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How many "undignified" moments should a natural birth experience? This group of pictures shows you the whole process of smooth delivery

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According to the statistics of the number of newborn babies in China every year, the number of births throughout the year has gradually increased, of which about 35% of pregnant women have opted for caesarean section, which also means that about 5 million of pregnant women each year have opted for a natural birth.

Nowadays, young mothers are more and more afraid of giving birth naturally. The primary reason is pain. Everyone knows that the pain of childbirth can reach the highest level of pain, and not everyone can bear it.

The second is "dignity". Although we know that there is no gender difference between doctors and patients, we still feel embarrassed when we meet male doctors, so we increase our psychological pressure.

Under the dual torture of physiology and psychology, more and more young mothers are reluctant to give birth.

How many "undignified" moments should a natural birth experience? This group of pictures shows you the whole process of smooth delivery of puerpera.

This year, 25 year old Xiao Wang was hospitalized for childbirth, and her mother went to the hospital to accompany her. Unexpectedly, when I got to the hospital, I found my daughter, Xiao Wang, was very unstable and even cried in front of her mother. Mother didn't understand the reason until the doctor came for daily internal examination. It turned out that the doctor who came for the examination was a man, and for young women, it would be very embarrassing indeed.

Mother didn't understand the reason until the doctor came for daily internal examination. It turned out that the doctor who came for the examination was a man, and for young women, it would be very embarrassing indeed.

In fact, during the whole delivery process, pregnant women will not only have routine examinations before surgery, but also encounter many other "embarrassing" moments. In order to better understand these situations, let's take a look at the process of natural childbirth for women who are ready to give birth.

Understand the whole process of smooth production:

1. Parturient

The natural birth process of pregnant women should be calculated from the beginning of labor. Pregnant mothers will have regular uterine contractions, causing pain in the lower abdomen. And it lasts for a long time, with pain lasting 40~60 seconds each time, appearing every two or three minutes.

When the amniotic fluid ruptured, uterine contractions gradually stabilized, which was not far from the delivery of the mother.

2. Preparation

After the parturient shows signs of labor, they can enter the state of production preparation. At this time, the puerpera need to carry out internal inspection, such as whether the cervix is fully opened, check the position of the fetal head, etc. After all the inspections are completed, they can wait for subsequent production.

3. Delivery

The smooth delivery of fetus is a very long and complicated process. The parturient can give birth only when the cervix is fully opened, and the uterine orifice needs to be opened from one finger to ten fingers.

In the formal production process, the fetus must be in the right position. Only when the head comes out first and then the limbs and body can it be delivered smoothly. When the fetus is successfully delivered, the production process is not over, and it is necessary to continue to deliver the placenta completely.

The above is just a brief introduction to the natural birth process of pregnant mothers. In reality, the real process of childbirth is very difficult at every step, and the pain is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Because the situation of each pregnant woman and fetus is different, various problems will also be encountered in the production process.

Apart from the physical pain, what many pregnant mothers say is "no dignity". It makes people more distressed for every pregnant mother who works hard for her children.

How many "undignified" moments will a natural birth experience?

1. "Awkward" moment of prenatal examination

The first thing to bear the brunt is the prenatal examination, which must be carried out before delivery.

This process requires the doctor to put his finger into the maternal body to check how much the uterine opening is, whether the fetal position is in the basin, etc., so as to ensure the smooth progress of the subsequent production process.

Although this is a routine prenatal examination, this action also makes the puerpera feel very uncomfortable, let alone by the male doctor.

2. "Skin preparation" before operation

I think all friends who have had surgery experience should be familiar with the procedure of "skin preparation". They need to clean the hair on their bodies.

But natural childbirth is different from other parts of the operation. Skin preparation naturally requires shaving the hair of women's lower body. Maybe many people think that this is a job that does not need professional work and can be completed by their husbands, mothers and other family members.

However, these jobs can only be carried out by professional doctors, so as not to cause harm or infection to pregnant women, which may affect the subsequent production process.

3. The production conditions are various

If there is still some embarrassment ahead, then in the formal production process, many mothers will find it difficult to face the situation.

In order for the puerpera to give birth smoothly, they need to separate their legs on the operating table.

The natural birth process is a sober state without anesthetics. Besides doctors, there may be many interns watching and learning. The men and women doctors gathered around, which was really unacceptable.

The more embarrassing moment is the phenomenon of "incontinence" caused by overexertion during production.

Although doctors in gynecology and obstetrics are used to it, it is really difficult to face the shame of pregnant mothers with ordinary mind.


After reading the above content, we must all understand that natural childbirth is not an easy thing for pregnant mothers. The pain and psychological pressure that they will experience is something that many people will never experience in their whole life.

Even though it was so hard, they still chose to accept it bravely and bring small lives into the world.

Because of this, I hope all novice dads can understand and tolerate Baoma's small temper and emotions. After all, she has bought a lovely baby and a complete family with her life and dignity.

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