Label: Past and present life of domestic products

    CCTV documentary

    CCTV Large Documentary: 8 episodes of the past and present life of domestic products, high-definition online viewing and downloading

     CCTV Large Documentary: 8 episodes of the past and present life of domestic products, high-definition online viewing and downloading
    Type: Documentary Producer Country/Region: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Premiere: 2010-02-05 Episodes: 8 Episodes Length: 29 minutes Strongly recommended for those who are good at nostalgia. Through the power of the precious images of the Central New Film, as well as the stories and memories of people related to Chinese goods, this film reviews the years related to those warm and familiar items, and combs the history of the times spent by several generations of Chinese people. At the same time, read the story behind the domestic products, which covers the development of the times Read on »

    Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-21) 6265 Browse 0 Comments zero Likes