muscles. When you do anal lifting exercises, you can tighten the muscles of the vagina and anus, and keep it for 1-2 seconds before relaxing. Long term adherence can exercise pelvic floor muscles and alleviate the symptoms of vaginal anterior wall bulge.

2. Diet conditioning

Women can eat more foods rich in collagen, such as pig's feet, chicken feet, meat skin, pig skin, etc. These foods can enhance skin elasticity and make skin more shiny.

In addition, you can also eat more foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, strawberries, etc. These foods can help the body supplement vitamin C, help strengthen the body's resistance, and thus alleviate the phenomenon of vaginal sound.

3. Surgical treatment

For mild anterior vaginal wall bulge, pelvic floor rehabilitation can be used to improve it. 3. For severe anterior vaginal wall prolapse, surgery is needed to improve it. The common surgical methods are anterior and posterior vaginal wall repair and vaginal reconstruction. For severe and severe anterior vaginal wall prolapse, patients need multiple operations to improve.

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