BBC documentary: Brain Story 6 episodes HD 720P download

    BBC documentary Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-23) 17699 views 0 comments

     BBC documentary: Brain Story 6 episodes HD 720P download pictures
    Type: documentary
    Production country/region: UK
    Language: English
    First broadcast: 2000
    Number of episodes: 6
    Single episode length: 49 minutes

    Also known as brain wandering

    For many years, human beings have been seeking to understand the role of the mind. Now, with the advent of modern technology and the development of neuroscience, a new world of human brain research has begun, and understanding our minds has become practical. Susan Greenfiled, a top neuroscience professor, tried to answer the question "What is our mind? Who am I?" by talking with philosophers, general doctors, neurosurgeons and their patients; She also found that the balance of the brain is extremely delicate and complex. She will lead the audience to understand the brain and see what a complex and precise machine the brain is!

    Comments from Douban:

    _ 2012-11-26

    What impressed me most was the experiment: two people were told to take stimulants and two people took placebo. But the reality was that all four people used stimulants. But apparently the two people who thought they used placebo were more anxious and restless. Emotional perception was not only affected by drugs. The power of subconsciousness played a decisive role

    Introduction to the diversity catalog of the whole six episodes:

    01: Look in your head

    This episode tells the process of scientists gradually deconstructing the delicate and complex brain. First, it is a rough study of the impact of brain trauma; Later, during the brain surgery, when the patient is fully awake, directly stimulate specific areas of the brain!

    02: Emotional surge

    Where does emotion come from? Why do thoughts and feelings seem so far apart? In this episode, Susan Greenfield will talk about "emotion", introduce the theory that has always been based on brain division, and explain why she believes that "emotion" is only a biochemical phenomenon!

    03: Window of Thought

    Visual illusion; As long as you open your eyes, the scene in front of you will appear immediately. But the more you understand the visual system of the brain, the more you will know that this is not consistent with the fact. Whether the brain has added a lot to the vision of disaster relief, and whether the vision is just our dream of opening our eyes

    EP04: The First of All Things

    How does the brain make man the master of the earth? Where does human unique language ability come from? Does the human brain have a unique structure that all animals lack? Susan Greenfiled will explain why he thinks that human beings are no different from chimpanzees with large heads.

    05: Ideological training

    In this episode, we will take a look at the growth and change of the brain in the adult stages of infant growth. Susan Greenfiled will explain why learning, memory and even the formation of personal character are all due to the brain's tireless efforts to adapt to the environment

    06: The final mystery

    How does the brain produce "consciousness"? The brain makes us feel that people take it for granted, but there is a mystery behind it. Like other parts of the body, the brain has the same biological composition, but it can create an inexpressible wonderful feeling "consciousness"

    Documentary Home (WWW.05JL. COM) collects and arranges BBC documentary: Brain Story 6 episodes HD 720P download , Thank you very much!
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