After the crime, Lai Changxing sighed: If the "Second Brother" didn't happen, who dares to touch me! Who is the second brother

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Selling officials and bartering titles have existed in ancient times, and collusion between officials and businessmen is not uncommon.

Today, let's tell the story of Lai Changxing and Li Jizhou.

01 Get rich

Lai Changxing was born in Shaocuo Village, Fujian Province in September 1958.

Lai Changxing in February 1991 was a Hong Kong citizen with a Hong Kong hukou.

In 33 years, the great changes in Lai Changxing were unexpected.

The 1970s witnessed the rapid development of Hong Kong and Lai Changxing's turning point in his life.

Lai Changxing smuggled into Hong Kong in the 1970s and began to engage in business. I don't know whether he is developed in mind or in life. In short, he has become.

Returning to Fujian in the 1980s, his label had changed from "collecting rags" to "Hong Kong merchants". Yes, who would have thought that he used to be a rag salesman, and who would have thought that now he is just a newborn calf in the future.

Back in Fujian, he began to make money with his head, that is, making sewing machines.

He gets the drawings and outsources the parts he cannot do to the big factory, while the parts he can do are done in his small factory. At that time, China just needed sewing machines, so the spring breeze turned Lai Changxing green. The sewing machine of 25000 yuan was sold for 75000 yuan. With such a high profit, the market was still in short supply. It was difficult for him not to make a fortune.

Relying on the capital accumulated by the sewing machine factory, he extended his hand to the fields of umbrellas, printing, clothing, etc., and set up factories successively.

The snowball grew bigger and bigger. Standing on the snowball, Lai Changxing became the founder of Hong Kong Meihao Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Two months later, he became the boss of Yuanhua International Co., Ltd.

Three years later, he founded Xiamen Yuanhua International Co., Ltd.

But Lai Changxing's history of fortune turns out to be black: what he did was smuggling.

02 Inconsistent

Lai Changxing seems to have made his fortune a little too easily. It can't be said that he made it to the top, but he also made great strides.

Why can a person who breaks the law and commits a crime grow so fast and thrive?

It turns out that Lai Changxing has "skills" in mind.

He has always understood that no matter how big the "business" is, it is also under the control of "officials". Because if you want to do more and more, you must naturally have a good relationship with officials.

Lai Changxing is a smart man. He did not directly bribe, but "borrowed money to repay interest". Borrow some money from officials and pay more with interest when paying back. Once the money is paid back, the favor will be handed over.

He also likes to hold birthday parties. His birthday party invited all the senior executives. To attend his birthday party not only does not require gifts, but also can receive red envelopes. It is said that once people who attended his birthday party received 100000 yuan red envelopes.

Not only that, Lai Changxing is also willing to help the children of officials solve their work problems. All the leading children related to his interests can work in his company, and they are well paid.

Of course, in addition to his children, Lai Changxing often invites these leaders to relax. When leaders and beautiful women hugged each other, Lai Changxing smiled behind the camera. With these tricks, the leaders naturally cooperated with Lai Changxing for win-win results.

03 Golden Orchid

That's the end of the story. It's time for another protagonist to appear.

Li Jizhou, the "second generation of the Red Army", whose father was an old Red Army, and whose mother later joined the Eighth Route Army, can be said to be rooted in Miao Hong.

In 1964, Li Jizhou was a freshman just entering Renmin University of China.

After graduating from college, he joined the PLA.

Ten years later, his son inherited his father's job and joined the Ministry of Public Security.

His life also began to soar.

In 1979, he was a junior staff member of the Fire Department Office of the Ministry of Public Security.

In 1983, Deputy Director of the Public Security Bureau.

In 1989, he was the Director of the Public Security Bureau.

Assistant to the Minister of Public Security in 1993.

In 1995, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Public Security.

Other people can not walk the road in their whole life, he took great strides.

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