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Sun Dongxu's underpants were picked! "Suppressing employees, cashing out 217 million..."

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The public opinion storm of Dongfang's selection of Dong Yuhui's "small composition" has lasted for 10 days as of December 16.

In the past 10 days, Dong Yuhui's fans and Dongfang Selection's editors have torn each other apart. Although Sun Dongxu and Yu Minhong have come forward and made statements, However, it seems that people who eat melons don't buy one, which leads to the continuous decline of fans in the live broadcast room of Oriental Selection.

In particular, after December 15, the number of fans selected by Dongfang dropped from 31 million to 28.5 million, and nearly 3 million fans chose to take off. However, the number of fans on Dong Yuhui's personal account soared, from 13.066 million on December 12 to 20.481 million, 5 million more than the number of fans on Yu Minhong's personal account.

Seeing that this farce was out of control, on December 16, the Oriental Selection finally ushered in the "one out of two" grand finale.

Yu Minhong finally made a decision: "Sun Dongxu was removed from the post of executive director and CEO, and Yu Minhong, the chairman of the board of directors, served concurrently"!

This decision has made many netizens call it a great pleasure, but it really ends here?

The anchor "Tianquan" satirizes why fans are not punished? What was the final result of Dong Yuhui? Last but not least, can the removal of Sun Dongxu from the position of executive director and CEO indicate that Sun Dongxu has been punished and left the management of Dongfang Selection?

Some netizens said that Yu Minhong's statement was just to play a word game with everyone. "If you dismiss the CEO, you can still be the general manager, just another word.".

At present, Sun Dongxu is still the legal person of Orient Selection Company and its parent company. That is to say, Sun Dongxu has been dismissed nominally, but the company where Dongfang Selection is located is still under his name.

All kinds of signs show that the dismissal of Sun Dongxu is still a mere formality!

Sun Dongxu, who are you?

The top student of Nankai University has been following Yu Minhong since graduation, and has been promoted from an ordinary employee to CEO step by step, which can also be regarded as a contribution to New Oriental.

It is worth mentioning that Sun Dongxu's annual salary is nearly 800w higher than that of Lao Yu, and he is already the highest paid management in Oriental selection. However, he specifically mentioned in the live broadcast that Dong Yuhui's annual salary is far more than ten million yuan, and several generations of senior citizens have been overwhelmed by the young post-90s generation, probably not satisfied with it!

More importantly, at the beginning of this year, Sun Dongxu carried out a high amount of cash out of his shares in New Oriental.

On February 7 and 8, 107 million and 110 million Hong Kong dollars were cashed out, totaling 217 million Hong Kong dollars. So 200 million yuan has already been in the pocket. No matter how high Dong Yuhui's income is, it is impossible to have 200 million yuan in the card.

Now, it seems that he can understand that when Sun Dongxu and Dong Yuhui were broadcasting live on the same frame before, he had a bald head and could scorn to satirize Dong Yuhui as a "flash in the pan".

Dongfang Selection has long been famous around the world, and "Little Sun" has earned a lot of money, but Dong Yuhui cannot leave New Oriental for the time being. On the one hand, there are a lot of option contracts, and on the other hand, his three views do not allow him to make the choice of "stabbing Yu Minhong behind his back"!

Why do everyone like Dong Yuhui and support him in this event? One of the most critical points is that he is "upright"!

"The abyss has its end, and only people's hearts can not be deceived". I hope that the Oriental Selection can deeply understand this!

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