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Introduction to the Main Contents of Volume I of Selected Readings of Xi Jinping's Works

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The Selected Readings of Xi Jinping's Works edited by the CPC Central Committee's Document Editing Committee opened the volume with the report of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, "Holding High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Uniting for the Comprehensive Construction of a Socialist Modernized Country". Other works are arranged in chronological order. Volume I includes the important works of General Secretary Xi Jinping during the period from November 2012 to October 2017. There are 71 speeches, speeches, instructions, instructions, orders, etc. Some of the works are published for the first time. The main contents of the first volume of Selected Readings of Xi Jinping's Works are introduced as follows.

   Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and work together to build a socialist modern country in an all-round way (October 16, 2022) This is the report of Comrade Xi Jinping at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The report holds high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adheres to Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents", and the Scientific Outlook on Development, comprehensively implements Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, analyzes international and domestic situations, and proposes the twenty major themes of the Party, It reviewed and summarized the work of the past five years and the great changes of the new era in the past ten years, elaborated on major issues such as opening up a new realm of sinicization and modernization of Marxism, the Chinese characteristics and essential requirements of Chinese style modernization, carried out a strategic plan to comprehensively build a socialist modern country, comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and comprehensively promote the overall layout of the "Five in One" The coordinated promotion of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout has made a comprehensive deployment, which has pointed out the direction of progress and established a guide for action for the development of the party and national cause in the new era and new journey and the realization of the second century goal. The report depicts a grand blueprint for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Party and the people, the political declaration and action program for the Party to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups to win a new victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the programmatic document of Marxism.

   To meet their desire for a happy life is our mission (November 15, 2012) This is the main part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech when he met with Chinese and foreign journalists at the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 18th CPC Central Committee. The article points out that our people love life, expect better education, more stable work, more satisfactory income, more reliable social security, higher level medical and health services, more comfortable living conditions, more beautiful environment, and hope that children can grow up better, work better, and live better. To meet their desire for a happy life is our mission. Emphasize that responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai and the cause has a long way to go. This major responsibility is the responsibility to the nation, the people and the Party. We must always have a heart to heart relationship with the people, share weal and woe with the people, work together with the people, and strive to give a qualified answer to history and the people.

   《 Realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation since modern times (November 29, 2012) This is a speech made by Comrade Xi Jinping when he visited the exhibition "Road to Revival". The speech proposed and elaborated the Chinese Dream. The article points out that realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation since modern times. This dream embodies the long cherished wish of several generations of Chinese people, reflects the overall interests of the Chinese nation and people, and is the common expectation of every Chinese people. A good country and a good nation will make everyone happy. Now, we are closer to the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history, and we are more confident and capable of achieving this goal than at any time in history.

   Reform and opening up will never end (December 7-11, 2012) This is part of the speech made by Comrade Xi Jinping during his investigation in Guangdong Province. It points out that reform and opening up is a key move to determine the fate of contemporary China, and also a key move to achieve the "two centenary goals" and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Now China's reform has entered a critical period and a deep-water area. To further deepen the reform, we must pay more attention to the system, integrity and synergy of the reform, and comprehensively promote the reform in important areas and key links. Emphasize that to deepen reform and opening up, it is necessary to strengthen confidence, build consensus, plan as a whole and promote in a coordinated manner. We should adhere to the correct direction of reform and opening up, dare to bite the bullet, dare to wade into dangerous shoals, not only dare to break through ideological barriers, but also dare to break through the barriers of interests solidification, so that reform and opening up will not stop.

   Without a well-off society in poor areas, there would be no all-round well-off society (December 29, 2012) This is part of the speech made by Comrade Xi Jinping when he inspected the poverty alleviation and development work in Fuping County, Hebei Province. The article points out that eradicating poverty, improving people's livelihood and realizing common prosperity are the essential requirements of socialism. To build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, the most arduous and arduous task lies in the countryside, especially in poor areas. Without a well-off society in rural areas, especially in poor areas, there will be no well-off society in all respects. It was emphasized that we should increase investment, focus on contiguous areas with special difficulties as the main battlefield, take the stable solution of food and clothing for poverty alleviation targets and the realization of poverty alleviation as soon as possible as the primary task, and strive to accelerate the economic and social development of poor areas.

   Several Issues Concerning Adherence to and Development of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics (January 5, 2013) This is part of a speech made by Comrade Xi Jinping at the seminar on the study and implementation of the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) by newly elected members and alternate members of the Central Committee. It points out that socialism with Chinese characteristics is the dialectical unity of the theoretical logic of scientific socialism and the historical logic of China's social development. It is scientific socialism rooted in China, reflecting the will of the Chinese people, and adapting to the development and progress of China and the times. It is the only way to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is socialism rather than other doctrines, and the basic principles of scientific socialism cannot be discarded. Our Party leads the people in socialist construction. There are two historical periods before and after the reform and opening up. These two periods are interlinked and have significant differences. But in essence, they are all practical explorations of our Party leading the people in socialist construction. We cannot use the historical period after reform and opening up to deny the historical period before reform and opening up, nor can we use the historical period before reform and opening up to deny the historical period after reform and opening up. It is emphasized that upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics is a big article, and the task of our generation of Communists is to continue to write this big article.

   《 Eight regulations are the entry point and mobilization order for improving work style (January 22, 2013) This is part of a speech by Comrade Xi Jinping at the second plenary meeting of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China. The article points out that the task of improving the work style is very heavy, and the eight provisions are an entry point and mobilization order. The Eight Provisions are neither the highest standard nor the ultimate goal. They are only the first step to improve our style of work and the basic requirements that we, as Communists, should meet. It is emphasized that the style of work is stubborn and repetitive, and it will be improved and rebound once it is loosened. The release of the eight regulations is just the beginning, only a breakthrough, and still needs a lot of effort. We should continue to press on with the momentum of stepping on the stone for printing and grasping the iron with traces, and do well from beginning to end, so that the people can constantly see the tangible results and changes.

   Firmly grasp the goal of building a strong military and build a strong people's army (March 11, 2013) This is part of the speech made by Comrade Xi Jinping at the plenary session of the PLA delegation at the first session of the 12th National People's Congress. The article points out that the goal of the Party's building a strong military under the new situation is to build a people's army that obeys the Party's command, can fight and win wars, and has a fine style of work. Listening to the Party's command is the soul and determines the political direction of military construction; Being able to fight and win is the core, which reflects the fundamental function of the military and the fundamental direction of military construction; The fine style of work is the guarantee and relates to the nature, purpose and nature of the army. It is emphasized that the whole military should accurately grasp the goal of building a strong military, so as to guide the military construction, reform and military struggle preparation, and strive to raise national defense and military construction to a new level.

   Speech at the First Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress (March 17, 2013) pointed out that to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is to realize the prosperity of the country, the revitalization of the nation, and the happiness of the people. To realize the Chinese Dream, we must follow the Chinese road, which is the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics; To realize the Chinese Dream, we must carry forward the Chinese spirit, which is the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core; To realize the Chinese Dream, we must pool China's strength, which is the strength of the great unity of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups. The Chinese Dream, in the final analysis, is the dream of the people. It must be realized by the people and must continue to benefit the people.

   Follow the trend of the times and promote world peace and development 》(March 23, 2013) This is Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the Moscow Institute of International Relations in Russia. The article points out that the world is increasingly becoming a community of shared destiny. If we want to keep pace with the times, we can't stay in the past, stay in the old era of colonial expansion, and stay in the cold war mentality and zero sum game. In the face of profound changes in the international situation and the objective requirement that all countries in the world work together in the same boat, all countries should jointly promote the establishment of a new type of international relations with win-win cooperation as the core. Emphasis: "Whether the shoes fit or not, you will know when you wear them". Whether the development path of a country is suitable or not, only the people of that country have the most say. The Chinese Dream we want to realize will not only benefit the Chinese people, but also the people of all countries.

   《 Focus on training and selecting good cadres needed by the Party and the people (June 28, 2013) This is part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the National Organization Work Conference. It is pointed out in the article that the standard of a good cadre is to have both ability and political integrity. To sum up, good cadres should be firm in belief, serve the people, be diligent and pragmatic, dare to take responsibility, and be honest and upright. To grow into a good cadre, we must rely on our own efforts and organizational training. We should adhere to the correct orientation of personnel selection, make efforts to select, appoint and use the right people at the right time, know the right people and make the best use of their talents, and ensure that good cadres are found in time and used rationally.

   《 Do the propaganda and ideological work better (August 19, 2013) This is the key point of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the National Conference on Propaganda and Ideological Work. The article points out that ideological work is an extremely important work of the Party. Propaganda and ideological work is to consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field and consolidate the common ideological basis for the unity and struggle of the whole party and the whole people. We should take a clear stand and adhere to the principle of Party spirit, establish a people centered work orientation, and adhere to the important policy of unity, stability, motivation, and positive publicity. To do a good job in propaganda and ideological work, the whole party must start, and the propaganda and ideological departments must be responsible, responsible and conscientious. It is emphasized that we must adhere to consolidating and strengthening the mainstream ideological and public opinion, carry forward the theme, spread positive energy, and grasp the timing, degree and efficiency. We should innovate the way of external publicity, strive to create new concepts, new categories and new expressions that integrate China and foreign countries, tell Chinese stories well, and spread the Chinese voice well.

   《 Conscientiously integrate thoughts into the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee (November 12, 2013) This is part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the Second Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. This plenary session is epoch-making, opening a new era of comprehensively deepening reform and promoting reform through overall system design. It points out that the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reform is to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and capacity. Promoting the modernization of the national governance system and capacity is an inevitable requirement for the improvement and development of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and it is the proper meaning for realizing socialist modernization. To promote the modernization of the national governance system and capacity is to adapt to the changes of the times, make all aspects of the system more scientific and perfect, and realize the institutionalization, standardization and proceduralization of the governance of the party, the state and social affairs. It is emphasized that the core issue of adhering to the direction of socialist market economy reform is to properly handle the relationship between the government and the market, so that the market can play a decisive role in resource allocation and better play the role of the government.

   《 Adhere to and use the living soul of Mao Zedong Thought (December 26, 2013) This is part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the forum to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Mao Zedong. The article points out that the living soul of Mao Zedong Thought is the standpoint, viewpoint and method that run through it. There are three basic aspects, namely, seeking truth from facts, the mass line and independence. Regardless of the past, the present and the future, we must always proceed from reality, integrate theory with practice, and test and develop truth in practice; We must adhere to the principle that everything is for the masses, everything depends on the masses, come from the masses, go to the masses, turn the correct views of the Party into the conscious actions of the masses, and implement the mass line into all activities of governance; Both countries should put the development of the country and the nation on the basis of their own strength, adhere to national self-esteem and self-confidence, and unswervingly follow their own path.

Adhering to the Overall National Security Concept (April 15, 2014, February 17, 2017) is the key point of Comrade Xi Jinping's two speeches on adhering to the overall national security concept. The article points out that ensuring national security is the top priority, and we must adhere to the overall national security concept, take people's security as the purpose, take political security as the foundation, take economic security as the basis, take military, cultural and social security as the guarantee, and promote international security as the basis, and walk out a path of national security with Chinese characteristics. We should maintain strategic determination, strategic confidence and strategic patience, adhere to the global thinking strategy, adhere to the overall development and security, adhere to the bottom line thinking, adhere to the unity of principle and strategy, and firmly hold the strategic initiative to safeguard national security in our own hands.

   《 Actively cultivate and practice socialist core values (May 4, 2014) This is part of a speech delivered by Comrade Xi Jinping at the Teachers and Students' Symposium of Peking University. The article points out that for a nation or a country, the most lasting and deepest strength is the core values recognized by the whole society. We were born as Chinese people. The most fundamental thing is that we have the unique spiritual world of Chinese people and the values that people use everyday without being aware of. The socialist core values not only reflect the essential requirements of socialism, inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, but also absorb the beneficial achievements of world civilization, reflect the spirit of the times, and firmly establish the socialist core values in the whole society. It is emphasized that young people are in the period when values are formed and established, and it is very important to cultivate values in this period. It's like buttoning your clothes. The buttons of life should be buttoned up from the beginning. Young people should start from now and themselves to make socialist core values their basic principles.

   Strive to create a broader prospect for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics (August 20, 2014) This is part of the speech made by Comrade Xi Jinping at the forum to commemorate the 110th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Deng Xiaoping. The speech spoke highly of Comrade Deng Xiaoping's lofty demeanor in terms of firm belief, love for the people, seeking truth from facts, pioneering and innovative, strategic thinking, openness and selflessness. The article points out that the most important ideological and political heritage left to us by Comrade Deng Xiaoping is the socialism with Chinese characteristics he led the Party and the people to create, and is the Deng Xiaoping Theory he created. It is emphasized that socialism with Chinese characteristics is the theory and practice that suits China's national conditions, conforms to China's characteristics, and conforms to the requirements of the development of the times, so that it can succeed and will continue to succeed.

   《 Firm confidence in the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics (September 5, 2014) This is part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the General Assembly to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the National People's Congress. The article points out that to strengthen confidence in the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, we must first strengthen confidence in the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics. The key to developing socialist democracy is to increase and expand our advantages and characteristics, rather than to weaken and narrow them. It is emphasized that the reason why the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics works, has vitality and is efficient is that it grows from the social soil of China. We cannot cut off the history, nor can we imagine that suddenly there will be a "flying peak" in the political system. Copying the political system of other countries will not work, will not be acclimatized, will paint a tiger as an anti dog, and even will destroy the future and destiny of the country. Only the system that takes root in our own soil and absorbs abundant nutrients can be the most reliable and effective.

   《 Promote the extensive and multi-level institutionalized development of consultative democracy (September 21, 2014) This is part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the General Assembly to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. It points out that socialist consultative democracy is a unique form and unique advantage of China's socialist democratic politics, and an important embodiment of the mass line of the Communist Party of China in the political field. Under the Chinese socialist system, it is easy to discuss things. It is the essence of people's democracy to find the greatest common denominator of the will and requirements of the whole society. It stressed that we should earnestly implement the strategic task of promoting the extensive and multi-level institutionalized development of consultative democracy, build a socialist consultative democracy system with reasonable procedures and complete links, and ensure that consultative democracy has systems to follow, rules to follow, rules to follow, and order to follow.

   《 Adhere to the people centered creative orientation (October 15, 2014) This is part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the forum on literature and art work. It points out that socialist literature and art, in essence, is the literature and art of the people. Focusing on the people means taking meeting the spiritual and cultural needs of the people as the starting point and foothold of literature and art work, taking the people as the subject of literary and artistic expression, taking the people as the connoisseur and judge of literary and artistic aesthetics, and taking serving the people as the bounden duty of literary and artistic workers. It is emphasized that the needs of the people are the fundamental value of the existence of literature and art. Whether we can produce excellent works depends on whether we can write for the people, express our feelings for the people, and express our feelings for the people. The most fundamental, crucial and reliable way of literary and artistic creation is to take root in the people and life.

   Accelerate the construction of a socialist country ruled by law (October 23, 2014) This is part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the Second Plenary Session of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. It is pointed out that the plenum decided to have a red line running through the whole article, which is to adhere to and expand the socialist road of rule of law with Chinese characteristics. To follow the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, we must adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the dominant position of the people, adhere to equality before the law, adhere to the combination of rule of law and rule of virtue, and adhere to the reality of China. It is emphasized that the overall goal of comprehensively promoting the rule of law is to build a socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics and build a socialist country under the rule of law, which is the main line throughout the whole decision. All work of the rule of law should be deployed and carried out around the overall goal of comprehensively promoting the rule of law.

   Be disciplined (January 13, 2015) This is part of a speech by Comrade Xi Jinping at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China. The article points out that the rules within the Party are the code of conduct and rules that all Party organizations at all levels and all Party members must abide by. The Party's rules generally include the Party Constitution, Party discipline, national laws and the fine traditions and working practices formed in the long-term practice of the Party. Of all the Party disciplines and rules, the first is political discipline and rules. To observe political discipline and rules, we must uphold the authority of the Central Committee of the Party, and at all times and under all circumstances, we must maintain a high degree of consistency with the Central Committee of the Party in ideology, politics and action; We must safeguard the unity of the Party, adhere to all corners of the world, and unite all comrades who are loyal to the Party; The organization procedures must be followed, and it is not allowed to go beyond the authority to ask for instructions on major issues and report on such reports; We must obey the decisions of the organization, never allow to engage in unorganized activities, and never violate the decisions of the organization; We must take good care of our relatives and staff around us, and we must not acquiesce in their use of their special identity to seek illegal interests.

   Strengthening and Improving the Party's Mass and League Work (July 6, 2015) This is a part of the speech made by Comrade Xi Jinping at the Central Party's Mass Work Conference. The article points out that the most important thing to strengthen and improve the work of the Party's mass organizations under the new situation is to maintain and strengthen the political, advanced and mass character. The political nature is the soul of the group organization and the first. The key to maintain and enhance the political nature of the Party's mass and league work is that the mass and league organizations must consciously adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China. As a whole, mass organizations must focus on maintaining and enhancing their advancement. If we do not pursue advancement, we will easily become fragmented. Mass is the fundamental characteristic of mass organizations. Mass organizations should focus on the masses when carrying out work and activities, and let the masses play the leading role instead of supporting roles and audience.

   Make great efforts to solve the key and difficult problems that restrict the building of a moderately prosperous society on schedule (October 29, 2015) This is part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the Second Plenary Session of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. It is pointed out that to achieve the goals and tasks set by the plenary session, we must work hard to solve the key and difficult problems. Change the mode and focus on solving the problems of development quality and efficiency; Make up for weaknesses and strive to solve the problem of unbalanced development; To prevent risks and focus on enhancing the awareness and ability of risk prevention and control. It is emphasized that to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, it is more important and more difficult to achieve "all-round". A well-off society in an all-round way covers a comprehensive range of fields, which is an all-round progress of "Five in One"; The population to be covered should be comprehensive, and it is a well-off society that benefits all people; The area covered should be comprehensive, which is a common well-off society for urban and rural areas.

   Poverty alleviation must be based on precise and practical skills (November 27, 2015) This is part of the speech made by Comrade Xi Jinping at the Central Poverty Alleviation and Development Work Conference. The paper points out that the key to achieving tangible results in poverty alleviation is to find the right way and build a good system and mechanism. The core of a good way and mechanism is targeted poverty alleviation and alleviation, focusing on solving the problems of "who to support", "who to support", "how to support" and "how to retreat". It is emphasized that the targeted support, the targeted project arrangement, the targeted use of funds, the targeted measures to households, the targeted distribution of people to villages, and the targeted poverty alleviation effect should be achieved. We will develop production to alleviate poverty, relocate to other places to alleviate poverty, make ecological compensation to alleviate poverty, develop education to alleviate poverty, and provide social security.

   Deeply understand the new development concept and promote supply side structural reform (January 18, 2016) This is a part of the speech made by Comrade Xi Jinping at the seminar on the study and implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee by major leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels. The speech combined history and reality, combined with some major issues, and theoretically and macroscopically elaborated the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, open, and sharing. It points out that we should focus on implementing the innovation driven development strategy, enhancing the overall coordination of development, promoting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, forming a new system of opening up, and practicing the people centered development idea. Emphasize that the supply side structural reform focuses on liberating and developing social productivity, promoting structural adjustment by means of reform, reducing ineffective and low-end supply, expanding effective and high-end supply, enhancing the adaptability and flexibility of the supply structure to changes in demand, and improving total factor productivity.

   《 Unswervingly adhere to China's basic economic system and promote the healthy development of all forms of ownership (March 4, 2016) This is a speech made by Comrade Xi Jinping when he attended the joint group meeting of members of the civil construction and the federation of industry and commerce at the fourth session of the twelfth CPPCC National Committee. The article points out that it is a major policy established by the Communist Party of China to implement the basic economic system with public ownership as the main body and multiple ownership economies developing together. Our Party's view on adhering to the basic economic system is clear, consistent, and constantly deepening, and has never wavered. The status and role of the non-public economy in China's economic and social development have not changed. Our policies to encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public economy have not changed. Our policies to create a good environment and provide more opportunities for the development of the non-public economy have not changed. It is emphasized that the new type of political business relationship, in a word, is "pro" and "clean". It is necessary to promote the non-public sector of the economy to be qualified builders of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

   Build a world science and technology power (May 30, 2016) This is a part of Xi Jinping's speech at the National Conference on Science and Technology Innovation, the 18th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the 13th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the 9th National Congress of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology. The article points out that science and technology is a powerful weapon of the country. If China is to be strong and the Chinese people live a better life, it must have strong science and technology. We should thoroughly implement the new development concept, implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country through talents, and the innovation driven development strategy, optimize the overall layout of China's science and technology development, and build China into a world science and technology power. It is emphasized that to become a world science and technology power and a major science center and innovation highland in the world, it is necessary to have a number of world-class scientific research institutions, research universities, innovative enterprises, and be able to continue to emerge a number of major original scientific achievements. The key to building a world science and technology power is to build a team of innovative talents with large scale, reasonable structure and excellent quality, and stimulate the innovative vitality and potential of all kinds of talents.

   Build an innovative, dynamic, interconnected and inclusive world economy (September 4, 2016) This is the opening speech of Comrade Xi Jinping at the G20 Hangzhou Summit. The paper points out that the world economy faces multiple risks and challenges such as insufficient growth momentum, sluggish demand, repeated turbulence in financial markets, and continued downturn in international trade and investment. It stressed that in the face of current challenges, the G20 should keep pace with the times, integrate knowledge and practice, build and share together, and work together in the same boat, so as to grasp the general direction of world economic prosperity and stability, and put the world economy on the road of strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth.

   《 Firmly strengthen, optimize and expand state-owned enterprises (October 10, 2016) This is part of a speech made by Comrade Xi Jinping at the National Conference on Party Building in State owned Enterprises. The article points out that state-owned enterprises are the important material and political foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the important pillar and reliance of our party in governing and rejuvenating the country, the consolidation of the dominant position of public ownership, the ruling position and ability of our party, and the socialist system of our country. State owned enterprises should not only, but also run well and unswervingly make them stronger, better and bigger. Emphasis: We said that we should be confident in the road, theory, system and culture, maintain political determination and firmly follow our own path, including firmly supporting the development of state-owned enterprises and non-public economy.

   Seriously carry out political life within the Party and promote strict governance of the Party in an all-round way (October 27, 2016) This is part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the Second Plenary Session of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. It is pointed out in the article that the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party requires both all-round efforts and focused efforts. Strengthening and standardizing the political life within the Party and strengthening the supervision within the Party are the key points. Seriousness in the Party's political life is the basis for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. To manage the Party, the first thing is to manage the political life within the Party; To govern the Party strictly, we must first be strict in the political life within the Party. The inner-party supervision is the most basic and the first among the various forms of supervision of the Party and the state. Only by promoting other supervisions and improving the supervision system with intra party supervision can we provide a strong institutional guarantee for the overall strict governance of the Party. It was emphasized that the Several Guidelines for Inner Party Political Life in the New Situation and the Regulations on Inner Party Supervision of the Communist Party of China adopted by the plenary session are important institutional and legal guarantees for promoting the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party. To strengthen and standardize the political life within the Party and strengthen the supervision within the Party, we must start with leading cadres, especially senior cadres.

   《 Have a high degree of cultural self-confidence (November 30, 2016) This is a part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the opening ceremony of the 10th National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the 9th National Congress of the China Writers Association. The article points out that to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must be confident in the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, in theory, in system and in culture. Cultural confidence is a more basic, broader and deeper confidence, and a more basic, deeper and more lasting force. To strengthen cultural self-confidence is a major issue related to the rise and fall of national fortunes, cultural security, and the independence of the national spirit. It is emphasized that strengthening cultural confidence is inseparable from the cognition and application of the history of the Chinese nation. Only by taking root in the land born and grown in Sri Lanka, can literature and art catch up with the local spirit, increase its strength, inject vitality, and gain a firm foothold in the world cultural turmoil.

   Guide the trend of economic globalization (January 17, 2017) This is part of the keynote speech of Comrade Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the 2017 Annual Conference of the World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland. The article points out that in the face of the opportunities and challenges brought by economic globalization, the correct choice is to make full use of all opportunities, cooperate to meet all challenges, and guide the trend of economic globalization. Emphasis: The sea of the world economy, whether you want it or not, is all there, which is unavoidable. It is impossible and not in line with the historical trend to return the sea of the world economy to an isolated small lake and river. To engage in protectionism is like locking yourself in a dark room. It seems to have escaped the wind and rain, but it has also cut off the sun and air. The result of a trade war can only be mutual defeat.

   《 To jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind (January 18, 2017) This is Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the UN headquarters in Geneva. The article points out: What's wrong with the world? What should we do? This is what the whole world is thinking about. China's plan is to build a community with a shared future for mankind and achieve win-win sharing. We should adhere to dialogue and consultation to build a world of lasting peace; Insist on joint construction and sharing, and build a universally safe world; Insist on win-win cooperation and build a world of common prosperity; Insist on exchanges and mutual learning to build an open and inclusive world; Adhere to green and low-carbon, and build a clean and beautiful world. It is emphasized that the fate of the world should be jointly controlled by all countries, international rules should be jointly written by all countries, global affairs should be jointly managed by all countries, and development achievements should be shared by all countries.

   《 The Party must be brave in self revolution (February 13, 2017) This is a part of the speech made by Comrade Xi Jinping at the seminar on the study and implementation of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee by leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels. The article points out that the courage to self revolution is the most distinctive character of our party and the greatest advantage of our party. The greatness of the Communist Party of China does not lie in not making mistakes, but in not being afraid of medicine, daring to face problems directly, daring to self revolution, and having a strong ability to self repair. It is emphasized that a Marxist political party, in order to maintain its progressiveness and purity and achieve its lofty mission, must not relax in solving its own problems, always keep pace with the requirements of the times, practice and the people, and forge and temper itself with the courage of self revolution.

   Jointly promote the "Belt and Road" construction (May 14, 2017) This is a speech delivered by Comrade Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation held in Beijing. It points out that we should adhere to the spirit of the Silk Road with peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit as the core, and build the "Belt and Road" into a road of peace, prosperity, openness, innovation and civilization. Emphasize that the "Belt and Road" construction is rooted in the historical soil of the Silk Road, focusing on Asia, Europe and Africa, and open to all friends. The "Belt and Road" construction will be discussed by everyone, and the construction results will be shared by everyone. China will thoroughly implement the concept of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, inject strong impetus into the "Belt and Road" and bring new opportunities for world development.

   Promoting the formation of green development mode and lifestyle is a profound revolution in the concept of development (May 26, 2017) This is the speech delivered by Comrade Xi Jinping when he presided over the 41st collective learning of the Political Bureau of the 18th CPC Central Committee. It points out that man is born of nature, and man and nature are symbiotic. Promoting the formation of a green development mode and lifestyle is an inevitable requirement for implementing the new development concept and a profound revolution in the concept of development. To promote the formation of a green development and lifestyle is to adhere to the basic national policy of conserving resources and protecting the environment, adhere to the principle of giving priority to conservation, protection and natural recovery, form a spatial pattern, industrial structure, production mode and lifestyle of conserving resources and protecting the environment, and strive to achieve coordinated progress of economic and social development and ecological environment protection, Create a good production and living environment for the people. It is emphasized that we should protect the ecological environment as we protect our eyes, treat the ecological environment as we treat life, and make the land of China bluer, the mountains greener, the water cleaner, and the environment more beautiful.

   Extended Reading

   Selected Readings of Xi Jinping's Works Volume I and Volume II were published nationwide

   Introduction to the Main Contents of Volume II of Selected Readings of Xi Jinping's Works

 Study and implement the theme education of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era

Study and implement the theme education of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era

Published at 07:01, April 6, 2023 Source: People's Daily Editor: Shi Guanghui Print

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