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Taiwan can be a special zone! Retired Taiwan Colonel: As long as the mainland agrees to the two conditions, the two sides should be reunified as soon as possible

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The issue of Taiwan has always been one of the important issues of our country. "How to recover Taiwan", "When to recover Taiwan and realize the reunification of the motherland" and other issues are often raised these years.

In particular, in the past two years, under the intervention of the United States, the situation in the Taiwan Strait was tense, and the Taiwan authorities could not understand the current situation. They accepted 11 times of "military assistance" from the United States, and finally got their own money involved. All kinds of words that Taiwan's pro American celebrities have said to discredit the Chinese mainland are also ironic.

Today, the Taiwan authorities are secretly engaged in "Taiwan independence", and openly sell fruits and other products to the mainland. Now, the mainland is not accustomed to Taiwan, and has imposed restrictions on fruits such as Annona, mango, lotus fog and pineapple in Taiwan.

The Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party made a funny remark, saying that mangoes produced in Taiwan can be eaten by themselves and do not need to be imported to the mainland. This scene is like a few years ago, when the mainland restricted the import of Taiwan's pineapple because of its poor quality, some people in Taiwan also proposed that Taiwan people could solve the problem by eating 18 kilograms of pineapple every day.

The Taiwan authorities have never been disillusioned. They always want to go with the United States. They both allow Pelosi to come and accept the "military assistance" from the United States. As a result, the United States aircraft carrier was scared away by the joint exercises of our navy and did not dare to move closer to Taiwan.

All reasonable Taiwanese want "cross-strait peace", but the Taiwan authorities are "blind". However, not all leaders have been fooled by the United States, and some have tried to negotiate with the mainland.

Huang Zhenghui, a retired captain of Taiwan's navy, was the one who tried to negotiate. He said that Taiwan understood that the mainland wanted to recover Taiwan's heart, and most people in Taiwan did not want to live in fear anymore, and wanted to return to the motherland.

However, Huang Zhenghui said that if Taiwan wants to "return peacefully", the mainland must agree to two conditions, or it will not talk about it.

Taiwan has been an inalienable territory of China since ancient times. It is a right thing to return to the motherland. Which lost child does not want to go home? But here in Taiwan, we have to talk about conditions.

However, the mainland of China dotes on the child of Taiwan. Since Taiwan says to raise conditions, it is not impossible to listen to what conditions are first.

One condition proposed by Huang Zhenghui is to "maintain the existing system in Taiwan".

This condition is expected by the mainland. Why do you say so?

In the 1950s, Chinese leaders thought about how to solve the Taiwan issue, and everyone advocated a peaceful solution. But at that time, some foreign forces disrupted the situation, leading to the failure of some ideas at that time.

In the late 1970s, important changes took place in the international situation. China and the United States established diplomatic relations, and Sino US relations normalized. At the same time, compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, Hong Kong and Macao, all expressed strong willingness to return to the motherland.

Under such circumstances, our leaders put forward the policy of "one country, two systems", that is, "one country, two systems".

At first, the "one country, two systems" policy was created for Taiwan, but later it was first applied to Hong Kong and Macao. Over the years, great achievements have also been made. The economies of Hong Kong and Macao are still prosperous, and their previous ties with the mainland are closer, which shows that the "one country, two systems" policy is the right choice.

Even the private secretary of former British Prime Minister Thatcher said that Hong Kong has benefited a lot from the "one country, two systems" policy, and the Hong Kong people have also benefited a lot.

In fact, China is a very open-minded parent, and will not force children back to get rid of those habits, but will retain them to some extent.

Therefore, the first requirement put forward by Huang Zhenghui is likely to be met by the mainland. After all, there is the policy of "one country, two systems", and Taiwan should not be too worried about being directly changed to the existing system.

Huang Zhenghui's first requirement was normal. He then said the second requirement was that Taiwan should retain its current military strength. If the first requirement is reasonable, the second requirement is to "kick the nose and face up", and Huang Zhenghui's abacus is directly spread out under the lamp.

Huang Zhenghui was not the only one who mentioned that Taiwan should retain its current military establishment. Many Taiwanese media people have successively raised this request. They said that after Taiwan's return to the motherland, they do not want the PLA to land on Taiwan Island, nor do they want the PLA to be stationed in Taiwan.

At the same time, these Taiwanese media people also said that China's mainland should provide the most advanced weapons and equipment to Taiwan's military every year, so that they would not buy from the United States.

For now, this requirement is to kick up the nose and face in Taiwan. Not to mention that the military strength of Taiwan and the mainland is far from each other, that is, when China and Britain negotiated the Hong Kong issue, they did not allow Britain to leave a single soldier in Hong Kong. Taiwan's request to retain the existing army is simply a pipe dream.

Of course, this is for now. However, from 1993 to 2000, China's top leaders did mention this issue in the "Message to Taiwan Compatriots".

At that time, China was eager to recover Taiwan, and had promised that within the framework of "one China", it would not send troops and administrative personnel to Taiwan, and any problem could be solved through negotiation.

These media people in Taiwan must have got inspiration from this old "Message to Taiwan Compatriots". In fact, since 2022, the commitment of not stationing troops in Taiwan has been deleted from the latest white paper on Taiwan issued by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China.

In other words, if Taiwan had not repeatedly made progress on the issue of return and tried to "become independent", then Taiwan's question now would not be a big deal.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is impossible not to garrison troops in Taiwan and arrange administrative personnel to enter Taiwan. Secondly, when Hong Kong and Macao returned to the motherland, they both disbanded the local army. If only Taiwan left the army, it would not favor one over the other, which would affect the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong and Macao.

Therefore, Huang Zhenghui's second requirement is unthinkable, and the mainland cannot agree to it.

The Taiwan authorities have done a lot of "de sinicization" over the years, condensed China's history into four pages, and beautified the image of Japan, South Korea and the United States. Every bit of it is a provocative act against the mainland.

Especially in the past two years, Taiwan has insisted on approaching the United States in spite of the opposition of the mainland, which has had a very serious impact and will further tension the situation in the Taiwan Strait.

Taiwan has been an inalienable territory of China since ancient times, and those who engage in "Taiwan independence" in any form are all criminals of China. The United States does not sincerely treat Taiwan. The Taiwan authorities still have to recognize this and return to the embrace of the motherland as soon as possible.

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