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Show the "China time" of the industry, how to improve the value experience?

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At present, the mobile phone industry is experiencing a round of huge challenges. Research institutions point out that the longest replacement cycle in history is coming, and the global smartphone replacement cycle is up to 43 months. Interestingly, contrary to the longer and longer smartphone replacement cycle of consumers, the speed of new product iteration is further improved.

To some extent, the industry is now stuck in a deadlock: the new mobile phone products that accelerate the iteration have failed to stimulate the demand of consumers for changing phones. This has also triggered questions and anxiety about mobile phone brands, seeking solutions to the problem.

For the same problem, different solutions will be given from different perspectives. Compared with the authorities, the perspective and observation of the upstream supply chain may have a more intuitive answer.

"At present, consumers are more concerned about whether the product can meet the core needs of" self "". For the dilemma that the iteration speed of mobile phones is far faster than the replacement cycle, Zhao Jun, CEO of TCL Huaxing, gave his own thought, "Some products on the market are still in the roll performance and roll technology, which leads to the 'structural imbalance' of the product response to consumer demand: some performance skills are over responsive, but the response to consumer demand segmentation is insufficient."

In the business world, high-tech innovation is the key to experience and upgrade, but it does not mean that simple technology stack is a good commercial work. Only by understanding the signals of the industry and the essence of user needs can we accurately cut into the consumer market.

Each era has its own value orientation, and consumer demand is changing with the environment at different stages. As a commodity provider, it is instinctive to understand the demands that can enhance consumers' in-depth experience in addition to meeting consumers' basic needs.

The core reason for the impasse in the mobile phone industry is that the perception of iterative technology for experience improvement is declining, which does not meet the core needs of consumers for "self".

After ten years of transformation, China's display industry has also achieved leapfrog development and has become the focus of the world. The logic of business is interlinked. Like the mobile phone industry, the more voluminous display industry has also reached the crossroads of in-depth experience and dimension upgrading, whether in external or internal competition.

In the new round of arms race, challenges and opportunities coexist. Thinking about consumers' pursuit of self care and value identity will also determine the direction of enterprise technology and products, and become the key driving force in the battle between victory and defeat.

To find the answer to "1", we must first deconstruct the depth needs of visual experience

The same number, different permutations and combinations will bring different potential energy. It is not easy for any enterprise to go from 0 to 1. Only when "1" is realized can it inspire greater value with several "0". Otherwise, it is useless to have more "0" in front of "1".

In the display industry, the best product is the "1", which tests the understanding and definition of enterprises from 0 to 1. In fact, it is not complicated to find the solution to the problem of "1". In short, it is to accurately find the needs of users' visual experience. The difficulty lies in the ability to deconstruct the needs of users at each level, which is also the core point of product circle and brand breakthrough.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory points out that human needs can be divided into five levels, namely physiological, security, belonging, respect and self realization needs. Like the pyramid structure, each period has different levels of needs to dominate. When lower level needs are relatively satisfied, people will have higher level needs.

Physiological demand, the bottom of the pyramid, represents the most basic demand of consumers for visual experience of display products, and is also the most important and critical foundation. In the past, the basic demand of users for display products was display effects. However, just like the stimulus attenuation caused by the excess performance of mobile phones, it shows that the improvement of performance is also reducing the perception of consumers.

Nowadays, with the progress of multimodal interaction technologies such as touch and recognition, consumers' basic needs for display products are also changing. With more intelligence and new applications, more immersive interactive experience has become a new basic requirement.

After the basic needs have been met, consumers have stepped onto a new level, with higher pursuit, more attention to self care, and more safe and healthy requirements for display experience. At this level, how to meet the needs of consumers? Maybe we can find the answer from a set of data.

According to the data from the National Health Commission, there are more than 700 million people with myopia in China, of which the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents is 52.7%, ranking first in the world. From January to April 2023, the online turnover of eye care products will increase by 50% year on year, and the online ophthalmic consultation volume will increase by more than 80% year on year.

Zhao Jun, CEO of TCL Huaxing, delivered a keynote speech

The dependence on electronic display products and the continuous improvement of screen use time have given rise to consumers' demand for healthy screens. As an enterprise, it should increase investment in eye protection technology in product research and development, design and other links, and try its best to provide more eye protection display products.

Finally, after the basic needs are met, consumers will seek deeper satisfaction at a higher level. In Maslow's view, belonging, respect and self-worth realization are higher level needs. Consumers hope that the products can represent their own image and ideas and reflect their own value after meeting the basic demands.

It should be pointed out that consumers are the enjoyment of product technology. If they want to get value recognition, green and low-carbon consumption behavior seems to be recognized by the industry as one of the effective paths, which also fully meets the endogenous needs of social responsibility economic development. Of course, the promotion of globalization and the high public attention to climate issues are also important reasons for this.

This is also supported by relevant data. According to the Survey Report on Citizens' Ecological Environmental Behavior issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China, 80% of the respondents have a strong sense of environmental responsibility, will take the initiative to pay attention to environmental information, and 82% believe that their actions can bring a positive impact on environmental protection.

Zhao Jun also revealed that "green low-carbon behavior makes consumers feel that their own value has been realized, so as many as 66% of consumers are willing to pay a premium for green consumption." Behind this high-level deep demand, naturally, it also puts forward higher requirements for showing the carbon reduction capacity of enterprises, which needs to be able to provide low-carbon products with high energy efficiency and energy conservation.

Experience dimension improvement and show the new logic of ecology

The key to making good products is to understand the level of consumers' needs and then formulate corresponding strategies. More pleasant display experience, more credible visual health, and more sustainable green low-carbon. Based on an accurate understanding of the level of consumers' demand for visual experience, TCL Huaxing gave its new value proposition at the TCL Huaxing Global Display Ecology Conference in 2023, providing a standard answer to the entire display industry.

The market is like a battlefield. The core of this sophisticated war is efficiency. After understanding consumer demand, it is more important to accelerate the landing. Committed to improving consumers' in-depth consumption experience, TCL Huaxing also delivered the "1" good product at the first time.

At present, TCL Huaxing has basically completed the strategic layout of full size and full category. After capturing the emerging needs of consumers, this time, DTC2023 also released new products covering multiple fields such as display, business display, laptop, VR, etc., covering cutting-edge technologies such as printing OLED, MLCD and LTPO, to further meet the deeper experience of immersive full scene interaction.

Among them, we saw a world first 150 inch MLCD zero seam commercial screen, which creatively combined the two technologies of LCD+LED across the times from the perspective of scene demand and user experience, not only to bring a higher quality image experience, but also to enhance the display experience, and also to provide new ideas and directions for the product innovation of the business display track through in-depth mining of user needs.

65 inch 8K printed OLED curved screen

In addition, the 65 inch 8K curved screen and 14 inch laptop screen equipped with printing OLED technology further improve the resolution through advanced printing OLED technology, so that users can experience better visual images and immersion, and more green eye protection, low carbon and low power consumption. According to insiders, TCL Huaxing has started the construction of production line for printing OLED, and is expected to comprehensively mass produce high-end products for printing OLED in the second half of next year. The third round of technological leapfrogging in the global display industry seems imminent.

Of course, there is a more important point. The cost advantage of printing OLED is very obvious compared with other routes, which means that consumers seem to be able to usher in a "price reduction and quality improvement" of OLED display products. Maybe next year's Double 11, we can see a "volcanic eruption" of user purchase behavior of small and medium-sized electronic consumer goods.

2.1 inch LTPO-VR LCD headset display

Through continuous technological innovation, TCL Huaxing is also trying to enrich the display interaction experience. The newly released 2.1 inch LTPO-VR LCD headset display, a cross industry VR product, eliminates the screen effect problem widely criticized by most products in the market through the exclusive technical route. Through the LTPO panel design and flow, as well as the application of new process materials, the overall breakthrough of high transmittance and high refresh rate was further achieved, and the record of 1727PPI of the world's highest display pixel was also created.

While improving the basic experience of technology and products, creating a healthier screen experience has also become the value proposition of TCL Huaxing to enhance consumers' in-depth experience. It is only to meet users' experience needs for self care by jointly building a visual ecology with the industry.

Based on long-term research and observation, TCL Huaxing summarized five main factors that affect vision, and then launched adaptive solutions for healthy eye care and developed educational eye care products. From the perspective of technology use, the full spectrum scheme used by TCL Huaxing can effectively reduce the blue light transmittance while ensuring the display effect. Reduce low-frequency flash through high-frequency PWM dimming, so as to alleviate eye muscle fatigue.

Among the four new products released this time, two of them use printed OLED technology. Compared with similar technology products, the utilization rate of light-emitting materials can be increased by two times and the blue light radiation can be reduced by 50% under the condition of ensuring the image quality, so that the screen is clearer and more comfortable, and consumers' health screen experience can be improved.

Every application of new technology is not only a breakthrough at the product level, but also an innovation based on user needs. In addition to the healthy screen, TCL Huaxing's implementation of green and low-carbon has met consumers' demand for deeper consumption.

"Actively practicing green and low-carbon is not only the demand of consumers, but also the unshirkable corporate responsibility of TCL Huaxing," Zhao Jun stressed.

It is understood that the new printing OLED technology not only brings a healthier screen experience, but also has a simpler technological process compared with the current mass production evaporation process. The utilization rate of light-emitting materials has also reached 90%, thus realizing energy conservation, environmental protection and green manufacturing. At the same time, through self-developed HFS technology, TCL Huaxing empowers green products, and the energy consumption of products has reached the EU ES9.0.

At present, TCL Huaxing has completed 657 energy-saving projects through energy-saving technical transformation, saving 9682W kilowatt hours of electricity accumulatively. Based on the development and utilization of renewable energy, 120000 tons of CO2 emissions will be reduced annually in the future. "Take multiple measures to build a zero carbon enterprise, provide consumers with energy-efficient, more energy-saving zero carbon products, and deliver a more sustainable low-carbon concept to the society", Zhao Jun said.

Uncovering Boundlessness, Exploring the Future, and New Leadership under Value Symbiosis

China's display industry has become the focus of the world from scratch, from existing to large, from large to strong. Whether it is traditional LCD, or the current OLED, future display and other new technologies, the global display industry has opened "China Time".

In this tremendous change, TCL CStar, which has been established for 14 years, is both a witness and an important promoter of China's display technology. Driven by the value proposition of new technology, display products and ecology will bring a new round of innovation.

For TCL Huaxing, it is playing different roles at different times. From the perspective of panel manufacturers, they have the ability to create full-size and full category panel products, with 9 panel production lines and 5 module bases, and their market share has become the world's leading array.

By the third quarter of 2023, TCL Huaxing TV panel market share has ranked second in the world, 55 inch and 75 inch products have ranked first in the world, and 8K high-end TV panel market share has ranked first in the world; The shipment volume of commercial display products is the second in the world; The market share of E-sports display is the first in the world; LTPS tablet shipments ranked second in the world, LTPS laptop shipments ranked second in the world, and LTPS vehicle shipments ranked among the top five in the world; LTPS mobile phone panel shipments remain the third largest in the world.

From LCD to OLED to MLED technology, from small and medium-sized mobile phone panels to large TV panels, from TV, business display, mobile phone, vehicle to medical, VR and other full scene empowerment, TCL Huaxing has been actively expanding the boundaries of display technology and category scenes for many years.

However, the stimulation of potential energy can not rely on individual strength alone, and "co creation" will burst out a greater spark.

With its pioneering insight for a long time, TCL Huaxing has the ability to gather upstream and downstream industrial chains. Its role has also extended from panel manufacturers to "scenario display solution providers", creating a perfect ecological closed-loop of the industrial chain.

At present, TCL Huaxing is accelerating the localization of upstream raw materials, and through joint development with downstream enterprises, it is launching products that can better meet the needs of consumers. For example, TCL Huaxing has cooperated with Xiaomi in research and development to create a smaller display product that is more delicate and eye friendly.

The "Rising Sun Plan" has also been advancing steadily, TCL Huaxing has built a diversified supply chain with more than 1000 supply partners, established 8 joint laboratories with its leading customers, jointly developed more than 50 categories of segmented application fields, led the establishment of two major national display innovation centers and 12 technology innovation platforms, built the core competitiveness of product technology, explored the future with upstream and downstream, and realized value symbiosis, Accelerate the deployment of next-generation cutting-edge technologies.

As the leader of the industry, the leading role of technology and products is on the one hand, low carbon value symbiosis is also an indispensable part. In addition to its own investment, TCL Huaxing also cooperated with the Group to build a green low-carbon ecology, including jointly building a zero carbon factory, zero carbon office, zero carbon design, etc., and cooperating with the government to promote renewable reclaimed water projects.

In addition, in order to meet the high requirements of the panel industry for AI large models, TCL Huaxing has developed the world's first large vertical model in the display field - "Xingzhi X-intelligence" in conjunction with TCL Research Institute, Tsinghua KEG team&Zhipu AI team, and the national new display technology innovation center team, which can realize private deployment, strictly ensure data security, be able to deeply understand relevant terms and concepts, and surpass GPT4 in the display field. The new release of the vertical large model will accelerate the improvement of TCL CStar's soft power, and will also strongly promote the upgrading of China's display industry.

"No matter how iterative the product is, scientific and technological innovation should start from the core needs of consumers and aim at improving consumer happiness", which is the value proposition mentioned by Zhao Jun on DTC2023. Relying on accurate insight and starting from the consumer demand side, TCL Huaxing injects new momentum into the display industry with its leading strategy, layout, technology upgrading and concept.

Develop product technology internally, standardize standards externally, and embrace the wave of AI new technology in the future. TCL CStar's deep thinking will not only allow it to take the lead in the new round of competition, but also lead the industry's ecological construction, explore the future and grow together with its partners, and promote China's display of prosperity. (This article launches the titanium media app for the first time)

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