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Shandong will strictly control running schools across cities, and gradually clean up and standardize the existing non local campuses

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On the evening of August 19, the Education Department of Shandong Province issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Establishment Planning of Colleges and Universities during the 14th Five Year Plan Period in Shandong Province (the Notice for short), which is full of money. It is pointed out that Shandong will adhere to both stock adjustment and incremental optimization, focus on optimizing the structure, filling gaps, filling weaknesses, strengthening services, and promote the supply side reform of higher education in our province.

In principle, secondary vocational schools are not promoted to higher vocational schools

Nor merge with higher vocational education in disguised form

The Notice pointed out that in order to meet the needs of economic and social development for talent types and hierarchies, we should integrate the history, basic conditions and advantages of disciplines and specialties of colleges and universities, deal with the relationship between development scale and structure, needs and conditions, stock and increment, optimize the stock, optimize the increment, and avoid seeking perfection, blind upgrading, and repeated setup, Promote the scientific positioning and characteristics of colleges and universities.

It is necessary to plan new university projects around the key areas of economic and social development and talents in the province, highlight characteristics and pay attention to development needs. The school name shall comply with the relevant provisions of the Interim Measures for the Naming of Institutions of Higher Learning. In principle, vocational education schools will not be transformed into general education schools, characteristic schools will not be comprehensive schools, and secondary vocational schools will not be upgraded to higher vocational schools, nor will they be merged with higher vocational schools in a disguised form.

The sponsor of an institution of higher learning shall have the qualification required by law. It is necessary to strictly review the qualifications, investment capacity and integrity records of colleges and universities, especially the sponsors (actual controllers) of private colleges and universities. The sponsor should have good credit status, strong financial strength, advanced school running concepts and ideas, and educational feelings, and resolutely put an end to the commercial operation and disorderly expansion of social capital in the field of education.

In addition, Shandong encourages entity enterprises with advanced technology and strong brand influence to run schools in regions and industries, explores the implementation of multiple forms of mixed ownership school running, and promotes the deep integration of industry and education with schools and enterprises.

In principle, no new addition

Provincial public ordinary undergraduate universities

The Notice stressed that we should optimize and adjust the stock, promote the adjustment of existing colleges and universities through resource integration, further optimize the regional layout and type structure, and highlight the school running characteristics.

Reasonably control the increment, focus on the national major strategy and the provincial major industry needs, and on the basis of full demonstration, set up a small number of high quality and strong characteristics of ordinary undergraduate universities that are urgently needed for development, and in principle do not add new provincial public ordinary undergraduate universities.

Normal colleges and medical colleges, which were approved and established in 2006 and before, have a long history of running schools, high quality, and are in urgent need of development, can be upgraded to ordinary undergraduate colleges. The competent department should fully demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of these colleges and universities. In principle, there should be no more than one college of each type in the province.

The Notice requires that by supporting the transformation of high-level undergraduate universities into technical normal universities and exploring the transformation of qualified high-quality vocational colleges into technical normal universities, we should build 1-2 technical normal universities and train vocational education teachers. The renaming of "college" and "university" and the renaming of the same level shall be strictly controlled under standard conditions. The unfinished undergraduate programs during the "13th Five Year Plan" will be re evaluated and listed in the plan in priority according to the procedures.

New higher vocational colleges must not have multiple campuses

Not far from the regional economic and cultural center

The Notice requires to focus on key fields, key industries and key regions, and from the "high-level vocational schools with Chinese characteristics and schools planned for specialty construction", compare the setting standards of vocational schools at the undergraduate level, and select the best among the best to develop vocational schools at the undergraduate level. In principle, there should be no more than 2 vocational schools in the province.

Strictly review the qualifications of private university sponsors, and attach equal importance to support and standardization. Priority is given to supporting and encouraging listed companies, industry leading enterprises, and entity enterprises with strong brand influence and continuous investment ability to hold or participate in the holding of higher vocational education.

The newly established higher vocational colleges should transform the new and old driving forces of our province, focusing on the new generation of information technology, high-end equipment, new energy and new materials, modern ocean, medical care and health, high-end chemicals, modern efficient agriculture, cultural creativity, boutique tourism, modern financial services and other fields, to cultivate technical and skilled talents and better serve the major national development strategy and local economic and social development.

The Notice pointed out that we should optimize the regional layout and support the establishment of vocational schools at the junior college level in prefecture level municipal government residences with weak configuration, large population and good school running support. The new schools should not have multiple campuses and should not be far away from the regional economic and cultural center.

Steadily promote the establishment of technician colleges that meet the conditions for the establishment of higher vocational schools and have a reasonable professional layout as higher vocational schools according to standards and procedures, adhere to the principle of one college, and the name must reflect the characteristics of the industry and vocational education. For higher vocational schools that have suspended enrollment for many years and have no students at school, we should strengthen research and judgment, properly handle the remaining problems, and revoke the organizational system according to laws and regulations. The handling of such problems will be an important reference factor for the number of new colleges and universities in relevant cities.

Strictly control running schools across cities according to laws and regulations

Gradually clean up and standardize the existing non local campuses

The Notice stressed that the transformation of independent colleges should be carried out in a safe and orderly manner to achieve rapid transformation. The transfer of independent colleges is an important task of the establishment work. All independent colleges that have not been transferred should be included in the plan. According to the requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government and the unified deployment of the Ministry of Education, "based on reality, one school, one policy", in-depth demonstration, research and judgment, scientific and democratic decision-making, strict risk control, and steady and rapid progress.

We should support colleges and universities with good basic conditions and high school running quality to carry out Sino foreign cooperation in running schools in accordance with the law and regulations. Support local colleges and universities to introduce foreign high-level universities to set up cooperative schools in Shandong. The establishment of Chinese (overseas) cooperative schools with independent legal personality must be incorporated into the plan before implementation.

The Notice pointed out that the existing adult colleges and universities should be promoted to deepen the system reform and further standardize the development. For adult colleges and universities that have independently set up, suspended enrollment for many years, and have no students at school, under the premise of in-depth research and judgment to ensure stability, we will promote the application for termination of school running and cancellation of organizational system according to law. Those who have the basis of non academic education can become non academic continuing education institutions according to local needs and their own characteristics.

We will optimize the regional distribution of higher education resources, and appropriately support cities with weak higher education resources to strengthen their foundations and strengthen their weaknesses. Strictly control trans regional school running according to laws and regulations, and gradually clean up and standardize the existing non local campuses based on the principle of stability and order. If it is really necessary to establish trans regional campuses, they should be strictly demonstrated and incorporated into the plan according to procedures before implementation.

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Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

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