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Xi Jinping Talks about Governance, Volume IV | Implementing the Strategy of Running the Army According to Law and Improving the Rule of Law in National Defense and Military Construction

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Implement the strategy of running the military according to law and improve the level of the rule of law in national defense and military building ※

(March 7, 2022)

Running the military according to law is the basic way for our party to build and run the military, and is the inevitable requirement for achieving the party's goal of building a strong military in the new era. We should implement the strategy of running the military according to law, improve the level of the rule of law in national defense and military building, and provide strong legal support for advancing the cause of building a strong military.

In the past year, the whole army has resolutely implemented the decisions and instructions of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission, and has achieved a good start to the "14th Five Year Plan" while fighting, preparing for war and building, which has provided strong support for the development of the cause of the party and the country.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has included running the military according to law in the overall agenda of running the country according to law. After years of unremitting efforts, significant progress has been made in the practice of running the military according to law. The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee proposed to implement the strategy of running the military according to law, which is an important decision and deployment made by the CPC Central Committee to grasp the characteristics and laws of building and running the military in the new era and proceed from the overall situation of the cause of strengthening the military.

We should comprehensively grasp the strategy of running the army according to law. We should implement the Party's thought of building a strong military in the new era and the socialist thought of rule of law with Chinese characteristics in the new era, focus on comprehensively strengthening the revolutionary, modern and standardized construction of our military, build a military rule of law system with Chinese characteristics, speed up the fundamental transformation of the way of running the military, and improve the governance level of national defense and military construction. We should adhere to the Party's absolute leadership over the military, adhere to the standard of combat effectiveness, adhere to the building of a military rule of law system with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the transformation of the way of running the military in accordance with the requirements of the rule of law, adhere to the iron law of strict military management, adhere to the "key minority" of leading cadres, adhere to the dominant position of officers and soldiers, and adhere to the requirements of comprehensive rule of law.

The implementation of the strategy of running the military according to law is a systematic project. It is necessary to plan the overall situation, highlight the key points, and drive the overall progress with key breakthroughs. We should deepen military legislation, fight hard battles in policy and system reform, improve the quality of legislation, and strengthen the systematicness, integrity, and coordination of legislation. We should do a good job in implementing laws and regulations, implement the laws and regulations of joint operations, deepen the rule of law and training according to the outline, strengthen the rigid constraints of our military construction planning plan, and strictly strengthen the management of the armed forces according to law. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision of the implementation of laws and regulations, clarify the subject of responsibility and evaluation criteria, improve the supervision mechanism, strictly investigate the responsibility, and ensure that laws and regulations are implemented effectively. We should strengthen foreign-related military rule of law work, plan military operations and rule of law struggles in a coordinated manner, improve foreign-related laws and regulations in the military field, and better use the rule of law to safeguard national interests.

We should pool strong joint efforts to implement the strategy of running the military according to law. The CMC should strengthen its organizational leadership, conscientiously perform its duties and responsibilities at all levels, give full play to the role of the rule of law institutions, and leading cadres should take the lead in guiding and carrying out work in accordance with the law. The central and state organs, local Party committees and governments at all levels should strengthen their awareness of national defense, conscientiously perform their statutory responsibilities for national defense construction, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the military in accordance with the law.

The whole army should pay close attention to the preparation for war, assist the local government in maintaining the overall social stability, deal with various emergencies in a timely and effective manner, maintain national security and stability, and complete various tasks entrusted by the Party and the people.

※ These are the key points of Xi Jinping's speech when attending the plenary session of the PLA and the armed police delegation at the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress.

   Extended Reading

   Xi Jinping stressed the implementation of the strategy of running the army according to law and improving the level of the rule of law in national defense and military building when attending the plenary meeting of the PLA and the armed police delegation

 Learning Column of Volume IV of Xi Jinping's Talk on Governance

Learning Column of Volume IV of Xi Jinping's Talk on Governance

Release time: 11:50, September 24, 2022 Source: Communist Party website Editor: Xu Jianwen Print

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