The Iron Triangle of bloody battle requires no food and weapons. How can the volunteer army win?

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May 21, 1951, day.

Most areas of the Korean Peninsula are sunny and spring is waning. At this time, the sky over the Iron Triangle is clear, which seems to be a good day. This has played a good role in the fight and transfer of the volunteers. In the Chinese Volunteer Army Camp, as the orders from the superior were quickly conveyed, the large forces immediately entered a high-pressure standby state.

Each regiment in the camp is allocating soldiers to protect the retreating main forces. The soldiers straightened their backs, their guns were uniformly carried behind them, and their dusty clothes and dry food bags could be seen in the clear sky. The heads of the regiments put some of the dry food they had left into the hands of the guards and said, "Brothers, wait for you to return."

This is the strategic retreat of the Chinese Volunteer Army after winning all the way since the war.

After the fourth anti US and aid Korean campaign, Commander Peng ordered to launch the fifth large-scale campaign on April 22 to defeat the insidious attempt of the United Nations led by the United States and the South Korean army to cooperate with the front attack from the rear.

The volunteers fought the United Nations army all the way from the 38th Front to Seoul and along the Han River. When the equipment and number of soldiers were far less than the enemy, they drove straight into the empty land.

But Commander Peng said this morning, "Withdraw."

Last night.

In one room of the United Nations General Command Battalion, a man with a tall nose was leaning over the letter. The man was General Richmond, who had just replaced MacArthur. Compared with General MacArthur's recklessness and conceit, Lee Chiwei, who participated in the Normandy landings and was able to work with the Allied Supreme Commander Eisenhower and the representative of the United Nations Military Commission, was more cautious and sophisticated. Soon, all the officers crowded into the room. The man smiled and looked up. "My friends, it's time to counter attack."

The man stood up with a clear voice and said, "The plan to improve the kitchen has been successful. The enemy is short of food and strength at this time. I ordered 14 divisions, 1 brigade and 2 regiments to fight back like ghosts on the front of more than 2000 kilometers, and destroy all effective forces for me."

"Yes, General."

Li Qiwei watched the crowd recede, and his anticipation of the right favor was replaced by a slightly frowned eyebrow. He turned his eyes to the military map and muttered, "There must be a focus in all aspects. Where should the next chess pieces be placed?"

Li Qiwei's mouth couldn't help rising when he saw the Iron Triangle along the important traffic line.

On the country road, the defense volunteer army team is rushing to the defense site required by the superior - on a slightly higher slope. In order to cover the main force to withdraw to the 38th parallel to rest, such scattered teams spread out in the rear. A soldier smiled and asked, "Captain, why do you think we haven't made any noise all the way?"

"What do you want? The United Nations army was directly hit by us on the Han River. To me, the commander in chief of the United Nations army, the Yankee named Li Qiwei, must be afraid of being beaten. It's not as good as MacArthur."

Everyone shook the sticks like a whip to poke the grass, laughing.

After a lot of walking, we are about to reach the small defense point. The roar of armored vehicles and heavy tanks on the ground suddenly burst into my ears in laughter.

"Enter the alert." The captain stared at the enemy 100 meters away like a nighthawk.

"Captain, do you want to move?"

The captain spit out the grass roots that had been in his mouth for a long time: "It seems that these little guys don't give up. This is a big posture. If we let them pass smoothly today, it will be really troublesome for us to move our big forces. We can't retreat even if we make a strong attack. Even if we give our lives here, we should also beat me -"

At the command, the bullet was like a meteor straight into the enemy's body. Many United Nations soldiers near the team were shot. However, the team itself did not reach the ideal defense point. The ground was flat to the ground, and unlike the enemy, it did not have heavy armour bunkers and excellent military protective weapons. It was easy for the enemy to counter attack and bloodbath. In this way, the United Nations army has torn up one crack after another in the back court of the Volunteer Army's strategic retreat.

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