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The top management has set the tone, and here comes the big opportunity!

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The Yangtze River Economic Belt once again stands at the top.

Recently, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to review the Opinions on Several Policies and Measures to Further Promote the High Quality Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. The meeting stressed that "to promote the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, it fundamentally depends on the high-quality ecological environment of the Yangtze River Basin"; "It is necessary to make overall efforts in the layout and transfer of industries along the river, better connect the domestic and international markets, make good use of the two resources, improve the endogenous power and reliability of the domestic cycle, and enhance the attraction and driving force of the international cycle".

The words between the lines show that the high level attaches great importance to the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and the profound meaning behind it is also worth pondering.


First, it is necessary to briefly introduce what the "Yangtze River Economic Belt" is.

As we all know, the Yangtze River, as the largest river in China, has a total length of more than 6300 kilometers, and the Yangtze River basin provides more than 30% of China's water resources, about half of the exploitable hydropower resources and inland river navigation mileage, which can be called the "golden waterway" across the eastern, central and western regions. Relying on the Yangtze River, the Yangtze River Economic Belt starts from the Yangtze River Delta in the east and ends at the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau in the west. It covers 11 provinces and cities, including Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou, and so on. It not only covers the most economically and socially developed areas in China, but also connects the relatively barren regions in China.

In fact, in recent years, the policies and arrangements for promoting the Yangtze River Economic Belt have been one after another.

As early as 2013, when investigating in Hubei, senior executives proposed to "build the Yangtze River basin into a golden waterway". The 2014 government work report clearly proposed to "build the Yangtze River Economic Belt by relying on the golden waterway". In September of the same year, the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt by relying on the golden waterway, which deployed to build the Yangtze River Economic Belt into an inland river economic belt with global influence, a coordinated development belt of interaction and cooperation between the East, the West, and the East The coastal, riverside and border areas comprehensively promote the opening up to the outside world and the leading demonstration zone of ecological civilization construction, which also marks that the construction of the Yangtze River Economic Belt has officially become a national strategy.

In 2016, when visiting Yichang, Hubei Province, the senior management again emphasized that "we should put the restoration of the ecological environment of the Yangtze River in an overwhelming position, work together to protect the Yangtze River, and not engage in large-scale development". In September of the same year, the State Council issued the Outline of the Development Plan of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, which defined the development idea of "ecological priority, basin interaction, and intensive development", It has also established a new development pattern of "one axis, two wings, three poles and multiple points" of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. This Outline is also recognized as a programmatic document of major national strategies to promote the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

Over the years since then, high-level officials have repeatedly stressed the importance of promoting high-quality construction and development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt on different occasions, and further pointed out the development direction. For example, "create a new model of regional coordinated development, build a new highland of high-level opening up, shape new advantages of innovation driven development, draw a new picture of harmonious integration of mountains, rivers, people and cities, make the Yangtze River Economic Belt become the main battlefield of ecological priority and green development in China, unblock the main arteries of domestic and international double circulation, and lead the main force of high-quality economic development", "Guided by scientific and technological innovation, we should promote ecological environment protection and economic and social development in a coordinated manner, strengthen policy coordination and work coordination, seek long-term momentum, implement long-term policies, build a long-term security foundation, further promote high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and better support and serve Chinese modernization", etc., which fully demonstrates the high attention and expectations of the senior management of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. The recent meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee has once again made the Yangtze River Economic Belt the focus of the market and triggered heated discussions.


Why does the Yangtze River Economic Belt receive such high attention? The root cause is that, The Yangtze River Economic Belt plays an extremely important role in China's economic and social landscape.

First, the economic volume of the Yangtze River Economic Belt accounts for "half of the country".

Data can support this. According to the data from the National Bureau of Statistics, by 2021, the GDP of the Yangtze River Economic Belt will account for 46.3% of the country's GDP, the proportion of the population will be stable at about 43%, the proportion of consumption will be 50.3%, the proportion of automobile production will be 44.5%, the proportion of exports and imports will be 49.2% and 41.3%, the proportion of local general public budget revenue and expenditure will be 45.2% and 44.1%, and the proportion of passenger traffic and freight traffic will be 48.2% and 44.9%, respectively, The proportion of postal services and telecommunications services is 50.5% and 43.5% respectively. It is no exaggeration to say that to build the Yangtze River Economic Belt well is almost to build half of the country well, which can be seen from its weight.

Secondly, the Yangtze River Economic Belt is the link connecting the coordinated development of the eastern, central and western regions.

The Yangtze River Economic Belt is located in the center of China's territory, running from east to west, connecting north to south, rich in resources and developed in economy. It objectively has the material basis to narrow the gap between the East, the West and the West, which also makes it the best strategic area to promote the linkage and comprehensive revitalization of the national economy. It is also an important economic belt that runs through China's western development, the rise of the central region and the new leap in the east, It is also the aorta with double circulation at home and abroad.

Specifically, all regions of the Yangtze River Economic Belt have unique gradient comparative advantages. The downstream Yangtze River Delta region is economically developed, with abundant capital and advanced technology, while the middle and upstream regions have relatively low development intensity, with sufficient reserve land and labor force, and rich mineral, water conservancy and ecological resources, The cross comparative advantage makes the upstream, middle and downstream areas have a good foundation for coordinated development. The Yangtze River Delta region can give full play to its radiation and leading role, promote the orderly undertaking of industrial gradient transfer in the upper and middle reaches, promote the coordinated development of the upper, middle and lower reaches, and then form a new pattern of coordination and benign interaction between the coastal and central and western regions, help narrow the regional and urban-rural gap, and provide strong support for higher quality development of the national economy.

Finally, the Yangtze River Economic Belt plays an important role in maintaining the stability of the national ecological environment.

As the mother river of the Chinese nation, the Yangtze River basin has a prominent ecological status, with one third of the country's water resources and three fifths of the total reserves of water energy resources. The area of river and lake wetlands accounts for about 20% of the country, feeding hundreds of millions of people along the river. At the same time, the Yangtze River Economic Belt spans eight national key ecological functional areas in China's "two screens and three belts" ecological security strategy. It is rich in forest resources, diverse in biological species, and abundant in ecological flow. It plays a huge role in conserving water sources of rivers and lakes, regulating climate change, protecting ecological diversity, and preventing and controlling soil erosion. It plays an important role in water conservation Water and soil conservation, biodiversity maintenance and other functions are an important support belt for China's ecological civilization construction, and also constitute the "green backbone" of China's ecological civilization construction, which is directly related to the stable development of the national ecological environment.

It should be noted that although the Yangtze River Economic Belt has made great progress in various aspects in recent years, there are still some problems that need to be overcome.

For example, because the economic foundation and development goals of provinces and cities are different, the interregional linkage is still not strong enough, the interregional cooperation mechanism needs to be further coordinated and unblocked, and the degree of mutual openness between regions needs to be improved; For another example, local protection barriers still exist in some cities and regions, and the market is separated from each other, affecting the free flow of production factors and the formation of a unified market; In addition, the ecological problems of the Yangtze River Economic Belt are still prominent, the virtuous circle between economic development and ecological environment protection has not yet been fully formed, and the local governments still need to further reach consensus on the coordination mechanism of ecological compensation, etc.

The existence of these problems also points out the direction for the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.


Under the major policy setting, there must be significant investment opportunities.

Looking back on the development of A-share, it is not difficult to find that every time the national decision-making level sets the tone on a formal occasion, investors will pay close attention to it. The reason is very simple. These contents are often based on the national grand strategy and the future direction of economic and social development. They are to be supported with great efforts from the policy. They have a magnificent pattern. Of course, the prospect is more exciting and expectant. Naturally, it is easier to become a hot investment spot in the market. This time, the "high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt" is no exception.

We believe that along this policy setting, we can focus on the following three directions:

First, the transportation and logistics opportunities brought by the coordinated development of the upstream and downstream of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

To promote the coordinated high-quality development of the upstream and downstream of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, it is necessary to further improve the transportation system. According to the specific requirement of "by 2030, the golden waterway of the whole Yangtze River basin with smooth water supply and complete functions" mentioned in the Outline of the Development Plan of the Yangtze River Economic Belt issued by the State Council, the development space of the transportation industry of the Yangtze River Economic Belt has been widened, especially the port and logistics industry, and related enterprises may usher in a better development opportunity.

Second, the ecological and environmental protection opportunities brought by regional environmental governance and protection.

The meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China emphasized that "to promote the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, it fundamentally depends on the high-quality ecological environment of the Yangtze River Basin", clearly placing the ecological environment in a very important position, which also indicates that the regions of the Yangtze River Economic Belt will strengthen their efforts in regional environmental governance and protection, including urban sewage, industrial wastewater Relevant enterprises will benefit from the treatment and recovery of pollutants such as solid waste.

Third, industrial upgrading brings opportunities for green industrial development.

Balancing economic development and ecological environment protection can not be separated from industrial upgrading, especially heavy industry, which is a major polluter, is bound to speed up the pace of industrial transformation and upgrading, and then prevent pollution from the source of production and embark on a green development path, which is also in line with the general direction of high-quality development of the national economy. And green development will certainly bring new development space and opportunities to the industrial economy of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and there may be good investment opportunities in relevant sectors such as intelligent manufacturing, energy saving and consumption reducing equipment, and industrial Internet.

[Note: The market is risky, so investment should be cautious. In any case, the information or opinions contained in this subscription number are only for exchange of views, and do not constitute investment suggestions for anyone. Except for special remarks, the research data in this paper is supported by Flush iFinD]

This article was originally written by "Xingtu Financial Research Institute" by Fu Yifu, a senior researcher of Xingtu Financial Research Institute

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