[vps management panel] vpsmate free and easy to use Linux management panel installation tutorial

 Su Su Su Su
ten thousand three hundred and sixty-six

Su Su thinks that vpsmate is a very useful vps management panel. The disadvantage is that there is no multi-user management, and there are no other shortcomings. For personal use, it is quite good. The memory usage is very small, The memory consumption is about 20MB. When not in use, it will not occupy CPU resources. Powerful.

vpsmate   At present, it has passed the test under the 5.4+and 6. x versions of CentOS/Redhat, and supports both 32-bit and 64 bit versions.

It can quickly install common website systems, including phpMyAdmin WordPress、PHPWind 。

1、 Installation:

Run the following code and install it in a few minutes:

# wget http://www.vpsmate.org/tools/install.py
# python install.py

The installation process will ask you to enter the user name and password, and you can enter directly. In this way, the user name and password are admin by default, and the installation is ready http://ip Address: 8888/

After login, we will change the user name and password, and set up to change the user name and password immediately.

After modification, click [Home] in the upper right corner to see our server information

 Vpsmate homepage. jpg

At this time, we only need to install the database and php manually after we have installed vpsmate.

2、 Install related software

1. Normally, Centos has already installed Apache. We don't need to install it again. We can upgrade it. Of course, we can also install nginx.

Click Service Management and select HTTP Service.

 Vpsmate Install nginx.jpg

After clicking [Installation Service], you will be asked to confirm once, and errors may occur, as follows:

 Vpsmate installation service error.jpg

This is the wrong image address used during yum installation. You can change it. Find this file【 /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo】,


#baseurl  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

mirrorlist  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Change to

baseurl   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

#mirrorlist    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

There are three places to be changed. After the change, it is recommended to restart the machine for safety. Of course, you can use the file management of vpsmate to find this file, make changes online, and then restart vps online under the system tools

 Vpsmate file management.jpg

 Vpsmate restart.jpg

Reinstall at this time Nginx will not make mistakes. If you install other devices such as ftp, php, and mysql, and this error occurs, the solution is the same. There will be a bunch of nginx versions for us to choose. Choose the version you like. If you don't know how to choose, choose the last but one

 Vpsmate nginx version select.jpg

After selecting, just wait for the installation. After installation, remember to select Start and Confirm Service. Then we can continue to set nginx or install other software

 QQ screenshot 20150617195639.jpg

2. At this time, we can click [Service Management] again, and then continue to install ftp, script engine, database, etc. Remember, after installation, you must select boot start and start services. If we do not want the software after installing it, we can also uninstall it.

3. After all these are installed, we can add websites in the website management, and play with the rest. This is the end of sharing.

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