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What is the most expensive in the 21st century: Wang Ziyou

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This article is from WeChat official account: SeeDifferently (ID: scribble1123), author: Zhang Zhuo, head picture from: Vision China


I don't understand why Wang Ziyou and Dong Mingzhu were scolded for several days.

I watched the video, and Wang Ziyou didn't say too much, mainly expressing his admiration for Dong Mingzhu: joining Gree is not for money, but to sit closer to Dong Mingzhu.

Is there something wrong? No, I also want to sit closer to Dong Mingzhu. This is not the value that money can buy.

There are two types of people who ridicule him:

  • The first type is to be angry and not fight. How can we lose our self-esteem when we used to be big players in the "system"? Flattery, a set of sets, which implies a kind of expectation for Wang Ziyou - you should make a big fuss in Tiangong;

  • The second kind is a bit like the entertainment eight o'clock stall, especially the direct irony of Venus's "with pearls in his mouth, and with ease in advance and retreat": Wang Ziran's ascendancy is not due to his real ability.

Those who taunt Wang Zibo, we all feel their conscience and ask, is this the first time you have heard his words in society? Or the most disgusting flattery you've ever heard?

Not really?

In the past, Wang used to be a big V of We Media, selling an independent and objective position; After entering Gree, his salary composition is divided into two types of services, one is from his business ability, and the other is Dong Mingzhu's feedback on him: this part will be broken down and explained in detail, that is, whether Wang Ziyou makes Dong Mingzhu feel happy to cooperate with him, trusts himself, and is willing to give more work to him.

Most people are stuck in the second part and don't understand. They think that providing the second kind of service is a flattery and needs to be criticized by the society.

Let's think about it from another perspective. If you are the boss, do you prefer a subordinate who has good business ability and makes you feel like a spring breeze everyday?

Don't say it doesn't matter. You haven't been a boss yet.


Wang Ziyou is not the employee who can provide emotional value to the boss most I have seen. I have stayed in large factories and start-ups. The size of my team ranges from hundreds to dozens of people. In every experience, I have met at least two people who are more "Wang Zibo" than Wang Zibo.

At the regular meeting, I witnessed a girl who was very obsequious in front of the male boss. Share with everyone that: when he went to Party A's company to make a proposal, the male boss opened the PPT and said for 10 minutes, and all the female customers of Party A's company showed their worship eyes, "like eating our boss".

This is the original words. I admire this girl very much. You know, how powerful is her psychological quality when she can say these words without changing her face and beating her heart: the male boss who makes all female clients "greedy" in her mouth is a man who squints, whose Mandarin is extremely non-standard, and whose height is less than 160 -- sorry, I'm not a personal attack, I just want to express, The female client never wants to "eat" him.

I have also witnessed more exaggerations, praising his boss as the imaginary enemy of a top figure in the industry, "I heard XX (the top leader in the industry) often tell his closest friends that you are the person he is most afraid of now." - Later, I really saw the top leader in the industry, and I dared and bored to ask if he was afraid of "the boss", and he asked blankly: Who? Just as you asked Zhang Yiming, is it a company whose revenue is less than 100 million yuan that is the biggest competitor of Byte now? He must think that the person asking is crazy!

The key is that all the listeners believe in it and it is extremely useful - otherwise, my former colleagues will not continue to rise after doing one thing and another.

Now that Wang Ziyou has reminded me of the past of flattery, I have mixed feelings. What is Wang Ziyou's flattery? In front of all the flattery I have experienced, Wang Ziyou's flattery has become sincere and appropriate. What's more, Dong Mingzhu, who is in charge of a market value of 100 billion yuan, does not deserve a sincere flattery?


I met Dong Mingzhu once, around 2013, when she was 60 years old. Interviewed at Zhuhai Gree Headquarters. In front of the camera, she was in high spirits. During the interview break, she sat on the sofa waiting for the transition. Within five minutes, she fell asleep with her head tilted. That was a physiological behavior that I could not control - it reminded me of my grandmother in her 70s, who would also fall asleep unconsciously while watching TV.

My reaction at that time was "shocked", shocked the strong man Dong Mingzhu "unexpectedly" fell asleep, but I soon realized that she was also an ordinary person, both physically and mentally, and had entered the twilight years.

At that time, her assistant was a young, handsome boy, very green, and just graduated from college. She was cautious and frightened when receiving the media. It is said that Dong has changed many assistants in those years, all of whom are young people who have just graduated. If it wasn't for her dissatisfaction, or for the young people, they couldn't go on. "I can't do it for half a year."

Now, ten years have passed. On the one hand, I am shocked that Dong Mingzhu is still forcefully sticking to the front line, taking goods in person when the performance declines. On the other hand, it is no surprise that from Meng Tongyu to Wang Ziyou, Dong has been surrounded by "young people" coming and going back.

She is also a human being. She is a 70 year old entrepreneur who has been fighting in the market for 40 years, always under pressure, and almost has no family life. The young face is fresh air for her, a new stimulus, and an extension of vitality - sometimes, we love alienation bosses too much, but the boss is lonely and cold.

Wang Zirong is obviously the most desirable "follower" Dong Mingzhu has found over the years: he is young, professional, mature and stable, and can provide the most important thing in the relationship between superiors and subordinates - emotional value.

If I were the boss, I would also like a Wang Ziyou.

In fact, who doesn't want to work "realistically" and create value realistically and without interference? However, we should face up to this ideal state of vacuum. When social organizations, including corporate organizations, have evolved into a system, and the system is in a downward economic cycle, there is rarely soaring growth, internal involution is inevitable.

The academic record, the working hours, the cost performance ratio, and the distance between the employer and the employer.


North, an American institutional economist, divided the productivity of the system into "productive efforts" and "distributive efforts". "Productive efforts" means having strong innovation ability and expanding social wealth, such as Musk; The distributive ability is to seize the dominant position in society without increasing the total amount of social wealth, and obtain greater individual interests in the distribution structure.

Most of us can't become Masks, which is why, in most cases, when we feel bad in the workplace, we feel that what we do is a "bullshit job", lacking sense of meaning and value, because we are doing "distributive efforts".

In a stock system, compete with other humans for a small piece of cake. How is the cake distributed? It is decided by the "boss" in the system.

The superior subordinate relationship in the workplace is essentially a power relationship. How can the boss judge who will give the cake to whom or not? The ability is basic, but the feelings given by subordinates are also very important. Among the feelings, the most important one is: Your loyalty: does he trust you, and is your willingness to contribute to the organization strong?

Loyalty is very important. No loyalty, no security. The higher the position of the boss and the more resources he has to allocate, the more he will repeatedly test the loyalty of his subordinates.

"Emotional value" is actually that you provide your boss with a "sense of security".

I am not exaggerating the importance of "emotional value", nor encouraging everyone to become a flatterer in the workplace, nor do I want everyone to lose their dignity and sense of self-worth in work, but we need to face up to the fact that "providing reasonable emotional value for others" is undoubtedly a powerful and powerful ability.

We should face up to: What service does Wang Zibo provide for Dong Mingzhu? And how valuable and precious this service is. Because most people can't do it, and they can't do it well.

Of course, like the boss in my previous story, it is all about feeling rather than evaluating talents by ability. With such a twisted and inferior personality, 88.

When the economic environment will not have disruptive growth in the short term, the general environment of the workplace will only be more brutal: Ai is gradually replacing "hard skills": from production line workers to designers, even lawyers and doctors. In the future, more and more work will no longer need the existence of "natural people", so the significance of gathering "people" under an organization to work together may be partially justified by "feelings between each other".

"Feeling" is the ability to provide emotional value to others - to your boss, your customers, and your partners. As a subordinate, you should become Wang Zirong: This is a kind of ability, a hard currency in the future, a rare thing, and a priceless treasure.

So what's the most expensive in the 21st century? Of course, Wang Ziyou.

This article is from WeChat official account: SeeDifferently (ID: subscrible1123), written by Zhang Zhuo

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