The West Wing Season 1-7 154 episodes HD 720P external Chinese subtitles 360 cloud disk download

    Classic American Drama Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-24) 18704 views 0 comments

     The West Wing Season 1-7 154 episodes HD 720P external Chinese subtitles 360 cloud disk download picture No.1
    Starring: Martin Sing/Alison Jenny/Bradley Whitford/Richard Schiff/John Spencer
    Type: plot
    Production country/region: America
    Language: English
    First broadcast: September 22, 1999
    Seasons: 1-7
    Episodes: 22 episodes per season, 154 episodes in total
    Single episode length: 42 minutes/60 minutes (including commercials)

    Also known as: White House heroes

    The play has a compact rhythm and rigorous plot, and was created and premiered by the famous Hollywood writer Alan Sorkin in 1999. After the broadcast, the praise was overwhelming. From 1999 to 2007, the series won 177 nominations and 91 awards, including two Golden Globe Awards and other important American television and film awards.

    Introduction to the first season of the White House:

    The Democratic leader Butler (Martin Sheen) wins the U.S. presidential election and becomes the new president of the United States. When Butler's term of office began, his campaign team began their political career in the White House. The experienced and experienced chief of staff Leo (John Spencer), as the closest senior staff to the President, is responsible for providing the most critical political advice to President Butler. The extremely intelligent deputy chief of staff Josie (Bradley Whitford) is Leo's second in command. The media PR CJ (Alison Jeanne Allison Janney), who once dominated Beverly Hills, brought her calm and venomous tongue to President Butler's press release room. Toby (Richard Schiff) and Sam (Rob Lowe) are responsible for the president's speech. Political newcomer Donna (Jane Moloney) and black boy Charlie (Dule Hill) also begin their political career in the struggle. In the political events based on real historical events, President Butler and everyone in his team experienced unprecedented baptism in their first year of office, and experienced the unique transformation in life in the ultra intensive work.

    Comments from Douban:

    The White House elite wrote the story of the US presidential staff. Because I don't know the actual operation of American politics, this TV play serves as my material for studying American politics.

    In fact, when others recommended this TV play to me, it was mainly used as English learning materials. As a result, I found that due to a large number of news words and political words, as well as the speed of speech and debate of political figures, I could not understand this TV play without subtitles. Although the goal of learning English was not achieved, the plot and content attracted me.

    The main characters of the story include the President, the Chief of Staff and Deputy Director, the Director and Deputy Director of the Information Office, and the White House Press Spokesman. They work in the executive office on the west side of the White House. Therefore, its English name is The West Wing.

    In the first season, there were at least several supporting actors I was interested in, the vice president who advocated the Internet but failed, the president's black personal assistant, and the president's daughter who fell in love with the president's black assistant
     The West Wing Season 1-7 154 episodes HD 720P external Chinese subtitles 360 cloud disk download picture No.2
     The West Wing Season 1-7 154 episodes HD 720P external Chinese subtitles 360 cloud disk download picture No.3

    The subtitles are SRT external Chinese subtitles, which can be downloaded, unzipped and uploaded to the directory. When playing online, select the corresponding subtitles. You can also download all the movies and watch them. Not recommended unless your hard disk is large enough.

    Documentary Home (WWW.05JL. COM) collects and arranges The West Wing Season 1-7 154 episodes HD 720P external Chinese subtitles 360 cloud disk download , Thank you very much!
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