Zhang Chengze's Secret: Ex girlfriend of cheating Kim Jong un, 15 illegitimate children, used Room 39 to monitor the Jin family

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North Korea, as one of the most mysterious countries in the world, has experienced three generations of leaders, and all the supreme rights are inherited from father to son.

Although this hereditary family inheritance is not easy to lose power, it also has disadvantages in the final analysis, that is, once there are irreconcilable internal contradictions, it will be difficult to deal with various relationships.

In December 2011, Kim Jong Il, the second generation leader of North Korea, died of a sudden illness in his work. The throne of power passed to his youngest son, Kim Jong Un, who was only 28 years old. Although Kim Jong Il has not been in office for long, he has also established his own political characteristics and loyalists. When he died, he gathered his loyalists in front of the hospital bed and asked them to swear, He will always be loyal to the next generation of leaders, help him to be the first leader and lead North Korea to a brighter future.

This scene has the meaning of caring for an orphan on his deathbed. As Kim Jong un's uncle, Jang Sung ze, who was in an important position in North Korea at that time, took the responsibility of escorting the new master as a "regent".

Kim Jong Il passed away, and Chang Sung taek held the coffin in person at the funeral. It is self-evident that he is the number two figure of the Korean regime.

At first, with the help of his uncle, Kim Jong un smoothly completed the transformation of his identity, survived the transition period, and the political situation in North Korea gradually became stable. However, under the surface calm, the undercurrent was turbulent. At the end of 2013, Jang Sung taek, who assisted Kim Jong Un for two years, was suddenly taken away from his office in full view of the public. This picture was taken by the media and made public, which immediately caused a great discussion in the Korean political arena and the world.

Later, Kim Jong un unceasing announced through the authoritative media in North Korea that he would remove Jang Sung Ze from all positions and expel him from the Party. As for the reason, the media said bluntly that Jang Sung Ze had lost his belief in the Party. During his tenure, he was greedy for enjoyment, and maintained improper relations with many women. This news caused an uproar.

So far, Zhang Chengze has been thoroughly liquidated, and his six subordinates have been secretly executed. What's more shocking is that a close aide of Zhang Chengze was afraid of escaping to South Korea after this incident. According to his description, before Zhang Chengze was executed, he was subjected to inhuman torture, and saw his close aides burned alive by flame thrower, The painful wail made the once glorious second in command of the Korean political arena faint on the spot.

So, what is the reason that Kim Jong un hates this former benefactor, comrade in arms and the man who married his aunt so much? As the dust of the Zhang Chengze incident settled, more unknown secrets were revealed one by one.

As we all know, Jang Sung Ze was originally a child of a poor family. He worked hard all the way to get into a famous Korean university. He met Kim Jong Il's sister Kim Kyung Kyi on the campus. They fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love. Jang Sung Ze understood that his chance to become a successful man finally came. After becoming the son-in-law of the first family, he tried his best to show that, Gradually, he was recognized by his father-in-law and uncle, and had a place in the distribution of power in North Korea.

However, with more and more power in his hands, Zhang Chengze gradually forgets the fact that he started his family by marriage and women, and is not close to and grateful for the Kim family. Maybe, when he learned that Kim Jong Il died, he had crazy ideas in his heart.

As for the fuse that made Kim Jong Un determined to eradicate his uncle, the time should be adjusted to April 2012. At that time, Kim Jong Un made an important speech in Kim Il Sung Square, which was the first time that he officially appeared as the highest leader to all the Korean people, and even the people of the world.

However, in the same month, an intelligence organization close to Kim Jong Un accidentally intercepted a message, revealing the true face of Zhang Chengze. The message showed that Zhang Chengze used the Labor Party Room 39 in his charge to comprehensively monitor Kim Jong Un's every move, and these monitoring equipment had been in Kim Jong Un's office and home for a long time, and had never been found!

The official name of Room 39 of the Workers' Party of Korea is the Finance and Accounting Office of the Workers' Party of Korea, which was established by Kim Il Sung in 1974 and named for its location in Room 9, Building 3 of the Workers' Party of Korea. To some extent, Room 39, which was built as the treasury of the Kim family, originally existed as the foreign exchange management agency of North Korea, and was known as the General Administration of Great Sage, with more than 120 enterprises, companies, banks and mines under its jurisdiction.

Zhang Chengze firmly controlled Room 39 in his own hands after becoming the Minister of Administration of the Central Committee of the Labor Party. Later, Room 39, together with the Labor Party's War Department and the Korean People's Armed Forces Reconnaissance Bureau, was merged into the People's Army Reconnaissance Bureau. Zhang Chengze's confidant entered the People's Army Reconnaissance Bureau as the person in charge of Room 39, and became a pawn of Zhang Chengze's Remote Control Reconnaissance Bureau.

As an extremely important intelligence department in North Korea, it secretly obeys the orders of Zhang Chengze, the No. 2 person, to monitor the No. 1 person. Isn't that a reversal of Tiangang? Kim Jong un was furious when he learned the news.

After discovering the secret, Kim Jong un remained silent. He pretended not to know anything, but secretly let his trusted followers counter monitor and investigate Zhang Chengze. This was the first time that he put his uncle on his opposite side.

After only a few days of tracking and monitoring, Kim Jong un made a major discovery. When the monitoring tape played slowly, the sound inside made Kim Jong un furious.

Zhang Chengze unexpectedly held secret parties in his residence almost every day for crazy entertainment, and invited the chief musicians of Yinhe River Orchestra.

Especially in Zhang Chengze's bedroom, the voice of Yingying and Yanyan is almost unbearable. Zhang Chengze, who is already over 50 years old, likes "multi player sports". He tramples on the girls of the orchestra on his bed and imitates all kinds of tricks of Lao Mei, which is obscene and disgusting. As the monitoring continued, Kim Jong un's inner unease grew stronger and stronger, including his personal reasons. He was really afraid of what came. In the follow-up monitoring materials, Kim Jong un heard a familiar voice. The woman who was very charming in bed was his ex girlfriend

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