Discovery documentary: Last Day of the Dinosaurs

     Discovery documentary: Last Day of the Dinosaurs
    Type: Documentary Producer Country/Region: American Language: English Release Date: August 29, 2010 (USA) Length: 66 minutes Also known as: Dinosaur Extinction CGI animated documentary. The dilemma of dinosaurs before and after the asteroid impact on the Earth 65 million years ago was restored in detail. And finally perish. This film records the most supported dinosaur extinction hypothesis - the situation on the earth before and after the meteorite impact event. At the end of the day, the situation of dinosaurs is quite tragic. What if it's our turn Read on »

    Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-15) 12530 Browse 0 Comments forty-one Likes

    [Discovery Channel] Stephen Hawking's Grand Design 3 episodes HD download

     [Discovery Channel] Stephen Hawking's Grand Design 3 episodes HD download
    Type: Documentary Producer Country/Region: American Language: English Premiere: 2012-06-24 Episodes: 3 Episodes Length: 43 Minutes English Name: Stephen Hawking's Grand Design [Introduction] Stephen Hawking, a famous British scientist, recently claimed that modern physics discoveries show that God has nothing to do with the formation of the universe. When and how did the universe begin? We are Read on »

    Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-14) 6894 Browse 0 Comments eight Likes

    Discovery Stephen Hawking's View of the Universe: Beyond the Horizon

     Discovery Stephen Hawking's View of the Universe: Beyond the Horizon
    Starring: Stephen Hawking Type: Plot/Documentary Producer Country/Region: American Language: English/English Release Date: 2009 (UK) Hawking Other documentaries related to Hawking: Discovery Channel: Stephen Hawking and Wanyou Theory English Chinese 720P Discovery Channel: Learn about the Universe with Hawking Online viewing of three episodes and high-definition 720P Hawking's life are very legendary, In terms of scientific achievements, he is one of the most outstanding scientists ever Read on »

    Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-09) 8289 Browse 0 Comments six Likes

    Discovery Channel: Deadly Torture Machines of Malice

     Discovery Channel: Deadly Torture Machines of Malice
    Producer country/region: American language: English premiere: 2008, also known as: life seeking torture tools/death machines/Death Machines, with elegant design, clear functions and only one purpose, that is, to kill people. The instruments of torture were drawn from and inspired many great inventions in the world. They mechanized torture and terror, and explored the engineering of life threatening instruments together. It's a bit of the horror of The Saw Startles. List of episodes: Season 1: 1, Ancient Tools of Torture 2, Medieval Inventions 3, Modern Organs Season 2 Read on »

    Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-09) 9324 Browse 0 Comments twenty Likes

    Discover the Earth Season 1 Lonely Planet HD 720P ed2k and Baidu online disk download

     Discover the Earth Season 1 Lonely Planet HD 720P ed2k and Baidu online disk download
    Type: Documentary Producer Country/Region: Australian Language: English Premiere: 2009-11-09 Season: 1 Episode: 13 Episode Length: 47 Also known as: Endless Charm of Lonely Planet The author team of the Lonely Planet Guide is determined to take a road to explore 13 countries, experience new things and meet new people through a tortuous road. The destination is unparalleled, but the contact information may just appear in the travel radar. It is written through the channel of National Geographic magazine. ed2k…… Read on »

    Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-06) 9996 Browse 0 Comments one Likes

    Discovery Gossip Terminator Season 1 MythBusters Season 1 Full 11 Episodes ed2k and Baidu Online Disk Download

     Discovery Gossip Terminator Season 1 MythBusters Season 1 Full 11 Episodes ed2k and Baidu Online Disk Download
    Type: Comedy/Suspense/Documentary Producer Country/Region: American Language: English Premiere: 2003-01-23 (United States) Season: Episode: 11 Episode Length: 44 Minutes Also known as: Rumor Terminator Comments from netizens: Natural Oil Great 2009-07-03 20:10:10 MythBusters is a very personalized program on Discovery Channel, The staff of the column group collects all kinds of information from mainstream and non mainstream Read on »

    Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-06) 12171 Browse 0 Comments one Likes

    Discovery Dinosaurs Roamed America HD 720P ed2k Download

     Discovery Dinosaurs Roamed America HD 720P ed2k Download
    Type: Animation/Documentary Producer Country/Region: American Language: English Film Length: 91 Mins Dinosaur, which has disappeared from the earth for a long time, but has never been forgotten by people, is still the most worthy animal group for people to continue to explore. Dinosaurs used to be the most peculiar animals on the earth. They are huge in number and have roamed for an astonishing 160 million years. This film will lead us to a wonderful journey of time and return to the world of dinosaurs, which is still a primitive jungle. Discovery Channel will take you Read on »

    Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-04) 7297 Browse 0 Comments three Likes

    Discovery Channel: Big Bang

     Discovery Channel: Big Bang
    Type: Documentary/Adventure Producer Country/Region: American Language: English Release Date: 2008 Length: 45 minutes The Big Bang of the Naked Science series on Discovery Channel. Through interviews with Professor Lawrence Klaus of Case Western Reserve University, Dr. Calais Daoxiong, the author of "Physics of the Impossible", David Sberg, a scientist of NASA, Dr. Tara Sears of Liverpool University, Dr. David Evans of Birmingham University, and others, Yu Read on »

    Documentary Home Nine years ago (July 31, 2015) 9660 Browse 0 Comments eight Likes

    Discovery Channel: Learn about the universe with Hawking online watching and HD 720P ed2k download

     Discovery Channel: Learn about the universe with Hawking online watching and HD 720P ed2k download
    Type: Documentary Producer Country/Region: American Language: English Premiere: 2010-04-25 Episodes: 3 Episodes Length: 44 minutes The documentary Understanding the Universe with Hawking took more than 3 years to produce, during which Hawking insisted on making substantial changes to the script for many times. John Smithson, executive producer of Discovery, said that he hopes to produce a program that can both entertain the public and the scientific community. Understanding the Universe with Hawking, translated into In Read on »

    Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-07-30) 7623 Browse 0 Comments zero Likes