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Why trust Lei Jun? SU7 does not deceive people

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NetEase Auto reported on January 22

In 2024, China's automobile industry will usher in a "spoiler" again. With the progress of science and technology, the automotive industry is undergoing unprecedented changes. Intelligence, electrification, sharing and networking have become the new direction of industry development. In this transformation, traditional automobile manufacturers and emerging technology companies began a scuffle. Xiaomi, as a world-renowned manufacturer of electronic products and intelligent hardware, has officially entered this field. If you want to ask what new products will be the most concerned in China's automobile market in 2024, it must be Xiaomi SU7.

 Why trust Lei Jun? SU7 does not deceive people

The last Internet tycoon to join?

Lei Jun, the founder and CEO of Xiaomi Group, has won people's trust and respect by virtue of his outstanding performance in mobile phones, home appliances and building Xiaomi ecological chain. Xiaomi's brand "born for fever" idea It is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Its products are famous for their high cost performance and have won a large number of loyal users. Millet success Not only the quality and price of its products, but also its precise market positioning, continuous optimization of user experience and innovative business model.

 Why trust Lei Jun? SU7 does not deceive people

As the "probably the last Internet tycoon" in the automotive industry, Xiaomi's entry has undoubtedly brought new vitality and expectations to the industry. So, how will Xiaomi replicate its success in other fields and win the trust of the market and consumers in this highly competitive and technology intensive field?

Since its inception, Xiaomi has risen rapidly in the smartphone market with its unique cost performance strategy, breaking the price barrier and promoting the popularity of smart phones. However, as the market matures, Xiaomi gradually finds that simple cost performance ratio has been difficult to support long-term development, and high-end strategy has become its new breakthrough direction.

According to the latest financial report, Xiaomi's transformation is making progress. In the third quarter of 2023, Xiaomi Group's total revenue will reach 70.9 billion yuan element The adjusted net profit was 5.99 billion yuan, up 182.9% year on year, which demonstrated its excellent profitability and market competitiveness. In particular, the gross profit rate of smart phone business increased to 16.6%, reflecting its initial achievements in the high-end market. The impressive sales performance of Xiaomi 14 series products further verified the correctness of the high-end strategy.

 Why trust Lei Jun? SU7 does not deceive people

This transformation has not been smooth. After experiencing a series of setbacks in the market, Xiaomi deeply understands that it is difficult to succeed in the high-end market only by price advantage. Just as Huawei mobile phones have laid a foundation in the high-end market through Mate series and P series, Xiaomi also realizes that it must establish a brand image in the high-end market and accumulate technical advantages. Therefore, Xiaomi began to build a high-end brand image in mainstream media channels, and made efforts in self-developed SOC, operating system and intelligent manufacturing to improve its core competitiveness.

This transformation of Xiaomi was fully demonstrated at the technical conference at the end of 2023. On December 28, 2023, Xiaomi demonstrated its new progress in smart cars, self-developed systems, self-developed chips and smart factories at the technology conference, bringing new surprises to the industry and consumers. The debut of Xiaomi Automobile has attracted wide attention, which marks another solid step of Xiaomi in the high-end path.

On December 28, 2023, the Xiaomi Auto technology conference with the theme of "leapfrogging" arrived as scheduled. Lei Jun personally took the stage and held a 3-hour "one-man talk show", explaining in detail the five core technologies of the "Modena" architecture, including Xiaomi super motor Xiaoomi HyperEngine, Xiaomi self-developed CTB integrated battery technology Xiaomi Super Die Casting Xiaomi HyperCasting, Xiaomi Full Stack Self developed Intelligent Driving Technology Xiaomi Pilot and Xiaomi Smart Cabin ". From the press conference, the biggest advantage of Xiaomi Automobile is its ecological construction ability as a mobile phone manufacturer. Lei Jun said that Xiaomi cars are equipped with Xiaomi Pengpai OS, and Xiaomi cars, mobile phones, tablets, etc. can be "seamlessly connected", which will form a "full ecological closed-loop for people, cars, and homes".

 Why trust Lei Jun? SU7 does not deceive people

For more information on Xiaomi's technical conference, please click

〉〉〉 Xiaomi SU7 first three generation motor technology+self-developed battery+full set of intelligence 〈〈〈

The press conference attracted much attention and caused widespread heated discussion. Zhiwei data shows that the "Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference" has a total network volume of more than 350000, with hot search/hot list entries two hundred +, has been on the list for more than 1140 hours. The live photos of SU7 released by Lei Jun's microblog triggered a huge response, and the fluctuation of Xiaomi's share price also became a hot topic.

 Why trust Lei Jun? SU7 does not deceive people

The picture is from the official official account of "Zhiwei Data"

Before and after the release, each propagation node attracted wide attention. From Lei Jun receiving an exclusive interview with CCTV to Xiaomi issuing an official statement, to the "salute" to major friends on the eve of the press conference, hot discussions were triggered on the Internet. Xiaomi Car Salute BYD The actions of friends such as Weilai, Ideals and Xiaopeng have not only received favorable comments, but also triggered controversy.

Price, appearance and technology are the core of public attention. Although the price was not announced at the press conference, Lei Jun's comments and netizens' speculations made it the focus. SU7 has a beautiful appearance design, but it is also referred to as similar to other brand models. At the technical level, the motor technology of SU7 triggered discussions on self research and cooperative development.

The press conference achieved a balance between marketing and feelings. Although Lei Jun's salute behavior was controversial, it increased the attention of Xiaomi Motors. However, whether Xiaomi SU7 can finally be accepted by the market and replicate Xiaomi's success in the smartphone market depends on the pricing strategy and the final feedback of consumers.

Ten days after the end of the press conference, all kinds of comments had just begun to fade. Xiaomi Auto officially released an answer to 100 questions from netizens, which again triggered hot debate. Through this interaction, Xiaomi showed a high degree of transparency and sincere attitude towards car building, which attracted wide attention and discussion. This kind of communication strategy not only effectively attracts the interest of consumers, but also alleviates the outside world's doubts about Xiaomi's ability to build cars to a certain extent.

 Why trust Lei Jun? SU7 does not deceive people

It can be seen from the official reply of Xiaomi Automobile that although the Xiaomi SU7 will not enter the market with a low price strategy, its product orientation of entry, that is, high configuration, has been clear. Xiaomi's honesty in price strategy shows that it pays more attention to the technological content and user experience of its products while pursuing cost performance. This kind of sincerity is more sincere than some practices of deliberately reducing the configuration in order to reduce the starting price in the market.

In terms of technology, although the so-called "five black technologies" of Xiaomi Automobile are not all the first in the industry, the innovation and optimization of Xiaomi in details, such as the design of the CTB integrated battery with inverted cells, and the 9100t die casting machine jointly developed with suppliers, all reflect Xiaomi's deep investment and focus on technology. Although Xiaomi has adopted NVIDIA's core chips in the field of intelligent driving, the full link self research scheme also shows Xiaomi's determination and strength in this field.

In terms of product design, Xiaomi's "persuasion" strategy is also worthy of affirmation. Instead of blindly pursuing the trend, they chose physical keys and armchair electronic paddles that are more in line with the user's operating habits, showing a deep understanding of the user experience. In contrast, some "anti human" operations of Tesla and other brands in design have strengthened the user friendliness of Xiaomi Auto products.

In terms of market positioning, although Xiaomi has no plan to launch Redmi cars for the time being, this focus means more refined market positioning and product quality control for Xiaomi's first product. In the mobile phone market, it has proved the competitiveness of the high-end market, and Xiaomi Automobile is expected to replicate this success in the automotive field.

Xiaomi Auto mentioned in the Q&A that Xiaomi SU7 will be divided into three versions, including the standard version, the Pro version with better performance, and the Max version with advanced intelligent assisted driving. This multi version strategy provides consumers with different needs with more choices. At the same time, the official answer also emphasized the coexistence of cost performance and personalized matching strategy, which is also the consistent market strategy of Xiaomi products.

Xiaomi Auto's answer to 100 questions from netizens not only shows its serious attitude towards car manufacturing, but also shows its deep understanding of the market in strategy. Xiaomi's entry into the automotive industry will undoubtedly bring a little different flavor to the automotive industry, and we have reason to expect it to set off a new wave in the automotive market.

 Why trust Lei Jun? SU7 does not deceive people

The intelligent wave in the field of car manufacturing is changing the industry pattern at an unprecedented speed. Xiaomi, a technology giant with considerable advantages in intelligent ecological construction, has wisely chosen intelligence as the core competitiveness of its automobile business. Obviously, it seems that Xiaomi Automobile does not intend to win the market by simply relying on cost performance, but pays more attention to the deep integration and innovative experience of intelligent ecology.

In this context, Xiaomi Automobile under the leadership of Lei Jun is no longer a simple product, but a complex system engineering, which involves the frontier exploration of technology, the in-depth mining of user experience, and the long-term layout of intelligent ecology. Based on the reputation and experience of Xiaomi in other fields, we have reason to believe that this exploration of Xiaomi can find its place in the automotive industry.

Nevertheless, changes in the automotive industry are full of unpredictability. Although Xiaomi's past success has provided a solid foundation of trust in this new battlefield, the real challenge has just begun. For consumers, whether Xiaomi Auto can truly "cheat people" will ultimately depend on the experience provided by the product itself and the actual feedback from the market.

Xiaomi's road is full of challenges and opportunities. Xiaomi Group has undoubtedly built its trust and expectation in the hearts of consumers through the ups and downs. The new journey in the automotive industry is a new opportunity for Xiaomi to surpass itself and contribute to the industry. We have reason to believe that with our deep insight into intelligence and unremitting pursuit of the future, Xiaomi Automobile may stand out in the fierce market competition, Realize the magnificent turn from "intelligent manufacturing" to "intelligent travel". In the end, market feedback and user reputation will become the gold standard to measure Xiaomi's commitment of "not cheating". We will wait and see, hoping that Xiaomi will be able to drive towards an intelligent, green and connected future.

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