BBC documentary set out for the deep sea Oceans full 8 episodes HD 720P Baidu Cloud download

    BBC documentary Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-20) 14590 views 0 comments

     BBC documentary set out for the deep sea Oceans full 8 episodes HD 720P Baidu Cloud download picture No.1
    Type: documentary
    Production country/region: UK
    Language: English
    First broadcast: November 12, 2008
    Number of episodes: 8

    Also known as: Ocean Exploration/Ocean

    The underwater world has attracted people to explore continuously for a long time, and the topic about the mystery of the seabed has always been unfailing. The British TV scientific expedition team spent nearly one year to explore this isolated zone in the unknown area of the seabed. In the whole scientific research process, scientists have explored nearly 1000 seabed depths in the oceans of seven major regions of the earth within the scope of the global oceans. They have recorded numerous incredible new discoveries. These discoveries are of great scientific significance. They not only fill the gaps in previous records of marine biology, Moreover, they can also open a new chapter in oceanographic research and point out a new research direction of marine biology.
     BBC documentary set out for the deep sea Oceans full 8 episodes HD 720P Baidu Cloud download picture No.2
    The scientific research team has a large lineup, led by the explorer Paul Rose (who was involved in filming BBC Voyages of Discovery), including environmental protection expert Philippe Cousteau (grandson of famous oceanographer and marine photographer Jacques Yves Cousteau) Dr. Lucy Blue, a marine archaeologist, Tooni Mahto, a marine biologist and biographer, and many professional training experts in marine diving.

    Paul Ross, the former base coach of the British Antarctic Expedition, once said: "It is regrettable that most of us know more about the secrets of Mars far away than we know about the oceans; Because of this, I decided to lead the whole team to conduct a year long field scientific investigation in many deep ocean areas. We plan to divide the whole shooting content into eight parts and broadcast it to the audience in the form of a TV series. The program will be presented on BBC2 at the moment. "
     BBC documentary set out for the deep sea Oceans full 8 episodes HD 720P Baidu Cloud download picture No.3
    The whole expedition took one year, experienced a total of eight expeditions of all sizes, and carried out hard records in seven different deep-sea environments. Oceanographic archaeologist Lucy Brow said: "We have explored the deep zones of different water environments to varying degrees day and night, and spent more than 700 hours in the depths of the seabed, and more than 1000 times of deep seabed observation and testing." Biobiographer Tuni Mato said: "Our goal is to deeply explore the marine phenomena that we have never heard before; constantly better understand the living environment and habits of these benthos and the living conditions among them, so that we can have a good understanding of the extraterritorial environment and the mysteries of these incomprehensible objective underwater world."

    Scientists generally believe that there are innumerable "high mountains" buried in the deep ocean. The height of these high mountains dwarfs the peaks in the Himalayas; The "waterfall" in the underwater world is also far larger than the Niagara Falls in Africa; The eruption frequency of volcanic craters deep in the sea floor is also much higher than that of any volcano eruption on the land surface of the world. From a certain point of view, the whole earth can be seen as a world wrapped by the ocean world, and this understanding is not exaggerated at all. However, even in such a vast ocean world, biologists will cheer whenever they discover a new marine life species, and people are also happy to get the latest information about the unknown deep sea. Although some of these new discoveries are natural in the eyes of scientists. In addition, there should be many caves and nicks in the deep sea, which also represent the development history of ancient civilization and the information forgotten by countless human beings; However, such information is rare in today's archaeological discoveries.
     BBC documentary set out for the deep sea Oceans full 8 episodes HD 720P Baidu Cloud download picture No.4
    Scientists said that in every exploration of the seabed, they can see countless strange biological types that have not been discovered and recorded by humans before, and the first thing they can do after seeing these life forms is to photograph them. They often work in extremely difficult environments, and they often have to face unknown and highly toxic creatures and all kinds of bacteria, which does not include all kinds of scary monsters with creepy shapes. At the same time, scientists were also surprised to find that various coral reefs at the bottom of the sea have made great contributions to the ecological balance system of marine organisms. As long as coral reefs can maintain the current state of development, the marine world will continue to prosper and the marine mystery of mankind will eventually be solved.
     BBC documentary set out for the deep sea Oceans full 8 episodes HD 720P Baidu Cloud download picture No.5
    This is a comprehensive documentary film focusing on biology, exploration, scientific research, environment and other topics. The whole series is divided into 8 episodes:

    Episode 1 The Sea of Cortez
    Episode 2 The Southern Ocean
    Episode 3 The Red Sea
    Episode 4 The Atlantic Ocean
    Episode 5 The Indian Ocean
    Episode 6 The Indian Ocean – coastal waters
    Episode 7 The Mediterranean Sea
    Episode 8 The Arctic Ocean

    Documentary Home (WWW.05JL. COM) collects and arranges BBC documentary set out for the deep sea Oceans full 8 episodes HD 720P Baidu Cloud download , Thank you very much!
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