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The new prostitution mode was exposed, and the sexy "chefs" came to serve, which destroyed many families

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The new prostitution mode was exposed, and the sexy "chefs" came to serve, which destroyed many families

In recent years, a new way of prostitution has aroused social concern and concern. This way is called "kitchen girl". "Chef Yuan" has become the choice of some single nobles to engage in prostitution in the form of door-to-door services. However, the high service costs, ethical impacts and social problems it brings have aroused widespread concern.

The service cost of "Chef Yuan" is expensive. The one-time service cost is generally about 2000 yuan, including shopping, cooking, accompanying and other services. The duration is generally 2 hours, and more than 2 hours requires additional fees. This kind of price is unbearable for ordinary migrant workers, which is obviously not the choice of ordinary consumers, but for high consumption groups.

This new form of prostitution, namely "kitchen maid" service, mainly focuses on appearance, and usually requires applicants to have the following characteristics:

Appearance: The recruiter hopes that the candidate's appearance is attractive, and usually pays attention to facial features, such as delicate facial features and skin condition. This requirement reflects their attempt to provide a visual appeal to meet the needs of customers.

Hot body: recruitment requirements usually focus on physical appearance, requiring applicants to be symmetrical and slim, emphasizing the attractiveness of their bodies.

Age limit: In most cases, applicants need to be between 18 and 25 years old, which may be related to the recruiters' attempts to cater to the preferences of specific customer groups.

It is worth noting that although appearance is an important element in the recruitment of "chefs", the requirements for cooking skills are usually not high. This shows that the real purpose of this form of prostitution is to earn money through the body, rather than relying on cooking or other skills to earn income.

This phenomenon has aroused social concern and warning, especially for the ethics and moral education of young people. The society needs to emphasize the respect and protection of individual dignity and respect for human body, rather than trading human body as a commodity. Through extensive education and guidance, we can help people correctly understand the difference between sex and love, and clarify the moral bottom line to build a more just and civilized society.

As for how to contact "Chef Yuan", it is understood that there are relevant information on various social software, and someone will invite you after chatting privately. Since the service is provided at the home of a single man, it is relatively secret and safe, which also explains why this method is relatively less exposed. However, this does not change the social problems caused by its existence.

The emergence of this new form of prostitution has aroused social concern and vigilance. First of all, the high cost of services has limited its users, making only a few people can pay. Secondly, the existence of this form of prostitution challenges the social ethos and moral values. The society needs to emphasize the respect and protection of personal privacy, rather than trading people's bodies as commodities.

Facing this problem, education and society shoulder the responsibility together. Education departments should strengthen sex education, help young people correctly understand the difference between sex and love, and clarify the moral bottom line. Families also need to strengthen family education and cultivate children's correct values and morality. At the same time, all sectors of the society need to cooperate to strengthen the fight against and supervision of this form of prostitution in order to protect the healthy development of society.

With joint efforts, we can get rid of the influence of this new form of prostitution and build a more just, equal and civilized society. Only through comprehensive measures and the participation of the whole society can we better protect social ethics and moral concepts and ensure that everyone can live a healthy and dignified life.

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